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Everything posted by clownments22

  1. Did you know that the 5 guys on the offensive line all work together? I didn't until very recently, when I also learned that you have 4 tries to go 10 yards and a touchdown is worth 6 points.
  2. That dude was the man. I was a bills fan through the superbowl years, but I was in grade school, so I didn't watch the majority of the games. I didn't become a big time fan until the late 90's and I really missed out on watching that man play the game. Thanks for posting.
  3. True. When I'm trying to hold out on my wife tit gives her some extra leverage too.
  4. Interesting point, but I don't think it's very consequential. Peters won't be holding out that long.
  5. I'm not freaking out yet. I'm not 100 percent he needs to be in camp to keep up. The dude obviously has the skills. To me it's more of an annoyance than it is a cause for concern.
  6. Whoever this dude is, he's just upset that the fargos aren't going to be the top dog in the spotlight the week the bills play there. I still would like to know...who are all these people that are so excited about the bills playing in toronto. We all obviously hate it, fargos fans all seem to hate it, apparantly some of the other owners aren't that into the idea.
  7. recap of the article for non subscribers?
  8. Maybe, but as I mentioned in my edit, I don't really have anything against RF365 articles. They may not have any breaking news, but they do provide some perspective, and I give them credit for consistently putting out articles about the bills, which no one but local places do. The same thing could be said about the sports xchange articles- the inside slant/strategy and personnel/notes and quotes. Those articles never break news, they just report on what has been going on with the bills.
  9. Fair point. However, if we took away the links to RF365, the articles posted that were not from bbills.com, the buffalo news or the rochester D&C would take a serious hit. I'd rather read something from 365 than from the niagra gazette, or other random small papers.
  10. I voted yes. I'm hoping he won't get more than 2 games, but Goodell doesn't seem to hand out very many of those. He's real quick with the 4 game suspensions. As for the other issue, I'm somewhere in between rick and ax's opinion. IF it was Marshawn, I'm not gonna sit here and say he's a terrible human being, but I'm not gonna sit here and say it's no big deal either. I just hate that young players are dumb enough to let this happen. You've got a ton of $, just take a damn cab, or rent a fricking limo or something! Hopefully this is over soon. Even if a suspension gets handed out, I'd rather find out sooner, so it's done with.
  11. Since the players themselves get $ when people buy their jersies, I bet there is a complication involved with that issue that stops them from doing that.
  12. In related news... Who gives a crap what Fargos fans think? They have about as much control over the future of the Bills as we do. PS- Any NFL team would roll over any CFL team in a walk, regardless of field or rules.
  13. I'm not surprised. He's pretty good at hitting and at running.
  14. That was back in the Tagliabue (sp?) days though. Now that Goodell is running the show, I think the suspension would be more like 8 games. I think if it comes to that, we stick with Fred Jackson as the primary back. Let's just hope it wasn't him.
  15. Contrary to most others on this board, I don't have a problem with Cowherd. He's not my favorite host to listen to, but I would prefer to listen to him than the Michael Kay show, which I have to sit through on my way home everyday. However... WAY too much extraneous chatter in that interview. I mean, Cowherd talks about how he's high on the bills (and rightfully so), and then proceeds to ask Donte how he feels about the Browns for like 5 minutes. Come on man. Great job by Donte though. I'm a huge fan of his interviews. He's a really good speaker and he says all the right things.
  16. I effing love Whitner. He's a leader, Period. He says all the right things to the media, and he backs it up on the field. This article is just the latest in why he is the man. If the bills finally get things turned around this season, I truly believe Whitner's influence will have been a big part of it.
  17. I just wanna play man. The superbowl would be nice, and I'm sure that back up QB's feel like they own the victory a little bit, because undoubtedly they do contribute to the team throughout the year, even if they don't get any playing time. It is difficult for us to sit here and know what that feels like. I'd take the playing time myself.
  18. Just for the record: Big Papi doesn't even hit clean up. He hits 3rd. Oh yeah, and he actually comes through in the clutch.
  19. If we lose him, our line will seriously go downhill fast. Show him and Lee the money, now!
  20. Thanks for posting. Can't wait to see Hardy get in the game. He's a big boy.
  21. I was waiting to defer to someone who's a little more knowledgable on the subject, but no one has posted yet, so I'll get it started anyway. Starters: LT Jason Peters LG Derrick Dockery C Melvin Fowler RG Brad Butler RT Langston Walker Peters is a UDFA TE turned LT. He's the strongest member of the line. He's very athletic and was selected to the Pro Bowl last year, but was injured late in the season, so he didn't make the trip. He's possibly the best player on the Bills roster. He consistently shuts down whoever is across from him, including 06 defensive MVP Jason Taylor everytime the Bills play the Dolphins. Dockery is the highest paid player on the team, he's 6-6 330+ and is a very solid and dependable starter. Him and Peters could be the best left side tandem in the NFL if they improve their run blocking. Melvin Fowler is probably the weak link on the line. He's smallish 6-3 310, and gets pushed off the line too easily sometimes. I've heard from the coaching staff and other players that he's a smart player, and a good leader on the line. Brad Butler is 6-7 315. He's a young player who won the job last year in camp. He started every game and did a pretty good job. He has good technique, and should be improved from his experience last year. Someone else will have to fill in more... Langston Walker is a big man 6-8 355. His first year with the Bills was last year. He was improved on pass protection from his years with the Raiders, but can improve run blocking. He's a smart guy and a smart player, but lacks some of the athletic ability, and needs to play more ferociously. Those 5 guys started 15 consectutive games last season, until Peters got hurt in week 15. Once Peters went down, there was a notable drop off in the lines performance as a whole. Him playing well is vital to the Bills success. They were very good in pass protection last year, only allowing 26 sacks, and I anticipate that success carrying over. As a line, they need to play with a little more nastiness in the run game, because Marshawn Lynch rarely got to the second level untouched, which we need to have happen more often because he can be dangerous in space with a head of steam. Consistency is a plus for this unit since they've been together a year now, and should be able to improve on their play from last year, which was overall very good. They're also a very big group, even for NFL OL standards. It's hard for me to anticipate possible reasons why they might falter. If Peters goes down we could be screwed, as well as Dockery. Fowler could be a liability at center. Many on this board wanted to see us bring in a new center, which would help the line, but he's not exactly terrible either. Someone will have to fill this man in on the backups...
  22. I don't expect him to rack up 800 yards, but I think we can expect 5 touchdowns, and hope for more like 8 or 9. I think 40 receptions is a more reasonable expectation. I also want him to become a target in the middle, and make a lot of first downs. In order for all these expectations to be met though, you have to assume that our offense will be twice as good, which I think could happen only if our run blocking improves so we have more long drives.
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