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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Doc

    Matt Araiza

    Not surprising. No one really wants to admit they were wrong and usually won't do so unless/until their feet are held to the fire.
  2. I still think that giving DJ Fluker a look-see wouldn't be a bad idea.
  3. They were there to protest. At no time did Trump tell them to break into the Capitol and in fact said to "peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." It's why they'll never be able to "get him" over it and why the J6 commission was a joke.
  4. Yup, gonna be a lot of pissed off black people. But he did the right thing.
  5. Did Trump ever say to break into the Capitol? It's a simple question. Can you answer it?
  6. So...Trump is little different from Slick Willy, a Dem idol for decades. Good to know.
  7. Doc

    Matt Araiza

    The above, plus the witnesses saying she lied about her age and no videos with him present exonerate Araiza. At best her rape charges would be against the other men. However the videos of her having non-impaired and consensual sex with them severely damages her claim she was raped.
  8. Doc

    Matt Araiza

    She's trash. Lying to get a guy into serious legal trouble (at least with the statutory rape charge) is lowlife behavior. I don't care what anyone says.
  9. Doc

    Matt Araiza

    Huh? The point is that underage girls can look legal if they dress up. It's not a novel concept.
  10. Doc

    Matt Araiza

    Another article I linked a couple weeks ago said that Araiza's lawyer is seeking to unseal cell phone tracking data, ostensibly for Araiza as there is no need to track her whereabouts since the only thing that matters is what happened to her in the house, and he wouldn't be doing that if he didn't know Araiza had left the house previously. So technically you both are correct. I would still like to see it, but again the witness and Araiza not appearing in any of the videos while the other guys she named (plus more) were, leaves her with zero evidence against him. Meanwhile the evidence against the other guys couldn't even get a conviction.
  11. Doc

    Matt Araiza

    More like common sense. No one really believed she told people at the party she was 17, especially after the video came to light, so that meant statutory rape was off the table. And that made her claim that Araiza later participated in a gang rape, which was similarly unbelievable, worthless until proven otherwise. I suspected there was evidence he left via geolocation of his phone, which we found out about recently, but I never expected there to be video of it as well exonerating the other guys.
  12. Doc

    Matt Araiza

    Nothing we really didn't know all along. Except for there being videos.
  13. Doc

    Matt Araiza

    He was off the hook back in December. Now we know why.
  14. Doc

    Matt Araiza

    And no one would believe they were raped.
  15. Doc

    Matt Araiza

    Of course he is. His case has been blown to smithereens by witnesses and video. All he can do now it malign the witnesses and claim that Araiza not being in any of the numerous videos from that night (while other she named, and those she didn't, are) is just pure luck.
  16. Coaches still ultimately need the players. Look at Belicheat.
  17. Maclin missed 1/4 of the season in 2016, contributing only 536 yards and 2 TDs, played even worse in 2017 and was out of football soon thereafter. Charles' career was essentially over after 2014 as he couldn't stay healthy.
  18. Doc

    Matt Araiza

    We can definitively say that they had sex outside when she was 17 and he was 21. But since the DA didn't charge him with what appears to be statutory rape, there must have been evidence she told people she was 18 and it was consensual. We can also definitively say that none of the videos of her having sex with multiple men inside the house involved Araiza, therefore there is zero proof he was involved in what went on inside the house.
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