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Everything posted by Spiderweb

  1. From what I've seen of him this year, he's playing about the same he did for us, with the exception that he actually held onto a couple picks....Still a solid corner, better tackler than cover guy. He's worth a bunch of $$ too, but maybe only half of what Minny paid him IMHO.
  2. Actually we didn't run the ball all that well last year. Not at all. We finished well down the list for total rushing yards, and those we got, many came from T Henry when we were trailing (we trailed consistently last year). Meaning, opposing defenses were frequently playing pass when we did run. Not trying to take anything away from TH, but he benefited personally (stat) wise with our Bills trailing week in an week out, yet his average was only 4.1 yards per carry. I'd love to see what McGahee can do when its not obvious to the whole world that he's getting the rock.
  3. Looked liked a bit of the old Chris Watson saga
  4. At least McGahee, there doesn't seem to be anywhere near the fear that he'll put the ball on the carpet... I do agree that we need to not "overuse" McGahee. 37 carries ias about 7-12 too many in my book. It's just hard not to go to a guy who has the potential for a big gain any time he touches the ball. He sure looks like he's on the verge of a long score at any time now....
  5. Last word I heard was that all x-rays taken were negaitive...now we wait and see the rest...
  6. Kelsay's best game as a pro, hands down. Pretty solid all around....
  7. Love the man's return ability but his CB play has me praying for Vincent's return next week. But if I recall, that was his knock coming out of college as well. Sure seems to handle the nickle better than the starting CB.
  8. Would have been nice to see a few more holes for McGaheee to run thru though. Solid pass protection save a couple bliztes and Drew "Fleet of foot" Bledsoe escaped them nicely. Still would like to see tougher run blocking.... Gameday grade - B
  9. So you now decide all on your own what laws you care to follow and which ones you don't, and you expect to not suffer in any way for it? You're more that a little bit off in your logic.
  10. Schobel did "show up" against Ogden, a pretty fair LT is most peoples books last I checked, but one correction is needed, they DO keeps stats on pressures. What made Bruce Smith so impressive wasn't always his raw sack numbers (although they are impressive), but also the huge number of pressures he was credited with as well. For example, in 1996 he had 13.5 sacks and 54 QB pressures (Bills 1997 Media Guide).
  11. Not sure, but I'll bet he's leading the league is "drop" percentage, in the neighborhood or 65% (seems to drop more than he catches anyway). Aiken is big but simply hasn't shown any hands during game time. Must be a great "practice" player for him to still be around.
  12. Kelso's Helmet, the self pro-claimed expert at TSW, laid a huge egg today. Go Bills !!!
  13. I will be watching from Dayton, Oh (Sunday Ticket). May drop in the chat room.
  14. Here's Heather Graham's contribution: Oh Heather.....
  15. Your a kind and generous person, but what "billsfanone" BF was his out right refusal to give respect to anyone else's teams in his posts. He has since (to the Red Sox) but, it was too late to help him much.
  16. Not to support Bledsoe any more than to say that he has accepted blame for the miserable offensive performances week after week after week, and many were not his fault. If anything, he's been the good soldier. I believe what we see now is utter frustration coming from him. What does everyone here think? Is it that only we, the fans, are frustrated? I can only hope for our sake that JP will be a good one, but what has he proved yet? Care to review the list on QB's who were high draft choices that have failed miserably? Here's a few....Heath Schuler, Akili Smith, Rick Mirer, Todd Blacklege, Andre Ware, David Klingler, Ryan Leaf, Browning Nagle, etc.... Let Bledsoe blow off steam for crying out loud. Any one recall Kelly calling out Ballard after he took that huge blind side hit when Ballard firt replaced Devlin (who Kelly supported)? Give it a rest and let's hope JP can take our QB play to a higher level given time. Fez - be careful with that logic, these guys (and gals) want blood....
  17. I wouldn't care if we get Curley, Larry, and Moe, just so long as they can get the job done. Wolford, Ritcher, Hull, Davis, Ballard....now that was an O-line....
  18. Exactly, Kelly, Thomas, B. Smith all had big mouths (especially early in their careers), but they all had the arses to cash the checks their mouths were issuing. If Willis can do the same, I'll be very happy. Enough of these quiet types, lets make some noise, show some confidence, and WIN SOME DARNED GAMES !!!!
  19. This is a team that can stand toe to toe with almost anyone (at least thru the 1st 6 games this year). Unfortunately, what we have is a collection of players that right now continue to find ways to lose games. Today it was catchable balls that weren't just dropped, they were tipped right to defenders for picks. We have a struggling QB who still forces throws in key moments that have hurt us. We have horrible FS (Izell) that hasn't a clue and looks like he's afraid of contact, can't play in coverage, and gets beat in key moments every game he's in. Posey, where is he? The only time I see him is when he's getting stonewalled by the oppositions RT. And as we all know, we haven't seen good offensive line play since the early 90's. We've tried to establish a ball control offense with a line that simply doesn't run block well enough to really be successful. Pass blocking has even been worse. I was aware that Travis Henry is a one dimensional back, and yet I supported him but his failures this year (slipping on a TD run when there was for him to score), trips when holes were there on key third downs, and ridiculously bad blitz pickups have soured me on him right now. McGahee gains yards after contact too and right now appears to be the better back. Time to give McGahee the rock and see what he can do. So far, he seems to have the potential still in him to be great. Moulds is still very good but seems to have suffered more concentration (drops) lapses than I remember him having in the past. Today, he had his hands on 12 points and didn't make either play. Also contributed to an INT that goes against Bledsoe, but was definitely his fault. Reed has been a disappointment to all of us to date. The kid just can't seem to get going. Baxter really owned him in coverage today with only a few exceptions. Evans is raw, very raw, but needs to be utilized a bit more, especially in space (between the 20's). Mike Williams struggles in pass protection (especially against the quicker DE & LB's) and with his size he's not been a dominating run blocker either. Remember Howard Ballard? His pass protection (although he got better) started out horribly, yet he was a road grader in his time with the Bills in the run game. What seems to be Mike's biggest problem is that he just doesn't seem to have much fire in his belly and his desire came into serious question during camp and the preseason this past summer. That's not a good sign. I have to hope he puts it together yet because he can and should dominate. Maybe ultimately it will be as a guard, but we need him to get going. Jonas Jennings? What can I say. Healthy, he's good, but I can't recall any O-Lineman for the Bills that struggles with nicks and bumps more than he. While I'm glad we picked up Price to back up the tackles, he shows me every time on the field why he's a backup. He played less than adequate today as well. Getting back to Jennings, he looks as if he's gone after this year anyway, unless the league looks at him as being too fragile as I do. Watching the Bills-Ravens highlites on the NFL channel right now and it's not good. Man, how I despise Bellick. Now it's Sanders, dag....this is bad. Here's Mularkey, depressing. Says JP is a month away. Drew sounds and looks finished. Sure miss his fire from the 1st half of 2002. As for Ryan Denny, I think he's plays far better than anyone here will give him credit for. He may not be a sack master, but plays tough. Kelsay seems outgunned to date. One good play and 4-5 where's he's dominated. I could rant on and on but it's late and time for bed. Frustrated and disappointed as I am, I'll be back next week rooting on the Bills against the Cards. It's a shame that after 6 games all we have left is to play for respectibility, but right now that's it. This is a team that will jell very soon or next year we're going see a lot of new faces and some that go might surprise more than a few of us. GO BILLS!!!!!
  20. Bledsoe stays, whether we like it or not for now, probably thru next year. Travis may be traded, but I'm not sure we'd get much more than a 3rd (possibly a second if we're lucky). Denny by and large has played better than Kelsay, and should not be cut nor should Kelsay, who shold be given another year. Then comes Izell Reese. Why he is on this team only shows how weak we are at FS. He flat out stinks, period. Give the Baker kid a shot, use PP to back him up and tell Izell "bye, bye" right now. Let Wire play ST and fight for a position next year. What that would be who knows since he's only shown that he simply is horrible in coverage. I like the kid, hate his play. As for the rest, get some sleep. They stay until someone can beat them out, that's the way it works. One thing for sure, I'd like to see Edwards get more playing time and while I've always liked Pat Williams he's only played one real solid game to me (Miami) and unless he takes a pay cut (FA my butt), he's done in Buffalo. Time to see what an Edwards, Anderson tandem can do as well.
  21. For my 2 cents, the screen/swing pass to McGahee (mis-direction play) looked bad right from the beginning. Within a half second after the snap, Bledsoe swung his head over to McGahee (telling the world what was coming), then threw a high ball that (after thorough review of the tape) McGahee leaped for but the ball went through his hands and was then tipped by the defender into the air. Those high throws always remind me of the Johnson high throw that effectively ended Thurman's career with Buffalo. That was on 80% on Bledsoe, and 20% on McGahee. Deion's 1st pick, 100% on Bledsoe. Terrible throw/decision. Nuff said. Sadly, the very play before Moulds had a TD catch in his hands and couldn't pull it in. That was the second time Moulds had a TD had he been able to pull in the tough catch. Moulds had 12 points go right off his fingers today. Those are plays we need him to make. The third pick was a tipped ball by Evans (right on his hands with very tight coverage by Lewis, probably interference). If Evans makes that catch, it's a TD (another 6 points left out there on the field). Fourth pick, a bit high bit definitely a catchable ball that Moulds let slip right thru his hands. Yeah maybe Beldsoes deserves the razing he's getting, but when Eric stated he took this loss on himself, he is stating the truth. Despite some decent catches, Eric was not good today. We left three scores out there on the field today and that was the game. As for our much abused O-line, they sucked today too.
  22. Maybe Willis isn't the second coming yet, but for his first start, he played very well, and when the chips were on the line, he stepped it up in the 4th quarter, and that's where you want your RB to shine most of all. Travis has had some very good rushing days, but last Sunday's performance by Willis was as complete of a game by a Bills RB since we last saw Thermal. I'm very encouraged by what I've seen of Willis to date and I wasn't very happy when he was drafted. This guy has a chance of being something special.
  23. Very solid, save the couple bonehead penalties.
  24. I have to agree. When the hole closed up, Willis bounced it elsewhere, and managed to gain some real tough yards out there today. Miami sucks, but not their "D". Henry is a beast, but Willis seems to have better instincts based off of his limited action this year, and of course, today's game. Maybe the best way to look at it is Willis seems to have the better vision of the two. Glad to have them both though.
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