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Taro T

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Everything posted by Taro T

  1. Hadn't seen reports that Milan is seeing a 2nd spike. Southern Italy was pretty much virus free when Milan was getting pummeled the 1st time. So not surprised cases are increasing overall in Italy. Would be surprised to see Milan hit again or anything close to the cluster #### they had in March. That would make sense. If they didn't actually get to whatever that threshold (hopefully only ~20%) for herd immunity is before everything shut down then they'll likely get more cases until they reach the magic number. Hoping that's the case, because if herd immunity really comes in at 20% or so of a population being exposed, this won't be nearly as bad as feared moving forward, vaccine or no vaccine.
  2. @Magox was wondering what your thoughts are on Madrid seeming to be having a 2nd spike. Did not expect that to occur (thought they'd been hit hard enough in their 1st go around to have reached the herd immunity threshold) but you've been looking at this far closer than yours truly. What seems to be missing here (or, more accurately, there)?
  3. Thanks for the info. Clicking the thread, it appears that the guy that got shot had surgery & is still alive.
  4. Umm, if we ever get annual deaths from heart disease down or cancer to under 200,000 we should be holding a giant celebration. More than 3 times that die each year from each cause.
  5. Just another Democrat displaying once again their deep heartfelt belief that there should only be one standard of justice for all Americans.
  6. Cuomo's been calling it the European virus for months.
  7. Sadly, yes, he does. And he ends up his own worst enemy oft times because of it.
  8. Doesn't the Red Queen usually also wear a crown? And thought she carried a scimitar rather than a couple of taco salads. Un-be-friggin'-lievable.
  9. In home daycares aren't illegal in NYS (at least they weren't quite recently and haven't heard of any change) but the # of children they can take in is severely limited.
  10. Excellent questions and brings up a plausible reason why they chose this particular charge to get him to plead guilty to. Going after bigger fish all across the intelligence community & the SCO. That's the hope anyway. But not necessarily the expectation.
  11. Interesting. The NYT has gone from "there was no Chinese coverup" to "there was a Chinese cover-up but Xi knew NOTHING about it."
  12. Apparently he's testifying that he was convinced (for some reason undisclosed) that Page wasn't a CIA asset even though the CIA explicitly said Page was an asset. And clearly, rather than get clarification from the CIA on whether they REALLY meant that he wasn't an asset, he took it upon himself to "fix" the erroneous CIA sourced e-mail. Basically, his claim is that he was certain at the time that he had a better understanding of the situation than the people that actually had 1st hand knowledge. It stretches credulity to the max, but considering we see that sort of behavior pretty much daily from those with TDS, maybe there's something to his contention that he is one of the most arrogant people in Washington, which is saying a lot. A thing that will hopefully get pursued further was Weissmann's recent tweets from the last day or 2 implying that Clinesmith passed BOTH copies of the CIA memo through the FBI prior to sending it off to the FISA judge for renewal of the warrant. If so, somebody else in the food chain definitely knew Clinesmith faked the memo and (presumably) perjured himself. Would be very nice to find out at least 1 of those people was Weissmann.
  13. Who'd've thunk 4 years ago that the 9th could ever be considered in some matters as more conservative than the SC?
  14. No, it's the 6th article below the 3rd columns headline article. Nope, no burying of that one at all.
  15. Absolutely. The comment about people dying a few months sooner than they'd've unfortunately have been expected to pass on was referring to the tens of thousands of nursing home residents passing away and not people that were far younger and in better health. No doubt this horrible virus that China could've done far more to prevent the initial spread worldwide has taken way too many lives way too early. But as you correctly state, only a fraction of the excessive deaths will be due to this virus that prompted the lock downs. (Won't even hazard a guess at the %age but fully expect it is significantly lower than the media leads us to believe.)
  16. That's a reasonable expectation. But am guessing though that overall the reductions won't fully balance out as due to both people putting off procedures and Dr's visits & increased stress from the uncertainty this year has created that we'll see preventable deaths from causes like heart attack, stroke, suicide, etc. increasing over the expected baseline which will end up offsetting the people that would've been expected to die in the fall that lost a few months of life due to the novel virus.
  17. Fact check: Harris called Biden a racist. False. She merely pointed out that he celebrated and supported them (for decades). TOTALLY different. /sarcasm
  18. Always interesting seeing people that have hated Republicans for years claim that the current Republican President is "destroying" the Republican party. If he really is, they should just sit back and enjoy watching somebody they hate turn the reins over to their guys & gals.
  19. By the time '16 rolled around couldn't see any way to EVER vote for Clinton. Also, couldn't see any way to vote for Trump as his personality which had been on the national stage since the '80's was waaaay too narcissistic for my liking and his way of speaking and his multiple bankruptcies made me convinced he'd be awful as well. Went independent write in. Haven't locked in a vote for 45 yet but am leaning heavily that way. After him showing in his 1st year he was far better than I'd feared said that provided the economy was good & we weren't in any new wars would vote for him. Prior to the black swan that is COVID, the economy was going good. We also seem to be headed in the right direction, but it's hard to say for sure because it is so easy for places to get reclosed. So, he gets a penciled in check on that front. 3 more months 9f no new wars and he checks that other criterion as well. Can't vote for someone that probably doesn't fully realize he's running for president. If nothing significant changes will be voting for 45. If something does change for the worse would go independent again.
  20. How will Abrams possibly juggle the responsibilities of not being the Georgia Governor with those of not being the Democrat's VP nominee? And what is the response to all the ads you just know 45 will run showing Harris calling Biden a racist?
  21. So, now the FBI & other federal officers are welcome in Chicago? Glad to see that she's finally getting her head out of her bippy. But how could she not see how her earlier actions (or more accurately inactions) wouldn't lead to this? And not sure why she's been ok with neighborhood rioting but downtown rioting is a bridge too far?
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