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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Zay obviously had some mental issues while in Buffalo. That hotel incident was out there.
  2. She is/they are in a fully insulated bubble. There's a lot of pathology associated with that, namely intense denial.
  3. On that previous topic. I can't pass up the rest of your inanity.
  4. LOL! "Duped." Russian collusion, the phone call, insurrection, bounties, being able to "shut down the virus." No duping going on there!
  5. It's the only way for them to justify how Hilly could have lost when she was assured of winning in a landslide, much less against the likes of Trump. Got to hand it to their perseverance in the face of no evidence of collusion or even Russia's very real interference having no effect.
  6. You guys really need to get new material. Or, more precisely, a new place to get your talking points.
  7. Goodbye moron. You're as stupid as the Dems want.
  8. Doc

    Matt Araiza

    That was horrible. It looked like he just saw the headline and was reading the rest on air in real time. The guy couldn't even say Araiza correctly and didn't know that in California being lied to about age is a valid defense for having sex with a minor.
  9. And given what we know about Hunter and the laptop, I can't see how anyone would still defend impeaching Trump over that phone call. Or turning a blind eye to the election interference that letter was. The Bidens should absolutely have been investigated before we turned over more money to a new, but possibly as corrupt as the old, regime.
  10. There is no evidence Russia's undisputed meddling in our elections has ever worked. It would make colluding with them dumb.
  11. I don't get people who think Biden is not corrupt and admire him. But that's what we're left with: the lesser of two evils.
  12. I keep answering your question but you don't want to accept it. For the last time: Having people assemble, even under allegedly false pretenses, is not a crime. And at no time did he advocate violence and in fact said to be peaceful and patriotic. But even if he had, according to Adam Kinzinger in reference to Ray Epps, even telling people to break into the Capitol isn't a crime.
  13. Maybe we can run Michelle against Melania?
  14. Right. And what were Russian collusion and all the impeachments about again?
  15. As an aside, I love how she keeps using my "[this will be] worse than Watergate, 9/11..." line without realizing I'm making fun of her/them all with it, because that's what they said about Russian collusion. But keep using it BSTime. I laugh everytime you do!
  16. True, by investigating Hilly's illegal server. Then they made him lose in 2020 by lying about Hunter's laptop.
  17. And Joke has been worse. There's a German term for that: verschlimmbessern. Making things worse by (seemingly) trying to make them better.
  18. People can protest whatever they want. Again he never told them, and in fact told them not, to be violent.
  19. The dumbasses repeatedly keep being told Russian collusion was bogus and they're like:
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