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Fan in Chicago

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Everything posted by Fan in Chicago

  1. .. thus confirming the Bills will not take Willis even if he is available
  2. Kelly, just nitpicking here - Marv said they will be bringing in 4-5 guys. I heard that as 4-5 interviews and not actual acquisitions (unless we have a 100% strike rate which is unrealistic). Even if we get 2 really good guys from the outside, I will be happy.
  3. Agreed. I thought him giving the example of balancing the need to get a good guard and keeping your own at a high price was quite telling. Quite clear they will balance the budget between pressing needs (guard) against his preference to keep your own (NC). The reason this is significant to me is that he will not let his overall philosophy get in the way of making a practical choice.
  4. I did not intend to make the leap that his demeanour necessarily implied good ability to improve the team. I purely meant it as a comment on him as an individual.
  5. He was corrected by someone from the audience about that. Marv meant that JP is on the border of that fictitious demarcation and will only rise higher with a better supporting cast.
  6. General comment - I was pleasantly surprised by how well he has aged. Someone not knowing Marv could peg his age in the mid-60s. He is so unbelievably cohesive with his sentences, bright and energetic. People taking pot shots at his age can only wish they grow up to be as young looking as him at that age.
  7. .... or a good position for average to above-average coach to come in and win them a Superbowl (think Gruden with the Bucs after Dungy was let go). I for one am not surprised. Marty's pathetic post-season record had to catch up with him sometime. I don't care if people say the players did not play hard enough or whatever other excuse they can think of for the loss to NE. You have to seriously doubt the HC if his teams consistently underachieve in the post-season. The coordinators may have left knowing MS was going to be fired. Wade landed himself a nice job which, had he waited for the MS firing, he may have lost out on.
  8. What is with the first name Ben as related to pass catching TEs ? Coates, Watson and now Patrick ?
  9. I am missing something basic here. Isn't McCargo in rotation with Tripplett ? So Okoye would be competition/rotation with Kyle Williams not with McCargo/Tripplett.
  10. I would rather he reaches the Superbowl with Romo and then plays DB against us.
  11. Jerry Jones may be a stuck up arrogant guy but I think he ultimately is a business man. TO is too mercurial and not many teams would prefer such a player compared to a more reliable performer. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if JJ has already thought about getting rid of TO. Maybe, just maybe, that could have been one of Wade's conditions before coming on board.
  12. Good guy, good DC, questionable HC. All the best to him even though that implies good wishes for the Cowboys. I hate the Cowboys too, will I hate them a bit less because of Wade being their HC ? naahhhh.....
  13. You are on to something here. I found this article (can't read the entire one as I am not registered): http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.htm...DA80894DF404482 "PRO FOOTBALL; With Penalties Down By 20 Percent From '05, N.F.L. Reverses a Trend January 25, 2007, Thursday By CLIFTON BROWN; ARON PILHOFER CONTRIBUTED REPORTING. (NYT); Sports Desk Late Edition - Final, Section D, Page 5, Column 1, 1110 words DISPLAYING ABSTRACT - The number of penalty flags thrown in the N.F.L. declined 20 percent this season compared to a year ago, a drop that reversed a trend that had taken hold in recent seasons. According to an analysis by The New York Times, 2006 marked the first time since 2001 that ..."
  14. Have to disagree with you on that one. Corey Moore was not asked to play a position different from the one he had excelled in or was drafted for. 'Slash' type players are very rare and don't have a significant impact on any position if they are playing a multiple of them. One example is of Kordell Stewart drafted as a WR, given the chance to become a QB which shortened his NFL career because he could not reverse that sequence. Let CW bulk up over the off-season and let our coaches train him as they did JP - worst case we may have a decent spot-duty MLB. Sheer enthusiasm may ensure he performs atleast adequately in that role.
  15. Story ? It was an e-mail dude - I could cook something up like that and circulate it. Bet it will circulate like a chain letter among Bills fans. And this is just me, but any reference to a 'reliable source' immediately reduces the credibility of that 'news'.
  16. Off-topic but doesn't CW look like Steve Tasker ?
  17. I think it is too early to dismiss how he will do as a LB. He had not been slated for that role yet and will have time in the offseason to train as such. I am inclined to believe in the current brain trust more than the former so will give CW the benefit of doubt for now. Let us see how it works out.
  18. I have no clue what Cold Pizza is, but a few casual observations that are much more curious - two women discussing football !, knowing the name Scott Norwood is associated with football (in PA no less), you eavesdropping on their Prada conversation, working out in the afternoon when guys normally are at work. Just kidding, dude.
  19. Dude, if he had said niggard, the furor would be that he said '!@#$'. So we would be in the same position as we are right now. And I think it is beyond SS's capability to know that a word such as niggard even exists in the English language
  20. I agree. I am of Asian Indian origin. If someone were to ask if JP had any Indian traits to him, I would first question what he was specifically asking but more likely would be happy someone was curious. But, this discussion is best saved for the PPP board so I will not propagate it beyond this post. Back to the original point, if SS wanted to convey his point that Peyton was a clutch QB, the words leading up to that assertion made no sense either to make his original point or even as a well structured English language sentence.
  21. Man, why are people so hypersensitive about the word Jew ? I can it being a problem if used in a racially derogatory context, but this current situation is tantamount to witch hunting. I am no supporter of SS but this latest flap does go too far. Apart from the racism slant, I have two other problems with that portion of the sentence (1) The word Jew makes no sense in this sentence (2) That entire sentence makes no sense.
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