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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Anyone still think Trump is going down? Besides Tibs that is.
  2. No. It's just that they take the opposite of whatever the Repubs support.
  3. Not it's not sparky. The Dems won't want to risk the same thing happening to Joke because they know "well, he returned them" isn't a valid defense for having had them for 7 years, moving them twice (meaning they knew they had them) and keeping them in an insecure location. So they'll come to an agreement that the materials Trump had were finally returned and all is good. Sorry, you don't got him (again).
  4. They will. And they'll impeach him. The Senate won't convict so...
  5. That's not how it works, sparky. But like I said, if the Dems press-on with Trump, Joke's getting impeached fo sho.
  6. Just like we'll find out during Joke's impeachment proceedings what he had.
  7. The good thing is he's under contract for the 2023 season so no decision has to be made right now. I say draft his replacement this coming draft and see what happens with Davis in the 2023 season.
  8. In news that surprises no one... But great for Hines. It will be interesting to see if the Bills keep him next year.
  9. I'm sure they'll continue to contort themselves any way they can to defend Joke having classified info, but the "but but but Trump had more documents" isn't a valid excuse.
  10. Yup. And the funniest part is that they think that since he returned them, it lets Joke off the hook. Nope. He held them for several years, moved them several times and only returned them when someone finally realized they had them and that it would be a political problem given what is happening with Trump. But if they still want to charge Trump with the Espionage Act for it, fine. Just make sure you so the same for Joke. Otherwise Joke's getting impeached.
  11. Projection at its finest. Accuse the other of that which you have been doing.
  12. If they do, the Repubs will impeach Joke. It won't be worth it for them.
  13. Yeah, just learned they were moved twice (even once would have been bad enough). There goes the "they just learned about them!" claim. And he wasn't even President so he couldn't declassify them. And they held in an even less secure location than Mar-a-Lago. That and the fact that no one leaked the news anytime during the 6 days before the election. What a coincidink! There goes the last hope for a criminal conviction for Trump. Again I told y'all he wasn't going to jail over this. Sorry libs you (again) don't got him now.
  14. No, the left doesn't care to show the truth about the number of deaths because Joke won and it's inconvenient for him to have more deaths under his watch than Trump, who was totally responsible for Wuhan virus.
  15. They're scared. And rightfully so. Joke has stated his intention to run again. And if you think that won't be funny enough, just wait until he ditches Kammy...
  16. "Thank you for making it easier for our benefactors, the cartels, to send drugs and slaves to America!"
  17. Yeah but it was over civil rights. Even though Floyd took enough fentanyl to kill him on his own and Chauvin was arrested and the riots continued for months after.
  18. So because this was "discovered and reported" (days before the election yet not a single word about it to the public and after Mar-a-Lago was raided), it's different. Yeah, OK.
  19. This. And as I've been saying, the Dems did far more damage than Putin could ever have hoped to do himself.
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