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Everything posted by apuszczalowski

  1. Sure you can, but now the Pegulas will have to have staff on hand to man concession stands, security, ticket takers, janitorial staff, etc. There's a certain point where economically it doesn't make sense because the revenue brought in for a partially filled stadium isn't enough to cover the costs to staff the minimum staff they would need. Throw in the fact that the Pegulas are already hurting for money (have already asked the Sabres staff twice to take voluntary pay cuts and will be implementing an internal salary cap for the team) I doubt they are going to like the idea of losing additional money they don't have to
  2. Because groups throwing tantrums for not being able to drink in a parking lot and attend a sporting event is the same as racism and people being killed at the hands of police officers who's job was to simply arrest. I mean, the protests can wait because nothing is going to change and it will keep happening when the pandemic is over, they can all hold their protests then......
  3. When it's private property and they have warned people that they are not permitted on them it doesn't matter what other places are doing. Some places have decided not to take this seriously and some have taken it seriously that they can allow lesser restrictions. It's sad that it comes down to this because some people feel the rules only apply when they like them I couldnt imagine living such a sad life as an alcoholic that not being able to stand in a parking lot drinking heavily on a Sunday morning while people throw themselves through tables before a sporting event I can watch on tv would get me so upset I would be willing to risk being arrested or fined so I could be there.
  4. Probably not, but they may have purchased a bunch of extra books of tickets to hand out large fines for everyone. Guess the economy is in better shape then they say that people will have alot of extra cash laying around to throw away in fines.....
  5. The public pays for alot of things that still have rules and restrictions. They help pay for the roads but that doesn't mean you can drive as fast as you want or whatever way you want.
  6. That was pretty much because of Loria and wanting to own the Red Sox. After the strike where the Expos were one of the favorites for the WS, baseball in general took a hit and Loria started dismantling the team so they could be sold off. I believe he really wanted the Red Sox but when that fell through he got the expansion Marlins and left the Expos with MLB who did just enough to keep them afloat until they could relocate them to Washington. Since then there has been strong demand to get a team back and they have met most of MLBs demands to get one back except the new stadium. There were deals in place to start that once they get the ok from MLB that a teams coming back. MLB has also pretty much had an agreement with Montreal that they would be first in line for a chance at the next expansion franchise or relocation. For the last 4-5 years, the Jays have been helping them out and playing their last 2 preseason games there to showcase the support and they have shown well
  7. So at what point between season 2&3 does Kreese change things over to Koala Kai?
  8. That's what I was thinking. Maybe that was the selling point in his interview. AL "I still have the binders of info from when I was with the Bills" Spanos "Really? 3 ring or 5? Those will come in handy. Just throw out all the papers inside and you can use them for our stuff. This new stadium isn't cheap and neither are good binders!" Seriously though, I still have all my old books from college and binders of notes from my classes just in case I need to look back and figure something out I may have forgotten, they also fill out the bookcase nicely and make it look smarter then knick knacks and toys......
  9. I heard about that show, a former football coach with issues who goes to Europe and ends up coaching soccer. It was based off some commercials that were made for NBC I believe?
  10. I just finished watching it and thought it was pretty bad. All of the characters just seem to be annoying and the belief that anyone still remembers or cares about an under 18 Karate championship from over 30 years ago is stretching things. Then you have all of these karate fights breaking out with kids and adults fighting and no one is in trouble with the Law after them?
  11. I am in a 14 team league at work, ended up with the last pick in a snake draft. Took Singleterry with my First, Diggs was either the last of the 3rd or 1st of the 4th. I tried to get the Bills Defence cause I had them last year but lost out a few picks before me and ended up with Pittsburgh instead (Had the Bears as my backup but dropped them for the Titans last week). I was going to grab Moss but he went a few picks before (happened to most of my intended picks) I have been debating getting bass as my backup kicker, right now I have Prater & Boswell I took a former Bill, Robert Woods when I took Diggs. I did break one of my rules and picked up Sony Michel of the Pats, dropped Hyde of the Seahawks last week for him. Usually I find it difficult to take Jets, Dolphins, or Pats players.
  12. Nah, I drove it myself for about 2-3 years while in college before giving it to my mom and sister to share and my sister eventually killed I believe.
  13. It's funny because people thought they would be smart and ditch cable for Netflix and streaming services. Then the networks got smart and started their own streaming services and started pulling their content from the others like Netflix, leaving those ones to have to rely on making original programming. With all of these service being created, your now required to have to subscribe to a bunch of them to see what you want and paying close to what it cost for cable before, or balance subscribing and unsubscribing every month the ones that have something you may want to see. The problem I have is that there are now some that offer different tiers to their service to get their premium shows or stuff as it airs. There's one here that you can get older and less popular shows from the premium networks (HBO, Showtime, etc.) For one cost, then have to pay double that for the next level to get their current and most popular shows.
  14. I would think if your not a season ticket holder, your not Gert ng a chance for tickets. If your a season ticket holder who took a refund you make get a chance at a game or 2 if lucky. If your a season ticket holder who took the credit, your getting first dibs but probably only for the amount season tickets you hold. If you have 4 seats, you will have a chance at 4 seats what will be deducted from your credit. I would also think they will be cracking down on resale and not allow it. If you can't attend the game, they will offer the tickets to the next in line.
  15. Why would that affect them signing the player though? Other teams have signed players from other teams to their PS This would only affect the player being able to join the team at the teams facility for Practice.
  16. He is also learning to play a sport he hasn't played before. Rugby may look like Football, but it isn't, there are differences. I'm sure if his agent knew there was serious interest in him getting more playing time somewhere else he would have signed somewhere else This is probably his best option to be a bit more successful in his attempt to make the NFL getting to ensure that he will get to continue the training the Bills are giving him without that getting disrupted and going somewhere else.
  17. I know, and once he clears waivers, he also had the chance to negotiate with any other team in the league to sign to their PS without the exemption if teams were really interested in using a regular PS spot on him.
  18. The Bills had to put him on waivers to sign him to the PS and use their special exemption, when placed on waivers, every single team in the league had a chance to claim him. A team could also sign him to their own PS (without the protection exemption) once he had cleared waivers if he really didn't want to go into the protected position spot on the Bills PS. He has 1 year of American Football experience.............
  19. thats what I thought. The Bills had to waive him and if he passes through, they can sign him to the PS and give him the international exemption. This was debated over and over last offseason when everyone thought he had to make the roster because teams would poach him if he wasn't because of his one run in the preseason. Also I believe only the Bills could get the international exemption for him and any other team claiming him on waivers would have to use a regualr PS spot for him oif they wanted to put him there.
  20. Wade has no experience playing American Football. He played Rugby and is looking to convert over. Other NFL teams have had the chance to sign him when the Bills release him to put him on the PS and no one has
  21. Could Kumerow & Slayton be added on the main roster and they are waiting to make a couple of moves to make them official? Guess not......
  22. Can they Punt FGs? if anyone knows the answer to this it would be BB
  23. Andrew Luck got drafted to a team that was almost constantly leading the division and had one bad year when they decided to 'tank' for him when Manning went down. I would hardly call that a crappy franchise. He didn't go to the Raiders, or Browns, or Jaguars. Rosen went to a mediocre Cardinals franchise and then to a Dolphins franchise that was also assumed to be 'tanking'. He hasn't had any stability during his NFL career. His first HC leaves and is replaced by a guy who wanted 'His Guy' right from the start without even giving him a chance. Going to Tampa might be a really good spot for him getting to learn from brady and getting back to coaches who are familiar with him where he won't be thrown in before he is ready.
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