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Everything posted by smuvtalker

  1. Am I the only one who has a problem with this statement from Frazier?? I get it, Edmunds is playing hurt. But this isn't the first time that Frazier has said that this year, and now it's starting to not only get redundant, but it just comes off like he's making excuses for him. And he's "not overly concerned?? REALLY?? If the shoulder injury is causing his play to be so sub-par, why is he still out there?? Is a 50% Edmunds SOO much better than the next option? And while I definitely acknowledge that our depth at LB is non-existent right now, putting an injured Edmunds out there is way more of a liability than an asset for us. Look at how he's playing...he looks LOST. I have no doubt that that shoulder is causing hesitation and even a lack of confidence, but right now he's hurting us out there a whole heckuva lot more than helping us. I pray Beane is doing his due diligence and desperately seeking a LB (or three) to bring in, because Edmunds is hurting us right now. If it's that bad Frazier then please sit him and find us a stopgap until he's back to 100%(or close to it).
  2. God I miss Rusty Jones.... Naw but seriously though, I don't know if it's due to the Covid induced weird unpredictable season, or something else, but for the life of me I cannot remember a year when we had this many injuries...EVER. Between players who are actually injured and those out there still playing at less than 100%, we are LETHALLY thin, and I don't know if it's a good thing (it's still early, we still have our bye coming up, and a chance for our players to get healthy), or a bad thing (our schedule only gets tougher from here on out). All I know is I am scared to death. Every play I watch I hold my breath, because think about the KEY players out there playing with an injury: Allen, Brown, Edmunds, White, Johnson, Moss, Oliver, Dodson, Phillips, and more I'm sure I've missed.. Something has gotta give.
  3. I don't think I would go as far as to say that the coaching staff has no idea what they're doing, however, I agree with your statement that when it comes to big games, they seem to repeatedly end up looking outmatched. Thoroughly. Aside from last year's win over the Cowboys on Thanksgiving, I'm struggling to find a "big game", or "meaningful" one where McDermott bested his rival. I'm not a statistics guy, but for the life of me I'm having a hard time pulling one up. I'm still smarting from last night's poop-fest, so I can admit I'm still a bit more emotional than I am logical, but I feel comfortable saying that these past two losses are just as much on McDermott as they are on the players, if not more so. He did not have our boys ready to play last night.
  4. Holy crap, excellent, excellent post. I was particularly bothered by the fact that we let a rookie RB playing behind an offensive line minus TWO starters, to run absolutely roughshod on us. They made Edwards-Helaire look like the love child of Jim Brown and Barry Sanders. At one point the announcers stated that the rookie was averaging 8 YPC. That's not just unacceptable, that's unforgivable. To me. I still believe Singletary is a solid back, and capable of being the guy. The one good thing to come out of Knox's injury is that Kroft has started to step up and be a more reliable target for Allen. If Knox can get back healthy, he and Kroft will make a nice 1-2 punch at TE. Maybe then we can execute the way the Chiefs did last night...great post again.
  5. I have to say i agree with several of your points, but I highlighted the ones that stood out to me, and especially because you backed them up with facts. I didn't realize McDermott doesn't really many signature wins, but you gotta count last year's Thanksgiving ass-kicking we gave the Cowboys. But you bring up a great point about the fake snap count. In watching the last three games, I noticed Allen's hard count ALMOST drawing a few defensive players Offside, but never all the way. Peyton Manning's film session about Allen, one of the things he mentioned was the position of Josh's hands when he was actually snapping the ball was completely different from when he was trying to draw the defense Offside, and Allen even mentioned that himself. In my opinion, Manning is the greatest QB at drawing defenses Offside with his hard count. Josh has a great cadence, and a loud, hard enough voice that if he can consistently learn to keep his hands in the same position whether he's fake snapping or not, I believe he can be one of the greats at drawing defenses Offside too. That was a great point you brought up...
  6. This 100%. I wouldn't at all be shocked to find out McDermott sat a few players that probably could've well played vs Tennessee but he, along with 97% of the population thought we would cruise past Tennessee with an easy W....Let me say I have no clue as to the extent of any of our players injuries, I was simply speculating. If they're healthy enough to go suit up. We need all hands on deck. I do think we'll win this, but no sense at all in sitting someone because its a game we THINK should be a W. "It's hard to win in the NFL."
  7. Gotta say I agree with you in that the Bills have at times played down to the level of their competition. Under McDermott I would say not so much, but yesterday's loss has stolen quite a bit of my confidence in this team away. I am and have always been a glass half-full guy, and I was one who predicted the Bills would smoke the Titans, and then comfortably beat the Chiefs. This crow doesn't taste good at all, mainly because of how we were beaten. Hardly anyone thought we would lose to the Titans, yet they not only beat us, they destroyed us. And then yesterday, a day that I thought the D would be angry, have some pride and come out fired up, they let a rookie RB, playing without TWO STARTERS on the offensive line, rush for 671 yards. And while you could make the argument that the D held Mahomes (relatively) in check, he didn’t need to sling it when they were at one point in the night averaging 8 YPC...8 YARDS PER CARRY?? ARE YOU ******* KIDDING ME?? Please forgive the yelling and cursing.. We don't remotely deserve to be 12.5 point favorites. As bad as the Jets have been, this game by no means feels to me like a money-in-the-bank type W. And to be honest, I don't like the fact we might be facing Flacco. We've been famous in the past for making players who were way past their prime suddenly look like new, refreshed players. I'm praying that I'm wrong on all counts. I do expect us to win this game. But I don't know which team is going to show up.
  8. Gotta think at some point in the (very) near future McDermott takes control of the defensive play calling from Frazier...
  9. Yeah this is the most competitive AFC I've seen in a long while....I was just looking at the standings. This is one interesting year to say the least. Damn it feels good to have a 2 game lead in the DIVISION...
  10. I don't think so my friend. Aside from Tuesday's stinker, the Bills usually show up for prime time games, especially under McDermott, and ESPECIALLY Josh Allen. He lives for these games and he thrives in the spotlight. There may not be a crowd, but this is STILL a Monday night HOME game. Not only that, Buffalo will still have the nasty taste in their mouth from Tennessee. The D has been getting shredded in the press, and I bet a fire has been lit under their a$$es. How can it not?? They WILL show up. KC has one helluva offense, no denying that, but they're not unstoppable. And no way Allen comes out and plays like he did Tuesday. He'll be ready. Have faith my friend. You're gonna see a completely different team than the one you did Tuesday night. I have the Bills winning this one.
  11. I just threw up in my mouth reading that... Dear God I do not want to see him in any more super bowls. He had his fun. I just want him to ride off into the sunset and go away.
  12. Gotta go with this. Hoping we don't need any tiebreakers come the end of the regular season, but isn't one of them strength of common opponents?
  13. Agree 100%. I don't know if I'm alone on this, but I was pretty happy about the Klein signing...I really thought he would come in and contribute right away, like at least a 2 down linebacker, but he has been pretty terrible, to put it nicely. One of the (very)few swing and misses by Beane. Here's to hoping Beane wheels and deals and brings in a LB before the trade deadline, or FA next year, AND Edmunds and Milano heal up and get back to their old ways....
  14. Feels mighty good my friend, mighty good. I honestly don't know exactly HOW I feel, this is such new emotional territory for me. I just know it feels good 😊
  15. Normally, I'd say don't count your chickens before they hatch, never underestimate a team, division games are always tough no matter what the records are, but.... These aren't our father's Bills, and these Jets are just plain dookie. I wouldn't be surprised if Josh drops a 50 burger on em...
  16. You make a good point. Amidst my anger and frustration, I didn't even think about how Tennessee played. They played a solid game, Tannehill played smart, mostly error-free football. Plain and simple, they beat our ass. I do think however, you take away Allen's first int AND the majority of the stupid, stupid, stupid penalties we incurred and we're looking at a completely different ballgame and (maybe) outcome. I don't want to be cliche and say, "they didn't beat us, we beat ourselves", but...
  17. The SB loss to the Giants by far hurts the worst, but for me, the 2nd worse is the 89 playoff loss to the Browns, where Ronnie Harmon dropped the sure TD in the EZ, then a play or two later, Kelly throws the pick to Matthews....that sh*t still bothers me to this day.
  18. Spot on on so many points. I personally underestimated how much the loss of Brown last night would impact the offense, and it did in the worst way. While Allen and Diggs clearly are developing a great chemistry, Allen already had that with Brown. And it became clear early on that without Brown in the lineup, he was going to lean extra heavily on Diggs. Thank God Diggs rose to the occasion, but the Titans were able to focus mainly on Diggs as Allen's primary target, so the catches Diggs made, while they were great, they were mostly harmless. They made sure to keep him in front of them. Even with Davis and Beasley contributing, it was too apparent Brown wasn't out there. I also agree with you on Edmunds, he does NOT seem to be playing with any confidence. I'd love to give him the benefit of the doubt and say it's his shoulder that's still holding him back, but week after week it seems to be the same song with him... Last night's loss has me hurting, I can't lie. I'm praying McDermott and Allen have an angry fire burning inside of them, and Monday night we come out swinging, and (hopefully) firing on all cylinders. We are banged up beyond measure, but as you pointed out, yesterday's beatdown was more about us playing sloppily as I've seen us play in AGES. As much as I hate to say it, we deserved to lose yesterday. Here's to quickly putting it behind us, getting a little healthier, cleaning up some simple issues, and being ready to roll Monday night. Lucky for us, Josh lives for these type games, and I just don't see him playing like he did last night two PRIMETIME games in a row.
  19. My mistake guys, I had the TV on mute. The fat lady is singin her asss off....smh. Very undisciplined effort today....I'm thoroughly disappointed...
  20. My mind agrees with you....buuuuttt..my heart won't allow it to sink in just yet... Stranger things have happened..
  21. It ain't over fellas....if we can go down and get 7(or 8 ) on this drive, it can be done...i don't hear any fat ladies warming up just yet....
  22. Yeah that's not bad at all considering how effing terrible it looked.... I know they've made alot of advancements in modern medicine nowadays, what is the recovery period for a torn ACL nowadays?? If I recall correctly, it used to be almost a year or so, if someone tore their ACL during the season, it was almost a foregone conclusion that they wouldn't even be ready for week 1 of the following year... 🤮🤮🤮
  23. As I typed it, I couldn't help but think to myself damn this is a straight rainbows, lollipops and sunshine type prediction...but my heart did the typing, not my mind....but that's what popped out, so I'm sticking to it!! 🙂 (It could very well happen though!)
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