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Buffal0 Bill5

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Everything posted by Buffal0 Bill5

  1. Interesting interview, and even more interesting, it seems from what we are seeing and hearing from camp that that confidence is gonna make it's way onto the field. He'll be fun to watch?
  2. I am all for searching obvious suspects, but as a side note I am sure glad I am not middle eastern. Constantly thinking "Geez, I hope I dont look too suspicious on the way to the gym with my duffel bag, work with my briefcase", etc. I think I would just break down and carry my crap in a clear plastic bag.
  3. At least make them take the time to watch the tape.
  4. Puhonix and /dev/null are the same person!
  5. Video clips form the past will have little impact on the outcome of the games this season. On to the future.
  6. I'm happy with him as our DC. As I was reading this I couldn't help but notice that it must be easier to find a good DC than OC Phillips, Cottrell, Greg all were decent coordinators not to mention ol' swizzle stick, But finding good OC's seems to be a problem. Could be: 1. Disparity in level of talent they're working with. 2. Defense is just easier to coach than O. 3. There are just more good defensive coaches than offensive coaches. I hope we can manage to keep the staff assembled for a few more years.
  7. /dev/null doesn't want this thread to live as long a the TD Son of Satan Thread
  8. Click on a section for a view of the field Enjoy the season!
  9. Patience. I hope some of you guys aren't in management with your companies. Two days into training you can the people who are progressing a little slower. It will all come out in the wash. I haven't seen Gandy, but I am sure willing to give him a few more days.
  10. Perhaps Ralph is a really nice guy, and it was a delayed reaction to something that happened directly preceeding the handshake. A bad thing happens (Ralph is disgusted) Enter 14 year old, Shake. Exit 14 year old. "WTF" delayed reaction. He just was a little too quick on the draw, so he was still looking at the nice young man who shook his hand. Kind of like the time I hit my sister in the can with a dart. I started throwing the dart, she asked me a question during the release, I turned to acknowledge her, and boom, dart in the a$$. To this day I am still percieved as a jerk for this incident, but I swear it was an accident. Extenuating circumstances man!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Maybe Denver will acquire him at the end of the season. They seemed pretty anxious to raid the Cleveland juggernaut of players at the end of last season.
  12. Damn you Donahoe!!!!!!!!!! Damn You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. I am not from Upstate. I am from Western New York, and darn proud of it. I consider Upstate to Be Albany, the Adirondacks, etc.
  14. Raimus pretends to like beer just to impress his buddies.
  15. It gets a little hard to see the opposite end of the field, but you turn around and watch the replay on the Jumbotron. Usually the people in that endzone are pretty entertaining. Don't venture in with the opposing team's gear. I took my wife's grandfather to a Jets game several years ago not thinking about the fact that he was wearing a green coat. (not a Jets coat mind you) Once he turned the coat inside out and put on my Bills hat we had an enjoyable afternoon.
  16. Kinda jumping the gun a little aren't we? Alot could change in nine years. My brother moved to rural Kansas and loves it there. The slow country life with neighborly people. Low taxes. Four seasons, but the winters are shorter and milder. The summers are hotter.
  17. I was taking the family to the Zoo today, and stopped by to get some tickets. I took my 5 year old and six year old in to see the trophy case before hitting the ticket office. All of the sudden they were as excited as could be. "I can't belive we get to go to a Bills game!". So I left with 4 tickets instead of 2, and they have been talking about it all day. Since I'm taking youngsters I opted for tix in the Tops Family Section. The seats are for the Dec. 17th game vs. Denver. Have any of you ever been in the family section? Is there any reason I shouldn't take (by then) 6 and 7 yr. old boys? It's a change of pace for me. Usually I find myself in the scoreboard endzone. The hardest part now is the five month wait! Also I would be interested in any TSW tailgates that might take place that afternoon.
  18. This and no Raymond!!! Add to my list of reasons to hate Monday. I wish LT could be paired with Theiswoman, and every time he says something stupid he could break a bone.
  19. When I was a kid my older brother lived in Buffalo, and we walked up all of the stairs to the top of city hall. This is fun if you have pretty ambitious kids. The thirteenth floor was a little spooky. Maybe they wont let you do that any more. Another idea that is free. Walking down the pier in the river is alot of fun with kids. It's also a decent place to fish.
  20. What a jam! I got pretty cheesed when my buddy chose high dollar tuxedos. Put me in the "tell him it's a financial hardship" column. Maybe boomerjamhead will help you pay for it since he thinks it's such a great idea. He would do it for "any number" of friends, so he's gotta be sitting on a stack of cash. I wouldn't pass up the trip to India. That baby will only be a baby for so long. If he's a close enough friend he should already know how much this trip means to you and how difficult it would be to give it up. I guess there are benefits to being a hick from Cattaraugus County. Nobody here would ever assume anybody else would have that kinda kablingy to throw around.
  21. Yeah, Like the year I got Vick and Pennington, and then both sat out the better part of the season with injuries. I went from to and was so screwed
  22. And then there was this itme in Orlando when JK was tossing a hat to some chump, and I ran in and whammo, It was like I won the lottery!!!! Just kidding, I have never been to Orlando. Please, don't kill me.
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