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Everything posted by Doc

  1. To be fair, he doesn't remember saying that.
  2. Why put your STs and defense through more reps and chance for injury, though? You wind the clock down to 2 seconds and kick what should be an automatic field goal, game over. And they cleared the field for Bass. What more could you ask for?
  3. LOL! Have you seen the "Devin Singletary not scoring a TD with 34 seconds left" thread at 19 pages?
  4. Or he hates the Chefs. Not sure why they're mad, they should easily handle the Cheaters.
  5. So...a late Friday before a holiday news dump? LOL! How fitting. It's what we've known all along. I wonder what else we'll find when the J6 committee committee has their chance?
  6. Diggs realizes it. There was an interview he did a few weeks back and the interviewer said he thought Diggs was a Pro Bowler before arriving in Buffalo and he said nope. Then he started talking about Josh and it seemed like he was getting choked up.
  7. Has he, say, ripped off his shirt midgame and then called a cab? No?
  8. I've never seen more Sunday (and Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday) Morning Quarterbacking over a play that worked perfectly.
  9. Not assumption, what they've been fed by their masters. Who realize that most of them don't know how the government works.
  10. Interesting. You'd think a Satan worshipper wouldn't GAF about shopping carts. Or people.
  11. I wonder if Jim Clyburn was the one that forced her on him? Considering Joke had to kowtow to him to get the CBC to endorse him.
  12. What's worse? Trump's tax returns showing he paid little or Barry's college records showing his average grades and claiming he was born in Kenya?
  13. Yup, exactly what I knew it would show. And then it would have been like Romney and all the kvetching over following what's allowed under tax law.
  14. You'd think they'd flag, say, the Ayatollah's account when he said death to Israel. But that's just me.
  15. Does Joke report the 10% he gets from idiot boy's corrupt dealings?
  16. It's the same tired "racist" playbook they always resort to because they have nothing else.
  17. It was easier than typing out "has dead parts of his brain" everytime. And I've said this before but I'm not a Republican, much less a hack. I was a Democrat who saw how looney and inflexible the left was becoming and became unaffiliated. But there are no moderate candidates with any shot of winning so I go with the party that more aligns with my beliefs.
  18. Also looking at that video, it seems like they got rid of the infill (pellets).
  19. Looks like the fans were stupid enough to throw snowballs at their own players.
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