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Everything posted by negativo

  1. Same people who defend EJ today were also apologists for Todd Collins, Rob Johnson, JP Losman, Trent Green, Ryan Fitzpatrick, etc. Arguments are futile. Better to just express opinions and move along than get bogged down in a circular game of "show me indisputable evidence to prove opinions formed by watching with your own two eyes."
  2. EJ ain't got it. He didn't have it at FSU, doesn't have it now, and never will have it. Watch him play. Tentative running, tentative throwing, tentative decision making, poor touch, poor accuracy...this is stuff that can't be taught. He's just a soft, tentative player with a soft, tentative personality with no leadership skills. If he made mistakes of aggression, threw some ill-advised passes into misread coverage, but was also creating some big plays and showing toughness I'd be more forgiving. This was a terrible mistake by Whaley. He liked the big body, big hands, and strong interview skills, but none of that crap really matters if the rest ain't there. EJ will be lucky to be holding a clipboard in the league 2 years from now.
  3. Nice start. I'm not prepared to say anything more yet.
  4. Spiller and Watkins on offense, Graham and Kyle Williams on defense.
  5. Another game where Graham was the best player in the secondary for either team. If this keeps up, the question isn't whether or not he deserves to start, but whether he should be an all-pro and/or team MVP.
  6. I never woulda thunk it preseason, but 3-0 is possible. Tough to fly across the country, and the Bills are going to be focused and aggressive. Fans will be out in force, too. Chargers might have a post-Seattle hangover, and not be super motivated for Buffalo despite the 2-0 start. I give us a 50/50 shot.
  7. Well, he didn't get us beat, and with EJ that's all I can ask. Bandwagon? No. There were some real inaccurate passes, and in the red zone he was awful. Still, like Dilfer with the Ravens, as long as he avoids turnovers, mixes in a TD pass, has a couple solid throws to get us into scoring range, then our defense, running game and special teams give us a chance to win on any given Sunday.
  8. Maybe the most painful loss of them all...next to Wide Right, or course. In fact, I'm still not over it.
  9. I don't live in Buffalo. I live in South Florida. My kids only know of Buffalo from the all-too-brief summer visits. Same with my wife. In some ways, that makes me sad. Buffalo's tough weather, tough economy and tragic sports history gives us a collective sense of having been to the front lines of life. You don't just live in Buffalo, you serve together in Buffalo. You have each other's back no matter what life throws at you. In Buffalo we go to bars, not clubs. We aren't aristocratic or snobby, and we aren't "foodies". We're down to earth. Tailgating is king because we live a life of it. We're always buying someone a beer or being bought a beer. We may get knocked down, get kicked while we're down, and get spit on after being kicked. But, then we get up, take one last swing just in case we connect, grab a beer or twelve, eat a pizza, or a sub, or wings, or beef on weck, or pirogi, or italian sausage, or Sahlens hot dogs, or all of the above, and keep fighting the good fight of life. That's why unless you've lived Buffalo you can't possibly understand what Buffalo is all about. We commiserate about our lot in life, but defend that lot to the death. My kids won't know that world, but, hopefully I bring enough of Buffalo with me to ensure they grow up to become real, authentic, genuinely nice people who stand up for what they believe in. I don't want to move back, but I do miss it and try to spread the Buffalo influence wherever I may roam.
  10. For better or for worse, 9/11 is slipping into history and out of present day consciousness. Had to remind friends of mine originally from NY that they were flying to NY on 9/11 so expect delays. They had completely forgotten when booking, and even when I reminded them dismissed it as nothing of concern. In many respects, Bieber stripping on a TV show has more impact on the consciousness of Americans than what happened on 9/11 13 years ago. I guess it's natural. Time marches on, even though the threats from the same enemy are still very real today. In a few more years, 9/11 will be remembered similarly to 12/7. Something for academics, military types, history buffs and older people to commemorate while the emotional impact on most Americans becomes negligible. Days like 12/7 and 9/11 may indeed live in infamy, but in reality they tend to fade as the generations directly impacted gray and whither away.
  11. Never forget. Never forget the bravery and heroism of NY fire rescue and police on that day. Never forget the 3,000 innocent lives that were lost to Islamic terrorism that day Never forget the way our country rallied together Never forget the resolve of the American people to overcome and rebuild Never forget our enemy then is the same one we face today: Jihad Islam Never forget: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrM0dAFsZ8k
  12. BTW, Ray Rice is hardly an anomaly. Ray McDonald is suiting up for John Harbaugh in San Fran despite being arrested on felony domestic violence. Bruises on his wife to prove it. Think they got there by accident? How about Jim Brown? The sacred, holy, greatest of all time who beat women as a hobby for years. Swept under the rug, of course. OJ beat the hell out of Nicole and other women for years before killing her and her date. Warren Moon, anybody? How about music industry wife beaters? Chris Brown, and before him Bobby Brown, not only escaped punishment, they became embraced by the bleeding heart feminists of the entertainment world and their empty-headed fans. How special. It's a ridiculous double, triple, quadruple standard. Ray Rice..it's about time a star was forced to pay the price, and only because of fan outrage from a video. Should have been done long, long ago.
  13. The hypocrisy of the NFL with their suddenly sanctimonious penalty and tone is not going on deaf ears. We aren't stupid. Clearly, they tried to sneak this under the mat from the beginning and miscalculated. Badly. Even before the full video was released, public outrage had Goodell backpedaling. Now, Roger is in a full panic run with his pants down, desperately trying to protect NFL branding and advertising dollars. What the video changed was really nothing. Nobody thought she fainted or was KO'd by accident. Everyone knew he knocked her out from the start. He admitted as much. The slap on the wrist 2-game suspension was given KNOWING that fact. The video only made it a game changer by bringing full public awareness. The Ravens and the league caved to bad PR, and everyone knows it. Meanwhile, the league deserves what they get for this. Insane policies of suspending players indefinitely for marijuana or ADD medication while allowing brain damaging head-shots and criminal domestic violence go with just a wink/nod needed to be taken to task. A shame the public has to drive commonsense policies that the commissioner of a trillion dollar league apparently doesn't possess.
  14. Tempted to predict a Bills blowout, but I'll say Bills win 17-16. Dramatic ending. Fans storm the field. No way do the Bills lose at home with the tidal wave of love, emotion and intensity that will be permeating the stadium. Tempted to fly up from Florida for this one, but with all the vacation time and $$ we've already burned this year I'd need a good divorce attorney when I returned. Still, it's tempting...
  15. Pompous Toronto Star douche reacts with nasty, personal attack against Buffalo. --------------------------------------------------------------
  16. I have been periodically choking up all day. Even though all signs pointed to the Pegula deal happening, I've been scarred by Buffalo disappointment for so long that I'm ingrained with the "anything that can go wrong, will go wrong", mentality. Now that it actually went right, I keep tearing up like a little kid.
  17. Expect more patience than you might expect. Russ Brandon may be the most likely casualty, as at the top Pegula has his own team. With the Sabres acquisition, Peg said goodbye to Larry Quinn but kept the hockey people in place for at least a year longer than fans wanted. If form holds true, don't expect a lot of football people to be sent packing from Whaley down for at least another year, maybe two, regardless of the on-field performance.
  18. Good point. Today is a day that will live in history. A day to always be celebrated. A glorious day when the war was finally over, and we could return to our loved ones as Bills fans without asterisks or clauses. When we could let our hearts run free without fear they'll be stomped on. Today is the wedding day, when fans were at last married after a seemingly endless and rocky engagement to their beloved teams - and not left at the alter for a wealthier, sexier suitor from another city as we all worried may happen in the back of our minds. Today we celebrate. A drunken, tearful, arm-in-arm celebration for a lifetime.
  19. Today is a day that will live in infamy. Tears of joy knowing the Bills and Sabres will forever remain in Buffalo.
  20. If reports are true, and the cryptic exclamation point tweets from T-Peg's daughter seem to add confirmation that they are, than this is the best possible scenario: An owner with deep pockets committed to the city and both its franchises. It also means T-Peg is likely to add on to the Harbor Ctr a top dollar NFL stadium to complete the downtown waterfront transformation, and make the games more accessible from the surrounding Rochester and Canadian fan bases. There may be some darkness before the dawn on the field as things settle in, as happened with the Sabres, but make no mistake...this is going to become a championship city with a nice economic rebirth. Cheers to the confirmation of these rumors coming soon.
  21. Corey Graham tops the list for me. He was huge.
  22. The best part of the big win over the Bears was the fight the Bills showed when momentum shifted back to Chicago in the 3rd quarter. In the past, blowing a lead like that on the road to a heavily favored team would have led to a meltdown. That "here we go again" body language followed by panic and, eventually, quit. Not this time. As if channeling Jim Kelly's will to win, the Bills faced adversity from all sides, including the refs, injuries, hostile crowd, and the Bears high octane passing attack. Despite all that, the underdog Bills showed no quit. When things looked there worst they made plays. They fought. The coach fought, the players fought, and, in the end, the team that wanted it most was Buffalo. We earned that win. Bad calls? No problem. Bad injuries? Our subs stepped up and played their hearts out. In fact, I'd say Corey Graham was the player of the game. His INT was huge, and the late shut-down corner work when Cutler was testing him gave the Bills a chance to win. In doing so, he may have also earned himself the starting job. Congrats Bills. That win was Kelly tough, and I'm sure Jim was a proud papa watching that game.
  23. Some might say it's wordplay for emphasis. Not that I'd know of such things.
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