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Everything posted by Bob4Bills

  1. I BILL-IEVE!! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  2. Guys going berserk are a regular staple in news, but there are just as many psycho be-atches out there as well.
  3. You have my prayers and faith in the medical profession. Double by-pass has truely become a mainstream procedure with very high success rates. Best wishes. Bob
  4. The biggest obstacle is that October is when the next season starts.. at least that was the case..
  5. RVJ, While your topic is very fan friendly, I must complement you on your diction and story formatting. Very well done! I look forward to more of your entries. This should shut Drew- lovers up forever. Bob
  6. For me, every year is the year of the rooster...
  7. I was her BOCES bus driver. I was 22, she was 17..... Parents, beware of vocational school bus drivers!!!
  8. Actually, 2-1 AFL Championships -the loss was for the first SB
  9. I agree we need a stronger pass rush, but i'd hesitate to say the Pats are on their way down. Pretty sure their last game was a Super Bowl victory.. Drew must go -at least to the bench. The Pats have always been a thorn in our side, even in our SB heyday. The Jets are underrated, very tough and SHOULD have played the Pats in the conference championship. Miami is an enigma as their D and OL have been among the leagues best for years. All our division must be accounted for and, IMO, beating them all is tougher than the rest of the conference- Pittsburgh included. Yes, we have great talent, but in this era, any team can come from nowhere every year to win it all. Teams don't have to be as great as our early '90's team to win the bowl today. I'm excited about the JP era but tempered with the realization that he's basically a rook and the team will have to overcome his learning process. If there's one copycat methodology to take from NE, it's that we probably do have everything we need for every possible circumstance if the coaching staff sees that their specialty players CAN do other things on either side of the ball, if called on. Peters could be a stud on pass rushing downs, etc.. MM will be smarter in his second year, TD will get him what he needs and if we look deeper into our players real capabilities- we can get by our division. As for NE, there's only one way they can go -down. They can't stay the best every year.... can they?
  10. For the young wallers here, February '64 saw the nation still in a deep state of grief over the murder of our young President just a couple months before. But on this day (a Sunday), with most of the nation at home and in front of their TV's, ED Sullivan screamed the introduction 'heard round the world', "Ladies and Gentlemen, THE BEATLES!!" Music, and lifestyle for that matter, would never be the same. Two weeks later, in Miami, a young Olympian from Louisville, Ky, slated as a 10-1 underdog, KNOCKED OUT Sonny Liston to win the Heavyweight championship of the world.. some fella named Cassius.. The Buffalo Bills announced a minor uniform change, dismissing shoulder stripes for sleeve stripes. What did they do with their new look? 10 months later, they delivered to the city of Buffalo it's first ever professional football league CHAMPIONSHIP!! THOSE were indeed 'HIGH TIMES!' Chime in, older wallers! Bob
  11. Dead on! (pun intended) Were it not for family and the pro sports teams, I doubt I'd ever return.
  12. Good take, Rocks. Gameplan continuity makes a lot of sense. If JP's pulled for having a bad game, the gameplan doesn't have to change. I saw playmaking skills by JP in pre-season that were never shown during the regular season when what's-his-name bumbled on.. 19 days and counting 'til that chapter gets closed!!
  13. the latest evolvement in creating the superior race...
  14. Thanks for a Bills post, #1! Both defense would keep it close. We have better BD's than NE, so we could have contained them better. I think the team that threw the last INT would lose..
  15. HOLY NEUTER, Batman!! I want to say the guy has more balls than me, but...
  16. so what's new? The Orange always start strong, until they start playing conference games...
  17. You couldn't be more wrong, Steve. I've loved the NHL since I was old enough to tie double runners on my boots and was regularly in the Keenan Center at 3:00a.m. for ice time when it was THE ONLY rink in WNY. I immediately became a lifetime fanatic when the Sabres were born in '70. Been to countless Sabre games and know very well the 'Trono' REGIONAL rivalry. Hockey Night in Canada was a blessing to WNY'ers prior to cable tv. Though I reside in Fla now (where the Cup continues to reside..), nothing has changed EXCEPT the reality that the NHL -as a business entity- is horribly bush league!! Ever finacially troubled, the league 'braintrust', revamped their playoff system to virtually render an 80 game regular season meaningless as only half the teams would be eliminated. When that concept failed to generate enough revenue, they expanded all over southern North America. 'They' didn't bother to take note of the fact that one/eighth of their playing surface is unseen from tv camera's. 'They' didn't walk in the knowedge that speed doesn't transfer well to TV (even auto racing appears to be moving at about 70mph vs. the actual 285mph) 'They' didn't do anything about the evolution of the players -getting bigger, stronger, faster- now being able to cover the entire playing surface so well that nobody can get past (center ice trap). Stubbornly refusing to alter rules to allow slick, smaller players to open up it's product. 'They didn't realize that bringing a game to areas below the frost line where youth can't play it, won't catch on. NONE of these clueless concepts have worked, as we have all heard that the majority of owners now affirm that they will lose less money by not playing. This pathetic organization has nothing to do with being from 'the Buff' or loving the Sabres. The verdict of the NHL is in and -in IMO -it must be disbanded and reformed. With a track record of this magnitude, what makes anyone think a salary cap will be the final, one time fix-all? Hockey is a great team game! The NHL is the ultimate witless business entity. Whatever Buffalo NY professional hockey team developes from this abyss, will be my favorite team. Bob
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