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stinky finger

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Everything posted by stinky finger

  1. Chan, you, like your defense, don't have a pulse.
  2. Well, we did accomplish one thing. As in the preseason, we played at half effort ......but came away injury free. Wait.......no we didn't. Remember those nuggets of wisdom from so many here? Little did we realize how shamefully heartless and gutless this team......hell....this entire organization is. Pure futility an there's NO reason to think it'll ever change....ever.
  3. I've got no problem with this provided it was ingested during meth class. For the record......I'd hit it. Back to the game.....
  4. Poz just wan't that good and certainly not worth the contract he received from Jax. That and Barnett is better.
  5. The ol stadium was a pit. Nothing like standing in line for an hour to use the bathroom then, when you get there, you end up pissing in the big, round community type sink because most of the urinals were out of order. However, they were never close to moving to Hartford. I lived just outside of Hartford at the time. That was simply posturing.
  6. Anyone see this 10-9 Yanks-A's game? Playoff baseball, baby! GO YANKS!!
  7. Mario pretends he's Bruce Brandon replaced by Colt Bad things man, bad things
  8. I say make a play for him. First, what's his closing speed and tackling ability? Lest we forget, Fitz is his QB so he'll need to track down and tackle opposing teams CBs.
  9. Yep. Baseball. Throw at one of my guys? I'm gonna nail one of yours.
  10. He oughtta shut the hole below his nose and do what he gets paid handsomely to do.
  11. I'll assume this is sarcasm. Just in case it's not, yeah, there's a difference in a 1 point loss and a 20 point loss. Problem here is it wasn't just a 20 point loss. This WAS a 41-7 game. The Jets packed it in at that point. When you have this one game to prepare for for as long as they have and THIS is what you get...your team has issues. BIG issues. 15-1 is possible? I'm looking for them to be relevant. You're as delusional as the others who have offered up this crock. Don't mean to pick on you.......but the stupidity of this is criminal.
  12. Agreed. 0-2 is the perfect recipe for a franchise that hasn't made the playoffs in what.......roughly forever? 10 wins? I'll bet this doesn't happen.
  13. Yes you can. I read it here by the authorties over and over and over.
  14. You've misinterpreted. It's not the ABC Monday Night Football brand I grew up with. It was the marquee game in most cases with a more interesting booth. I watch it now. It's just not the same.
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