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stinky finger

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Everything posted by stinky finger

  1. Years ago, I worked for an insurance rental outfit. You know, the guys that would have a rental in tow only to deliver you one of these "gems". Upon pick up of these rentals, the cars were usually trashed. Smelled of smoke, cigarette burns in the seats. Busted door/window handles. Generally speaking, they were just nasty. Personally, I'd steer clear.
  2. My sister lives down that way and has had some close calls. Glad to hear your parents were out of harms way.
  3. N....everdidanythingworthwhile? Is this a word?
  4. I'm bringing wings to a party as well. The night before, I bake mine at 225 for 3 hrs. I promptly bathe them in Franks and melted butter. I do approx 10lbs. Put them in a large tupperware container and refrigderate. Once at the party, I'm equipped with shallow tins. I broil them for 10-12 minutes then splash more Franks on and serve. Delish!
  5. Has the earth reversed it's spin? There is something fundamentally wrong with this.
  6. Practice what you preach. Your post consisted of two more words than mine, yet you didn't give your prediction. At least us "windbags" managed to stay on topic.
  7. Great idea and very vigilent on your part. Mods, perhaps you could telegraph this post to Homeland Security. No way they are thinking along these lines. Anyway..... Colts 30 Bears 16
  8. Well.....I didn't want to brag truth be told.....this "chick" could be "pulled"....this is the problem.
  9. Sounds like Andys' kid is ready for NFLs life in the fastlane.
  10. A terriffic player on a renegade team that was awfully fun to watch. Love 'em or hate 'em. What a group of characters.
  11. It sounds like you were very fond of your grandpa. I hope someday my kids kids think of me the way you do yours. May he rest in peace.
  12. I went back with an open mind. Maybe I missed something. But, I didn't. She/he(?) is nothing more than a well dentured dragqueen. She's a cross between Freddie Mercury and Prince.
  13. Do as the man asks......dance team?.......how about dogsled team?....what a pooch.
  14. Of course they do. ....it's a football team they're missing.
  15. Just papertrain the mongrol and lets all move on.
  16. Mmmmmm mmmmm. Alotta extra tread on that Tyra........I kinda like the "remodelin'" she's done.....yessir.
  17. Other than the palm of my hand, I can't think of anything hotter.......she's real purty.
  18. Ohhhh......don't mind that Chris, BB. He's just a snake in the (gr)ass.
  19. Great question, MBD. I just hope not everyone shares this "win or forget it" attitude.
  20. Couldn't agree with you more. The irony is Steinbach would be leaving the Bills now and we wouldn't have won anything with him on board. Very sad commentary.
  21. Tell that to the Yankees and their stranglehold on the AL East. I know, I know.........another time and thread......sorry.
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