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Everything posted by Doc

  1. And then he made some stupid comment about how Zeldin was basically saying that Hochul herself was handing out Billy clubs to people in the subway. No, you rapist idiot, they don’t even need that stuff.
  2. Should’ve had him in a “break glass in case of emergency” box.
  3. A lot of Jews been assaulted since Trump said nothing wrong? No. Shocker.
  4. Yes don’t worry. When the Rs retake both Houses democracy will not only not die, but be even stronger.
  5. The only change is Elon buying Twitter. Malone has a small say in anything CNN does.
  6. Sounds about as plausible as overthrowing the government without any weapons. No wonder those simps believe it.
  7. Twitter was supposed to be the playground for the left. Elon took their sandbox away.
  8. Biden 3rd? LOL! Can I make a bet on him not even running again?
  9. The question a real press would be asking.
  10. There should be a “We think we got him this time but we’ll be bitterly disappointed yet again because we’re simps” thread.
  11. Wait, what’s inflation? Never heard that word before…
  12. Obviously. And I love that he keeps quoting the “Watergate” thing…considering it was me mocking them.
  13. No. They hear the Dem talking points and don't bother to get the real story.
  14. The more logical conclusion is they took their time gathering and verifying the information (considering the report came out a week later) but after airing it got major push back from Nan and they had to take it down.
  15. Except I'm not the one making a hypocrite of himself.
  16. Riiiiiiight. This is why you guys can't be taken seriously.
  17. The House is definitely going R. The Senate probably will as well but without a supermajority they won’t be able to pass whatever they want much less be able to override a Joke veto.
  18. He needs a padded room. Totally psycho.
  19. Never mind that the Dems' about-face on "defunding the police" has long-lasting terrible consequences that "refunding" them won't help, like the depleting workforce. Who wants to be a LEO in this day and age? Or crime happens to them.
  20. Unemployment was low under Trump. Didn't make a difference in the mid-terms.
  21. Yup, that's why their talk of election denial needs/deserves to be ignored.
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