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Buffal0 Bill5

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Everything posted by Buffal0 Bill5

  1. I'm so ticked off I can barely breathe. I had Tampa's D for fantasy football, and its bad karma to start them when they're against your guys, so I bench them. I played the invisible man a.k.a. Lee Evans. and I started Willis. What a day!
  2. I'll give the 2nd shout out for great hometown pizza. I killed one for lunch with a co-worker the other day, and went to meet you Cindy, but you were out that day.
  3. I'm wondering in the wake of the televised special about huge NFL players, and the effects of their weight on their health. Do we have guys who are close to being over their weight limit. The assertion by ESPN in the special was that they tend to dehydrate themselves to avoid being fined for being overweight. Do coaches relax the restrictions in a week like this, or could this be a problem?
  4. You can't make some people happy. If an article says our D is over-rated we would scream bloody murder. "We don't gety any respect"! They get a compliment, and suddenly Tampa is gonna pound their heads in because they're over confident.
  5. I like this suggestion. When I think Buffalo Bills I think charging buffalo.
  6. It just made me hungry for Applebees. I was impressed with the ability to whip together a decent lyric in under 24 hrs. It sure sounded like Van.
  7. There was a defining moment for me. I was watching the Losman interview on NFL Network, and flipped over to the Dallas game to see Bledsoe get sacked. Fortunately for him they hit his head and it drew a flag. I predict that Dallas will not make the playoffs, and Drew Bledsoe will remain one of the most sacked qb's in the game. If I am wrong I will gladly admit it. Drew had a good game and the Boys won. I am not a Bledsoe hater, but I am not sorry he's gone either. Antowain Smith won the Super Bowl after leaving Buffalo, would you have taken him back, even over Henry?
  8. She should have known better than to follow the signs that said "Chicks enter here" It sounds like the perfect setup for an 80's T&A movie.
  9. I agree there is room for improvement on the O line, but they are far from the train wreck that many on this board predicted. Many were ready to run Gandy and Anderson out of training camp after a couple of days. If they have improved since then, what will they be like by mid season. I am not an eternal optomist, but I am hopeful that this line can get it together. They did in fact give Losman the best blocking he has ever had...just ask him.
  10. In the game and in the post game, he just seemed to be having a blast. Just a kid having fun playing ball. I am cautiously optomistic.
  11. Yeah, I thought watching the game intently was good enough. When the threw the flag as Carr was diving toward the end zone, and was tackled, everyone in my zip code new I was a Bills fan. It is agood thing they picked that up. What ever happened to the old fashioned right to bash a guy just because you hate him. eg. I still attest, an always will that HOF QB Dan Marino Sucked.
  12. It seems to be the perfect situation for everybody. I hope he hides out upstairs at the Ralph for quite a few years. I was wondering, how much do you suppose he serves as a consultant to MM? (In matters other than qb's) I never thought about it before, but what a huge asset for a relatively new head coach.
  13. I'm more irritated than concerned. I got Willis on my fantasy team. I think they need to put the ball in his hands more down there. The one drive was all his, and then they get close and start throwing the ball. Pound it in. Over all today was a big step in the right direction. Why not?
  14. For heaven sake, Before you ask someone to be your best man, make sure he is o.k. with the trip to the Bahamas. We don't want to open that can of worms again
  15. He can go wiz up a rope for all I care.
  16. I remember going to Perkins once and they had a "Rasberry Nut Muffin" on the menu.
  17. Yeah, the same dorks who became chargers fans for Flutie. I hate Dallas, and will always hate Dallas. The only time when I could root for them is if a Dallas win somehow helped Buffalo make the playoffs. When they play Miami, The Jests, or thr Patsies I root for the earth to open up and swallow the stadium.
  18. I heard it will be televised at noon tomorrow. Until then its Murphy, Van Pelt and Burris. I know its just pre-season, but it's the last pre-season game, and I'm getting nervous.
  19. I wish we had a salute smiley. You will be on our prayer list at church, and at our dinner table. Get home safe.
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