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Everything posted by Spiderweb

  1. Crap it's 0611 and sleep....is...eluding....me.....must get some sleep. T minus 6 hrs and 49 minutes and counting....
  2. You bet Bill. May the New Year and all coming years provide for your family's health and happiness, as well as for the families of all posters here at TSW. Here comes 2005 in under three hours, ready or not......
  3. In this great country of ours, having freedom of speech legally protected, doesn't automatically make what you say right. If a post seems redundant to you, simply move on. Why is that so hard to understand or accept?
  4. Anyone remember Raymond Chester? There was a guy who could steam roll DB's who got in his way. Before him, a guy named John Mackey was pretty darned good as well. As for Campbell, I think he's a lot better than he's given credit for. Real shame he hurt his knee. I think Drew and Clements finally awoke to what he's capable of just before he got hurt. Yet, my fantasy is seeing Peters make a catch over the middle and tearing up any DB that gets in his way. This guy may well be a huge (clearly) possibility for us down the road.
  5. For my 2 cents, DirecTV wins hands down. Better overall price (TWC just bumped their rates another $10.00 a month in Nov !!!), far better PQ as well even with the very high compression of the signal. TWC's digital is seriously inferior (at least in our area) with constant pixelation issues, freeze ups, etc., and their equipment (their didgital box) is years behind DSS. And the issue of multiple TV's (we have 7) is a non-issue with a simple two receiver set up and modulation, coupled with our antenna for locals. We may even get a third receiver in the near future just to please my older daughter. We'll still be ahead of cable then too. My experience with cable is almost all negative. They got their negative press the old fashioned way, they earned it.
  6. I did it this year (as I have for the past couple), but I was recently advised (again) that I won't be able to do it again for the 2005 season. So, I've already had DirecTV turned back on so I will still get the early bird special price (save $20.00 approx).
  7. Personally, the only knock I can find with Jonas is with his durability. Maybe it's just me, but he seems to get nicked up a bit too often. Yet, when he's ready to go, he's the best LT we've seen since Wilford. If we can work out a deal to keep him, do it. P.S. I love watching him dominate Jason Taylor.
  8. 2005 hopefully will be better for you and your family. Hang in there.
  9. Yet the Bills braintrust clearly felt he wasn't doing the job as evidenced by his getting beat out by Izell Reese, the guy that the Bills should have cut in preseason. He got a one game shot, and then the braintrust went to the rookie Baker. I like his ST play though.
  10. Very good point. Those that think Mr. Bush was all that beloved should think again, many of us voters just simply could not warm up to Kerry and were reluctant to change leadership with the Iraqi mess that will go on well beyond Bush's Presidency.
  11. Too bad his cover and ball skills aren't up to par with his personality.
  12. Being that I've been on vacation thru the holidays, I'm not anxious for this coming Monday to roll around, but Sunday, whew... Spent today re-doing my TV distribution system, switched back to DirecTV after a four month trial with Cable. I still have 8 months to go with the trial (no contract) and I'm already fed up with it. i had kept DirecTV active, but only for the "ticket" and our Bills ..... Fez - Again, DirecTV customer service reps advised that unless one subscribes to a DirecTV package, the "ticket" will no longer be available to those who've done what I've done the past couple of years. I guess we see this coming year if they hold to this.
  13. This is Sony's LCD rear projection (approx 16" deep cabinet. In the ball park with the Sammy DLP's. Biggest pure direct view LCD is the Sammy 46" (approx $7.5K), and next is Sharp's 45" (similar in price) but with ATSC (HD) tuner, etc.
  14. My wife gave me a card, that's it...... Yet, she wrote inside that a local store will be having a 1/1/2005 blowout sale and she said a Sony 55XS955 (LCD HDTV) would like nice in our back room. Even on sale, that's in the $3 grand range.... While I'd love to have it, I'm a bit gun shy in pulling the trigger on the deal. I've visited avsforums.com quite a bit the past few days getting as many opinions on them as possible. While that's a bunch of cash, gotta love my wife. I feel a SB Party coming. Niether of us like the DLPs we looked at (rainbows bothered both of us). They do have a sweet Pix. She even looked at the 50" models, but said she wants the bigger one (55").... Time will tell (in a couple days) if I will pull the trigger. (sure she said I can get one, but I'm still the one paying for it). Can't make up my mind.....Jeez.....
  15. LeBeau definitely knows Bledsoe's tendencies (North Dallas Forty ref), so subs or not, Bledsoe better have his best game in tow for the Blitzburg boys will be coming hard at him all afternoon. This game, much more so than in any of the recent games, will need some production from the TE position. Blocking, hot routes, etc. Shelton and McG will also need to bring their "A" games with them as well. Last week's resurrection of the No-Huddle was a nice touch. Will it be used much against Blitzburg? Use it or not, I like having that option available.
  16. "Turn off your mind, relax, and float downstream....." (Tomorrow Never Knows - REVOLVER)) One of my all time favorite Beatle tunes.....but then there are so many that I still can listen to over and over to this very day. Listening to it right now.... Darn memorable vids....Christ, I'll have to dig out my Complete Beatles VHS tape now......... Ah, the memories....
  17. Thurman Thomas (107) and Derrick Holmes (122) against Washington, 1996. Thurman Thomes (103) and Kenny Davis (181) against Atlanta 1992. Thurman Thomas (117) and Kenny Davis (108) against Indianapolis 1991. Simpson and Braxton did it three times. First was Cookie Gilchrist and Wayne Crow back in 1962.
  18. The major difference between Wade and GW was that Wade still had some horses to run with. GW had none. They both had basically crap for a staff (with notable exceptions, that being their Defensive coordinators). As for the "speech", maybe that was a bit strong, but it certainly got better mileage than most speeches do so maybe "speech" wasn't strong enough. Would I take Wade over GW as HC, yes, but not without thoroughly scouring the football playing world first. P.S. Max Bowman was the schmuck Wade hired as assistant to the HC and TE coach, who's only claim to fame was that he was Wade's neighbor.
  19. How about his "infamous" speech he made before the Colts game in 2000 where he said that neither the Bills nor the Colts were going to the playoffs, as we both were eliminated. Yet, the Colts went on the win a few more (we lost to the Colts) and made the playoffs. He was a dumb jerk. Sure, a decent defensive coordinator, but a lousey HC. Let's not forget his wonderfuul staff. Carl Mauck come to mind? Or how about the Bills TE coach under Wade. Hhe was a assistant to an assistant (exaggeration, but not much) who got the Bills job because he was Wade's neighbor? Or what about Pendry....No, Wade did plenty of damage. Plenty. Seriously poor HC. Piss on Wade. Oh, and let's not forget Ronnie Jones....jeez....give us a break.
  20. Thank god for that too....Marino....LOL...loved watching him whine play after play when he was losing against the Bills (which was more often than not)... Now if he just gets canned from Inside the NFL (HBO)....Give me Dawson, Buoniconti (spelling?), Collinsworth and yes, Glanville.
  21. God bless little Gus and the entire Gioia family. As we are only hours away from Christmas day, what could possibly be a better day to bring little Gus to the forefront of our hearts and prayers.
  22. .......and McGee's returns had nothing to do with this selection? Meaning it wasn't necessarily his stellar CB play, which wasn't very good early in the year.
  23. Ah, excuse me, but I do recall seeing McGee return some kicks last year. Also, if I'm not mistaken, he was also noted as a very good return man coming out of college. Not to take anything away from April, but McGee was "found" before he came aboard the ship. What I want to know is why the GW & staff stick with Antonio Brown as long as they did?
  24. I did the "tweeks" right after it was posted (albeit a bit too briefly), and I will attest, they really give Firefox a kick in the....
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