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Buffal0 Bill5

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Everything posted by Buffal0 Bill5

  1. I haven't studied Jerman much,so I cannot comment on him, but it seems to me the Bills are placing their confidence in Jim McNally. He has a history of taking castoffs that sucked on other teams and making them into servicable linemen. Even some castoffs that wore the Bills uniform. TD isn't going after big namers, so I would allege that he is putting his eggs in McNally's basket. Looking for guys with the physical attributes needed, and hoping that one of the best O line coaches in the league can work some magic.
  2. The funeral was the day after she gave birth, trust me, as a father of five kids, a woman can still look mighty preganant after giving birth. What is more troubling is the size of the twins that came out of a girl who looked to be at the most 5 or 6 months along. For those two babies, she shoulda been Huge!!!!!!
  3. Im only 35 and I remember sitting in classrooms where several of us had tape over our mouths. It did not cause any harm. It was step 3 for us after 2 warnings. And if my dad found out about it when I got home he spanked my butt for giving the teacher a hard time. I went to college to teach, but could not be part of the education system as it exists to day, or better yet does not exist. Teachers are powerless to do anything that has real teeth to it, and parents are so quick to defend their precious youngins that they are complicating the problem. I thank my mom and dad for careful but direct discipline. I was never abused, but I know the sting of the belt. I thank my elementary teachers for having the paddle in the corner and the guts to use it and stand up to parents who would spoil their kids rotten. I thank administrators of days gone by who had the stones to stand behind a teacher with permissive parents screaming in their faces. Put tape over my sons mouth if he is disrupting the class now, and he will learn not to disrupt society. They ought to put duct tape over the mouths of a few lawyers and beat their asses with paddles for the current state of education in America.
  4. Here's another good one. The Bills (1990) score 3 touchdowns in 77 seconds to come back and beat the Denver Broncos. Oh, the good old days.
  5. I remember being pretty amazed here Down six with 8.9 seconds to go, Reggie Miller caught a pass and put down a quick three-pointer. He then stole the inbounds pass, and hit another. On the ensuing play, he was fouled, and hit both free throws to seal the win. Miller had scored 8 points in less than nine seconds.
  6. Forget sports, that is one of the most amazing things period. Thanks for the link.
  7. But Parish won't play a position wher he has to fight to see over his own o-line. I seem to remember another pint size Buffalo player listed as a WR. What was his name...oh yeah...Steve Tasker. My problem with Flutie was never his size.
  8. Yep, and they were the same ones waving for Jimbo to come down out of the booth the next year. I don't see anything wrong with some hopeful enthusiasm, but I agree some take it too far. Lee Evans has been hyped as much as Losman. I've seen alot of Kelly, Thomas, Reed-Losman, McGahee, Evans comparisons. All three have alot to accomplish to be deserving of those accolades. But, I'd rather see the glass half full at the present time. After Collins and RJ the phrase "quarterback of the future" does put a knot in my stomach.
  9. I got three wrong. Didn't even have the energy to try and figure out 11
  10. I'd like to see a stadium full of sombreros
  11. Who cares what they think or do. You will never lessen the intensity of the bitter hatred I have for Miami.
  12. John Adams in his Address to the militia of Massachusetts, 1798 "We have no government armed in power capable of contending in human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other." George Washington in his Prayer At Valley Forge "Almighty and eternal Lord God, the great Creator of heaven and earth, and the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ; look down from heaven in pity and compassion upon me Thy servant, who humbly prostrate myself before Thee. Bless O Lord the whole race of mankind, and let the world be filled with the knowledge of Thee and Thy Son, Jesus." President George Washington "Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports... And let us indulge with caution the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion... Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail to the exclusion of religious principle." Charles Carroll Signer of the Declaration of Independence. in his Letter to James McHenry, November 4, 1800 "Without morals a republic cannot subsist any length of time; they therefore who are decrying the Christian religion, whose morality is so sublime and pure,...are undermining the solid foundation of morals, the best security for the duration of free governments."
  13. Have you ever read anything else our founding fathers have written? Your definition of separation of church and state is historically insupportable. Many of the founding fathers were ordained, (sarcasm)I'm sure their intention was to exclude any reference to God from the public arena. Read the early innaugural addresses. Read their correspondance. We do not lack for supporting dialogue as to their intentions. (sarcasm)I'm sure it's the Christians in america that are responsible for child porn and domestic violence. Probably James Dobson, he's a huge advocate of such things. No, its the Promise Keepers with all of their violent hatred toward women. Screw that love your wives as Christ Loved the church stuff, go home and beat 'em guys. Why did you bring up seperation of church and state in this thread? It seems to me we are reaping the results of strong attempts to remove religion from our government. Read the constitution again. Think historical context. The government will not establish a religion, ie. the Church of England. Go to any church you want on Sunday, or go to no church at all. Our government will not step in and make you change that practice. That is separation of church and state.
  14. Where would you rather be than right there right then. The good ol' days.
  15. I think every kid on each of the busses should sue him for millions...Oh wait that was the girl cleaning the toilet thread. What if children were wronged in large numbers. Could get pretty expensive.
  16. I saw some footage of him with his kids at the Super Bowl. I think at this point I would bag football and get on with life. He could make a pretty good buck as a motivational speaker or something. I would love to see him play again, the guy has a motor that just keeps revving, but it ain't worth dying over.
  17. That's a pretty expensive feeding tube. Detail for me a situation where it would cost 1 mil to keep a person alive for 6 mo.
  18. How about a dad who is boinking his kids. Certainly a family matter.
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