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Everything posted by Spiderweb

  1. You sure about that? The sacks don't count against the QB's yardage totals, only against the team yardage totals, or so it appears to me.
  2. Shannon Sharpe, Mr. Mumbles......heck, half the time you can't understand him, the other half you'd wish he'd go away. It pains me to say this, but Shannon makes Deon look good.
  3. God, as much as I hate to agree with you, Brady is still a pretty darned good QB. 2 rings prove it. It's not as if he didn't make the plays needed to give the Pats a shot at both wins either. The Pats aren't Gods, but they're still pretty darned good. Their record speaks for itself.
  4. Better take another look at Brady.....he's a bit above average..
  5. It really wouldn't matter either way. We'll all be left wondering "what if" hadn't we dumped the first 3 of 4 games by 8 points total.....
  6. I'm about 65-70 miles north of Cinci and its currently 14 F with 20 mph winds (a bit on the gusty side). Its very similar to the weather we had for the Bills and Pats game back in the early 80's when Fergie and Roland Hooks hooked up twice on prayers to pull out a last minute win.....
  7. Similar numbers here. This year looks more like a 5-7% range but the final numbers haven't yet hit the books. Hopefully......
  8. You simply refuse to give McGahee an inch don't you? He may never be what he could have been, but he's developed into a very solid back already, and IMHO, he's going to make it back, big. Other than that, you made some solid points.
  9. Big Sam was a bit quiet against Miami after playing like a mad man since his sideline tirade, but he was unstoppable this week. Sam Adams has had himself a pro-bowl season. When he turns it loose, it's absolutely amazing how quick he is. He explodes. No top end, but one hell of a first gear.
  10. One thing I liked about Shaud was that he seems to have "vision". To me, Henry is one tough runner, but I don't think I can say he's ever had "vision". Shaud could be helpful in a James Brooks or Dave Meggett kind of way, but I don't see him as much more than a 15 carry a game type. But he could surprise. He's built pretty well and does have some pop in him.
  11. I would tend to believe both contributed to the bad performance between the two. Moulds seems to be having a bit more difficulty getting separation these days, he gets his hands on a number of throws, but doesn't bring them in. Drew, as noted, made a number of poor throws as well, but to give them both a break, there was some weather factors as well. All in all, we need a better perofrmance from Moulds and Drew this week. Moulds has had some great games against the Bengals and we sure could use another this week. Yet, here's to hoping they expand on Lee Evans this week even more. Moulds ego aside, Evans is ready for a monster game.
  12. Saimes was anything but obscure, at least to any old time Bills fan. As I began to follow the Bills, after their run on AFL championships., as a child, I recall playing a football game call Strat-o-matic (they also had a great baseball game that I played for a number of years), and there was George Saimes, the FS, with a player rating of 6, the best rating possible. I asked my step father if Saimes was really any good, and he simply said he was the "best".
  13. Happy Birthday Johnny. March 12, 2000, the day my Little John was diagnosed with ALL (Leukemia) seems almost a lifetime ago. After 39 months of chemo (ended on 5/11/04) he has tested clean now for 6 months. He began Kindergarten this year and since I work evenings, I've always had him with me when my wife worked. Letting him go to school was very difficult even if only for half a day. Admittedly, I cried. I cried because I wanted him to stay with me, I cried because I worried that he wouldn't be cared for as I do him, but mostly I cried because he could go. And now because Christmas is almost upon us, it's time to step back a moment and be thankful for what gifts we have. Next to my wife, my children have been the greatest gifts bestowed upon me and it's taken me until my late 40's to realize this. Little Johnny adds a giant exclamation point to this. So for everyone out there who's still battling over what life is all about, I hope this may help to direct you to find what really matters. To everyone here, Merry Christmas.
  14. **ONLY OBSTRUCTED SEATS AVAILABLE FOR THIS GAME** This was shown on the Bengals website. Anyone familiar with Paul Brown stadium, please advise particulars....
  15. Great find!!!! (Hey, what's the best way to clean Pepsi off my monitor......)
  16. The law firm my wife works for won't let go of tickets for us, so I'm probably out of luck too.
  17. How about Dudley Meredith (DT)., 1960's. One of the first Bills to go over 300 lbs. Slow moving slob, who subbed for Sestak and Dunaway IIRC.
  18. Ah, Monte Ledbetter. I've mentioned his name on rare occasion when those here forget (or never knew) how bad some of the Bills teams were beginning with 1968....Ledbetter was around in 67-68 if I remember correctly.
  19. Tindale had a big game with two long runs aganst the Dolphins in 1995, but not until Thurman had destroyed the Dophins. Holmes aslo had a big game.
  20. Yet you fail to acknowledge that it is the "rich", the powerful, that have created the mess to begin with. Are you saying that those in the Congress aren't rich, and privileged already? When, and if, they do set forth prudent fiscal policies and practices, then move to remove the penalty. This would also include the reckless deficits and interest paid on those deficits. Ultimately, there could be a nice tax cut, and possibly a few extra dollars for worthy programs if we weren't spending so much in interest on the debt year in and year out. No one wants to tackle this, Rep or Dem, because the benefits are too far down the road and both parties seek little more than immediate gradification. It's the tough choices neither is willing to make. Reducing the load on the rich only serves to reward them for the mess they've created. As child, my parents only rewarded me after I did something well. Sadly, the deficit is something that will be a major drain well beyond my lifetime.
  21. That really isn't it. It's due to Karl Rove. Bush is an idiot, but Rove has led a well oiled machine throughout Bush's political career.
  22. Dayton Ohio. Currently subscribe to TWC (they offered a 50% discounted on their Digi 2000 package that includes two premium movie channels). The cost was initially 59.95 plus tax and when the 50% discount was applied I was around $31 to $32/mo. Just this week, I received notice that this package has been "enhanced" and will now cost $69.95/mo plus taxes (before discount). My viewing is mainly football, and movies but when this year is up, out goes the cable again. Far inferior PQ than that I get from the satellites (still subscribe to DTV - Sunday Ticket only). As for broadband, I've just recently gone to Verizon DSL for 29.95/mo, first month free. Not bad. Roadrunner here has been losing a number of users to the newly offered (in my area) verizon DSL. Biggest complaints with TWC & Roadrunner here is that it goes down far too often and the speeds are no where near what they advertise. Fez - what's the word on the power line broadband trials? Cincinnati was running one for a while now, but haven't heard anything on it lately. Read about it initially in PC World, but that was a while back and nothing new since.
  23. We prefer to remember the Phins Ray Lucas starts against us, thank you.
  24. We're these days known as the "dark ages"? How true the commentray is regarding those "good" old days. Ralph became more open (wallet) when Polian came to being....
  25. Sadly, as I just replied elsewhere, what better role should government have than in the health, welfare and security of it's people. Nah, lets just cut taxes, increase spending and run up massive deficits. Now that's prudent financial management. I'd love to be able to run our household in that manner. Yet we have no problem denying basic human services as to show our "conservative" (spending) side. Sorry, your argument has been debated before. To deny the that our heath care system leaves millions of Americans on the outside looking in is to simply ignore reality. We're talking about people to have meanial jobs, or work for small companies that can't afford health care. We are not simply talking about "homeless" or welfare families. Heck, the welfare families are covered. Maybe if I was commenting on the mess our public schools are in (they are), I'd find a warmer reception but that wasn't what JSP brought up. As for the Daddy comment, do you have a problem with our Daddy being very strong Militarily? If I were a betting man, I'd bet not. If so, we'd then have some common ground.
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