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Everything posted by BillsWatch

  1. Patriots* appeared to sign him on the off chance all of their WRs got arrested or were on IR. Since it was their TEs they cut him.
  2. No not best to agree to any condition of not being tagged next year. That would hurt Bills in future negotiations. And Byrd's tag is $6,916,000 not $8.4 million.
  3. You are making me hungry - 2 ducks, a geese and a little swan. That is exactly what I am expecting with Kyle Williams, Darius and Carrington as the 3 with rotations to keep them fresh as offense allows with Mario Williams and some combination of Bryant, Anderson, Moats and others as outside LBs. Hopefully they will be rotating guys into other positions on line as they see matchups they want to exploit. They can not allow one player each to shutdown Darius and the Williams. I see Byrd as a fragile toy which will not get much attention despite the high dollar figure. Byrd COULD have been the player the defense was designed to allow him to roam at will but without training camp that can not be schemed. He is going from feature player to celebrity guest star.
  4. Seems confirmation he will be taking half of TE spot. Real funny if he gets cut and company needs to add twice as many replacement stickers.
  5. Haslams move briskly to end truck stop scandal http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2013/football/nfl/wires/07/18/2080.ap.fbn.haslams.investigation.1st.ld.writethru.1087/index.html A judge has given initial approval to a class-action settlement to reimburse customers with interest, though there is no guarantee all those wronged will join. That settlement was approved Tuesday, just three months after a scheme among Pilot's sales force to cheat customers was made public in an embarrassing blow to the company's reputation. Pilot seems to be trying to reach a resolution in a matter of months - even though the average class-action suit takes three years to settle, Vanderbilt University Law School professor Brian Fitzpatrick said. "All this has happened very quickly,'' he said. "This is very unusual.''
  6. Not a nip slip but a slip http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2368133/Elisabetta-Canalis-struggles-chest-underwraps-skimpy-bikini.html
  7. Panini does not stick with Hernandez http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/blog/eye-on-football/22809121/trading-card-company-removes-500k-aaron-hernandez-stickers Now, as Hernandez languishes (lose vigor and vitality) in a 7-by-10 foot jail cell while he awaits trial, Panini, a trading card and memorabilia company, is trying to scrub itself clean of any Hernandez presence in its products. As ESPN reports, the company “painstakingly removed” 500,000 Hernandez stickers from its sticker books. To replace that spot in the book, the company has produced one million Tim Tebow stickers. Now we know why Biilicheat signed Tebow - he wanted to ensure the sticker was replaced with another Patriot* even if it takes 2 Tebows to make one Hernandez.
  8. According to writer Mario Williams is most important player for Buffalo. I disagree think it is the other Williams, Kyle Williams, who is is most important player to the Bills IF he can return to form after 2 foot surgeries. When he was on top of his game he was almost unstoppable requiring at least two player to block him and he is not a traditional nose tackle. Never see Mario require two players full time even if a back or TE chips him. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap1000000218721/article/andy-dalton-montee-ball-among-afcs-most-important-players Buffalo Bills: Mario Williams, defensive end After signing a megabucks free-agent deal in Buffalo, Williams suffered through a mess of year in 2012. He wasn't 100 percent healthy. He didn't earn his money. And he had a nasty and dramatic separation from his fiancée that played out in the public domain and stirred up questions about his focus. Now, Buffalo has a new head coach, Doug Marrone, who smartly tabbed Mike Pettine to run his defense. If the Bills are going to make a push, if the defensive line is going to live up to its potential as one of the league's best units, Williams must not only sack the quarterback at a rapid rate, but he needs to hurry the QB, deflect passes, cause fumbles and make splash plays.
  9. It smells like cronyism to me as well especially when he was not even willing to interview current coaches. i went out and researched trying to determine whether perhaps I was giving Crossman a bum rap but the more I looked, the more I found issue with hire. Other than being connected to our new head coach I can not see any reason for hire. This is the part of his hiring and staffing effort which irritated me which has prevented me from drinking the koolaid.
  10. I think that is coach speak for get ready to harass visiting team in hotels with false fire alarms, noise makers, etc.
  11. When you are implementing new schemes on offense and defense with a large turnover in players I think it is likely that special teams plays, good and bad, can make a big difference in overall win-loss record. Into this is inserted Danny Crossman, special teams coach for Panthers and Lions last 8 years. Good special teams can provide a spark to teams on the ropes and bad special teams can cost teams games. In 2009 Carolina was ranked 32 by Dallas Morning News's annual Special Teams rankings. (Danny Crossman left Carolina to go coach same position at Detroit) Interestingly his profile is still on Carolina Website: http://www.panthers.com/team/coaches/danny-crossman/9bff4b44-c7f1-4446-bd55-01037360b31a in 2012, Crossman's last year at Detroit, his special teams unit allowed a punt return and a touchdown in the same game against a division rival (Vikings) on September 30th against the Lions. If that occurred against the Bills there would be a very log thread saying the coach should have been fired after the game, season, etc. Special teams performance has to do with a lot of factors - kickers, holder, special teams specialists and how much time coaches devote to special teams. Some coaches (i.e. Marv Levy) always included special teams practices including starters throughout the year. Other coaches appear to use special teams as a way to give patronage jobs out (i.e. Danny Smith who had no special teams coaching experience but was friend of coach). Crossman has experience with special teams but performance has been sporadic. He is not known for innovation in special teams. Do not watch college football so have no idea if Marrone just mouths the saying 'Special teams are one third of the game", does not even bother trying to convince others that he considers special teams important or actually believes saying. He did state that he plans to have game-planning input and game day access in all three phases: offense, defense and special teams. Crossman's teams were 30 (Detroit 2012), 31 (Detroit 2011), 15 (Detroit 2010) and 32 (Carolina 2009). Could not find earlier ratings from RICK GOSSELIN / The Dallas Morning News. I may drop a line to him suggesting a column showing graph of special teams rankings changes with marks for coaching changes. A cook can only do so much with a recipe based upon ingredients. For ingredients there is a top of line snapper, a great kick blocker, a 2nd year punter who did not produce a lot last year, a kicker competition and several kick returners with explosive performances before. Not a lot of experience in gunners or block breaking. Even with these deficiencies the Bills manged to have a ranking of 8 last year. This 'feels' like more of a Greg Williams hire of a friend than the best possible candidate hire.
  12. Class of Frontier Central High School, 1979 (Hamburg, NY) I have been to some of them. impact varies to whether you stayed in area or moved out; if you stayed locally it is easier to keep in touch. I used to see occasional person I knew at Townhouse, a bar near my high school, when I came in town and sometimes a friend of one of my brothers or sisters would strike up conversation asking how my brother or sister was doing. Reunions are strange for sometimes there are people there who you do not remember even being in school there and I have yearbooks from each year to look people up (we all wear name tags with picture from reunion to help us remember). In the last reunion there were plenty of people there and few I had much to do with. Their appeared to be some party previous night (Bachelorette or wedding, do not remember which) which caused many to miss it. I had a few talking like we were close friends I do not remember at all
  13. That is why stupid phones are smarter than smart phones.
  14. Can't this post just be merged with 'Last Post Wins' thread? I know the thread is closed but unclose it, merge this in and close it again. Sort of like refried beans which thread reminds me of.
  15. The two posts ought to be merged like posts on main wall.
  16. I think Mike Pettine saw him play last year as DC of Jets and told Marrone that Byrd is not as big impact on defense he was planning on implementing and that reason why he had so many impact plays was because the rest of the defense played poorly or Byrd was out of position. He thought Byrd had value but not as much as two decent veteran LBs.
  17. Good time for you to jump on another franchise and another team board! Sign potential backups before those contracts become due or in year they will be lost - it is the Steelers way. Agree completely on this. Agents have pushed Bills around in the past. Yes terrible advice from his agent trying to save face will result him holding out games. Preseason he could convince Byrd that he does not need to be there. Agree - new front office. new coaching staff, new attitude (NFL negotiated tags and Bills will pay players who want to play well but will not let their rights be taken away) and new record.
  18. Byrd is definitely a fee safety, very high fee safety.
  19. All of this is your opinion and none is supported by facts. It appears your post is a hack job and if I was to speculate like you did I would say because you are a troll, want to lick Byrd's balls or that you are being paid by his agent Parker. Equal number of facts.
  20. Legal judgment day means little to teams; they can release a player for any reason not prohibited by federal, state or local laws or not allowed by contract with NFL Player Association Union. If they want rules to change they need to talk to union reps but it may cost them money in next contract.
  21. Shame no site has just posted the raw facts - the list - without a lot of garbage and needing to go thru multiple pages like I did Forbes' top 50: 1.Dallas Cowboys (5) 2.New England Patriots (6) 3.Washington Redskins (8) 4.New York Giants (9) 5.Houston Texans (13) 6.New York Jets (14) 7.Philadelphia Eagles (15) 8.Chicago Bears (16) 9.San Francisco 49ers (17) 10.Green Bay Packers (18) 11.Baltimore Ravens (19) 12.Indianapolis Colts (20) 13.Denver Broncos (22) 14.Pittsburgh Steelers (23) 15.Miami Dolphins (25) 16.Carolina Panthers (26) 17.Seattle Seahawks (27) 18.Tampa Bay Bucs (28) 19.Tennesee Titans (29) 20.Kansas City Chiefs (30) 21.Cleveland Browns (34) 22.Minnesota Vikings (35) 23.New Orleans Saints (36) 24.San Diego Chargers (38) 25.Arizona Cardinals (39) 26.Cincinnati Bengals (42) 27.Detroit Lions (43) 28.Atlanta Falcons (44) 29.Buffalo Bills (46) 30.Oakland Raiders (50) Rams and Jaguars did not make top 50 - they were 51 and 52.
  22. Being in snow in bikini is actually fine if temperature is warm enough. Seen lots of places out west like this. Go look at pictures more appealing to you like that Peter Pan guy.
  23. A can not recall you EVER being right twice in a day so you must not be a squirrel.
  24. I had heartburn so bad that they thought I was having a heart attack and my boss insisted I go to hospital. Still have it on occasion and neither diet nor medication seems to make a difference. All you can do is endure and eat really slowly when attack over hoping not to trigger it.
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