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Dr. Who

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Everything posted by Dr. Who

  1. I can't see Cruz winning a general election. Seems to me Kasich would do much better. Cruz comes across as humorless and utterly inflexible. I don't think that plays well outside of a narrow ideological group that is largely confined to the South. Though I don't seem to reflect the sensibilities of most Americans these days, so maybe I am wrong.
  2. I do recall Perot, though I think of him as a spoiler who could not win himself. He did throw the election to Clinton without a doubt. In any event, I can't think of third parties beyond a cult of personality that have been viable in my lifetime.
  3. Gotcha. On a side note, can someone explain the meaning of GOP establishment? I always thought it meant a country-club fiscal conservative with moderate to liberal social preferences. I am not that, but lately it seems I am somehow establishment. Though in truth, no one really articulates my views very closely. Tea Party populism and the kind of narrow zealotry I discern in C-pac Cruz supporters is not for me, at least.
  4. Right, but in a presidential election, unless one wants to merely register a vote of conscience, there are only two choices that have a legitimate chance to win. I suppose it's possible under extraordinary circumstances, a third party candidate might garner significant votes. Personally, I suspect I won't be voting if things continue along the path they appear to be going.
  5. Well, tactically, I don't see the benefit of Rubio getting out before Florida. He's not taking many votes elsewhere right now. After Florida, he probably should get out. Of course, if he wins Florida, he won't, so it's rather bad either way (assuming one does not want Trump.) As I dislike both Trump and Cruz (and vote GOP because I am not a progressive,) this has been a very disappointing nomination process. In any event, it's moot, because I can't see Rubio dropping out before a Florida result.
  6. I surmise that most of the media would still want to get Hillary elected. I suspect there will be much more negative material coming out in abundance if Trump secures the GOP nomination. Though, of course, Clinton is a very flawed candidate herself. Who knows? I have never felt this alienated from the American public. Both right and left seem to me immensely stupid.
  7. So far as I can tell, Rubio is the only one with a chance to beat Trump in Florida. Since it's a winner take all state for delegates, supporters of non-Trump candidates should hope Rubio wins it.
  8. This is far too rational and seems to miss the required pessimism to be in this thread. Where do you see us drafting the first three rounds or so? I forgot who you write for. Where's your draft analysis stuff?
  9. That's a nice plan if we can afford it. Not so nice if it's Evans or Cog. Since Jahri is apparently suited to RG, if Cog is not resigned, what do they do, move the less than overwhelming rookie Miller over to LG? Doesn't sound very promising.
  10. I am really looking forward to seeing what GMTM does this off-season. Didn't know Bailey was back with the Amerks. I live in Atlanta, so it's hard to keep current.
  11. It's going to be Lehner and Ullmark down the line. We're fine between the pipes. We need a LHD to pair with Risto and a talented top six that can take advantage of Eichel's superior skills. Bailey is already up. Next year, add Fasching -- sign him first! Maybe Baptiste makes the leap. GMTM, as you note, has the ammo to get some players. I think Stamkos will cost too much, but who knows? Anyway, I expect to contend for the playoffs next year and be a Cup contender in two to three years. Oh, and it would be nice if the hockey gods let us win the draft lottery. No matter, we should get a nice player at the top of the draft. Hey, Bettman, the draft is in Buffalo this year. That means, enough Edmonton #1s overall already . . .
  12. I think they did overspend, but for me (I've been following the team for 45 years) it was refreshing to have an owner with deep pockets. I trust OBD will figure it out. Even if we're in a tight spot now and perhaps for a season or two. Over the long haul, having owners like Terry and Kim Pegula will only be helpful, imo.
  13. I think people are just not used to the Bills spending to the cap. So, when we did so, it "feels" like an all in, when, as you say, it should just be normal procedure.
  14. This is the perfect Rx. Hope Whaley, Rex, and Roman get this right.
  15. Nice post. Reasonable conjecture and I think you are right in your surmise about the trajectory on Rex's defense and the ambiguity about his character. Alas, not much there to inspire hope.
  16. I like Pagano as a person. Have no idea what kind of coach he would be, but could it be any worse than what we've got now? Hopefully the communication issues get straightened out, whoever is the putative DC.
  17. He is a good coach. He also cheats and Tom Brady is his qb -- who also probably cheats and is good. Lack of character is why respect is grudging and/or mitigated.
  18. So. Mario, that can't shock anyone. I am not happy with Rex. Hope it works out.
  19. The question I have is whether Rex's exotic schemes that work well against the old five and seven step drops will ever be successful against the spread, quick release offense. If the ball is coming out so fast, it doesn't matter how clever and confusing you are with your blitzes.
  20. thebandit27, I think your reasoning and thought process is sound, but sometimes one just has to realize when dialogue isn't going to get you anywhere but perpetual frustration.
  21. Seriously, all this complaining and analysis is a moot point. Ryan will bring in players better suited for his defense. The players that remain, presumably, will have a full grasp of the big playbook. The o-line needs a RT badly, but there is hope for that side of the ball as well. If you just can't stand the thought of Rex, better tune out at least for next year.
  22. It was a naive hire. The Pegulas are very decent and I am very grateful they saved the Sabres and Bills for Buffalo. They were charmed by Rex. He's a likeable guy. He doesn't appear to be a good head coach. He won't adapt to his players, so we appear to have payed a lot for DL when lbs and dbs are a premium for his scheme. He doesn't appear to make good in-game adjustments and he is too fun and friendly to instill discipline. But it's a five year contract, so all one can do is hope we get players more suited to his style and that the offense makes another jump forward as well.
  23. The last time the Buffalo Bills made the post-season, the infamous Music City forward lateral, I was at my best friend's funeral. I was in my mid-thirties. Little did I suspect I would be in my early fifties and still waiting to see the red white and blue field a decent team. I feel like Charlie Brown, Lucy, and the football this season. It's one too many times. I'll root for the team, but I'm not buying any hype. Game-to-game and I'll wait and see if they can do something other than disappoint. I'm not sold on Ryan. He's fun and likeable, but his trend is not good. Two good early years, then mediocrity or worse. Maybe he'll work out, but initial sense is the also likeable Pegulas fell for the sweet talk. Hue Jackson and Jim Shwartz sounds a lot better just now. I am not sold on TT, but he's the best of a bad lot. Maybe he'll work out. I'm one of those who was hoping EJ would emerge with sound coaching. I'm disgusted with the "fans" who continue to take gratuitous shots at him and those who hoped he'd turn out well. The hell with youse guys. I would certainly continue to develop Taylor, but I would also definitely keep taking flyers in the draft until I had a surefire top ten qb. I think Hackenburg was poor in college the last two years, but he has talent. If he falls in the draft, maybe you take a shot. There's this big kid, Carlton Wentz at North Dakota who is supposed to be a sleeper. We need to upgrade RT, o-line depth, and we still need a strong #2 WR. Defense, we need lbs and safeties. Mario will be restructured or cut. I'd rather restructure, but we'll see. I like Whaley, but I liked him better before this year went splat -- again. Special teams: Bye Crossman. I'd look for a kicker that is reliable and has a strong enough leg that one doesn't need to hold a roster spot for a specialist. Then again, maybe we need to spend a spot on a fair catch specialist.
  24. Most people lose their sense of playfulness as life goes on. Corporate NFL is all about making money, but love for the game ought to include the sheer joy of the contest. As you note, a sense of fun won't make up for poor performance, but it sure makes it easier to root for a jovial fellow over a mumbling, killjoy cheat (for example.)
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