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stinky finger

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Everything posted by stinky finger

  1. Let's see.......Fitz sliced and diced a defense like QB's Sanchez, Kolb and a rookie Wilson has done, right? Yes, an impressive performance but big time QB's finish the job. He didn't and he's not. The Pats secondary is hooooriffic. We NEED a QB. Period. But wait.....HE did say F U to a linebacker......geezus.
  2. Warren ran a most honest campaign. This broad is a fraud. Living in MA myself, I can't wait for Barrack Hussein Obama to appoint Patrick and get his ass outta dodge.
  3. Mexico City. Just think.....a domed stadium could mean free roof repairs.
  4. Yep. Ryan is NOT even remotely in this rather elite class of cooridnators you've listed. Head Coach? I'm sorry....what are his credentials?
  5. When he's done perhaps you can enlighten us on the "genius" of hiring the blowhard.......please?
  6. I'd draft a QB with our first 2 picks. Better odds.
  7. You're right about Sanchez. Going to two AFC championship games isn't winning the SB, however. So stop the Trent Dilfer/Jim McMahon/Brad Johnson comparison. Those SB WINNING below avg QBs had all-time great D's. Tebow? He may not be the quitessential QB in today's NFL (understatement), but the fukker has more heart and desire to win than our entire 53 man roster combined. So, with having said that would I welcome Tebow to this team? You bet your ass!
  8. GET ME SOME TEBOW! well......he IS inspirational. He was replaced by Manning. And there goes any credibility you may have had on this subject. Fairly certain OP was making this point, matlock. Shouldn't we all, if we're riding? Brilliant... Then, they thought Fitz was the answer. Not so much now. This isn't true? Given the opportunity it's ALL he's done. :wallbash: Wow.....don't mean to pounce. Really? A below average QB yet a very good team? They don't have the cojones to pull Sanchez.
  9. Only because they haven't seen Fitz enough. What do you know? Your posts total is too few for you to be considered seriously.
  10. I'm trying to figure out which of these two scenarios is true. 1) His effort is lacking ( ie. happy just collecting his check) OR 2) He just isn't that good. I can be convinced of a combination of the two.
  11. They are a source of misery. Who wants to be miserable?
  12. I'm afraid you may be right.......on both counts.
  13. What are you considering for a new handle?
  14. Don't hate it. Embrace it. There are a lot more of you out there than you think. It doesn't make you less of a fan. I subscribe to this wholeheartedly.
  15. You'd trust Gailey with an upgrade at QB? Not me.
  16. Our first pick has to be a QB. Actually, it has to be the first of a couple QB's we take.
  17. No doubt, one of my favorite names on this board. Good, good memories. The commercials that I coincide with Rocketship 7 in my viewing back then? GI Joe's (which I LOVED as a lad) and ........Light Bright.
  18. I would contend this IS the worst. There's just going to be much, much more of it.
  19. "look, a-hole....you're paid 100 mill.....start earning it"!
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