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Buffal0 Bill5

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Everything posted by Buffal0 Bill5

  1. My brother drives a gas truck, and they told him at work we will be seeing a 30 to 40 cent per gallon increase. Hang on tight folks.
  2. Actually, you never know. I was in a pinch for a fax machine when the one at work went down, and went into storage and grabbed the old thermal. I had to pour water out of it, and it buzzed until it dried out good, but it is still working. More important news, Fox just reported "Breaking News" Brett Favre's childhood home has been destroyed.
  3. One that hasn't been mentioned that I don't ever trust to get their act together Arizona
  4. Not saying I personally would enshrine him, but based on SB wins I would think Brady makes it.
  5. Dr. McGolrick would write on a report "Avoid excess verbage" and return it ungraded if it was too long. AEV is a good motto for message boards. It is also why I prefer comic books to novels
  6. I have a Bills tie that I wear every year to church on the Sunday of the season opener, and would like to resume wearing it when the Bills are in the playoffs. It is hard to match that color of Buffalo Bills blue with a suit.
  7. Yeah, He hasn't figured out that the bulk of the discussions here are rediculous nonsense.
  8. Does cappable refer to how well he fits under the salary cap, or how much time he will spend wearing a ball cap on the sideline?
  9. It was great to see the long kicks, but it is also hard to forget holding my breath and closing my eyes during kicks last year. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt an keep one eye open for a while. 54 yds. is 54 yards preseason or not, what remains to be seen is if Mularkey will send him out when it really counts.
  10. I think the D could rank right up there. If they can dominate like Baltimore did in 2000, then a halfway decent O would give us a pretty good shot at a Lombardi. Right now the offense makes me nervous. I would hate to see this defense go to waste.
  11. It was a scary sight, but I remember Thurman Looking hurt alot and then going back to war. I guess with Thurman it wasn't limping as much as getting up slowly.
  12. Third one this season? The Game is a hazard! Sue em! Call Cellino and...oops Barnes, just Barnes.
  13. What about renaming the Tops Family Section the "Tops-Hunter Kelly Family Section"? Assuming the Tops Name would have to stay.
  14. I think the plan is to replace Pat Williams with more Sam Adams.
  15. It's starting again now! Going to watch again! Bye!
  16. There are certainly areas for improvement, and you hit most of them, I know for me, tonight was a huge sigh of relief due to the gloom and doom I was reading from some here. JP looked like a young qb, but the consensus of opinion from what I have seen and heard is that he improves almost daily. If hes OK now, what will he be in a month?
  17. It is nice to think that we could actually use the pass to set up the run, and vice-versa. Balance on offense. I just can't stop grinning tonight
  18. The competition started as soon as KH was signed. No matter what is said there is always competition. There are two reasons you would say its an open competition 1. You are losing confidence in the kid. 2. You think the kid needs motivation. Neither of these seem to be true, so I think things are just fine the way they are. Holcombe has been in a huge qb battle with Couch, and I assume JP was an NFL observer then, so he knows KH is driven and could probably like to start again. Losman appers to be pretty motivated. Let it run it's course. One thing (of very few) where I will agrre with tonight's commentators...KH is a nice insurance policy for Buffalo
  19. He better hopr that the Packers look like a better team next week!
  20. I almost wonder if this is the O we will see in the regular season, or if they are giving JP alot of time when there is nothing on the line, and then in the season we will see it scaled back to more of a controlled running attack, but... then again if you let him loose and he does well, why pull it back in. I'm excited about Sept 11th.
  21. I am very encouraged after tonight. As with any young qb, Losman made, and will make some mistakes, but it looks like the supporting cast will help to take the sting out of that. I can't wait to see this defense flying full steam and able to hit the qb! The o-line needs work, but looks to me like a unit that could gel pretty well by opening day. I loved how the commentators said the Packer defender shouldn't allow the stiff-arm from McGahee...like he had alot of choice. I think alot of defenders will be "allowing" that this year. . You have to expect asinine commentary from Green Bay local guys, but cut JP some slack. All the talk of mental and physical errors, geez, where did that go when Rogers was in. Favre is still, well Favre. I did see one trade the Bills need to work out. A receiver with a name like Andre Thurman needs to be in Buffalo. I wonder what his middle name is?
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