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Everything posted by BillsWatch

  1. It is a video in first post. www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=JoG_2qLThgk
  2. I have been to preseason game in $nyder $tadium. It is a dump despite being many years newer than the Ralph.
  3. I think the current coaches and front office people are big on reviewing tape and between OTA and training camp they looked at tape including the tapes from game last year and decided he did not fit. Bills paid a lot for him so they did due diligence before cutting him seeing no need to give him additional reps taken away from other players on bubble and trying to start.
  4. Good for Roosevelt. Hope Browns have better WR coach than Bills had and can develop him.
  5. There are no hotels with shuttles to game I know of. Red Carpet inn on Southwestern Blvd is closest I know of; it is walking distance from stadium but if you are going to bring a drunk Fish Fan with you don't stay there, he may be thrown out, continue drinking and stumble into some gully and drown. Book fast for prices rising every week. Can't really talk about tailgating, have not been there in a few years, but the Pinto is now in Hammer's Lot very close to stadium. Hammer's Lot is mapped on Google: https://maps.google.com/maps?q=Hammer%27s+Lot
  6. They are going to make it part of the plot-line for whole season I suspect. Spies have secrets. I wonder if they will use any life model decoys so they can show characters dying and still keep them on show.
  7. I do not think GL counts even though he had contact with aliens. He did not tell anyone important and most will assume his ring runs off cannibals and causes hallucinations the way the character acted. They took Hal Jordan and stuck Kyle Rayner's personality into it. Not as bad as the Superman where he left for 5 years and Lois had his son or the terrible Hulk movie or X-Men abomination. They do not. They can introduce some in movie like they did Avengers. It depends on who they select as part of Justice League too - Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Flash, Green Lantern and Green Arrow are all known by portion of public who go to movies. I did it - it read 'clueless'. :
  8. Looks like someone neither read Aquaman and did not see Waterworld. Neither has anything to do with each other. Aquaman they could do but it would need to be one where he is going after Somalia Pirates, eco-terrorist nuts, companies doing illegal dumping in sea and Japanese fishing boats violating every rule agreed to by world body. And an appearance of Aquaman at United Nations where he tells them he will enforce the rules since the are impotent. Such a movie would have lots and lots of people protesting and complaining about lots of things like rights of the scumbags. Batman was a dark character originally, got Robin and become less dark, responding to 50's panels and became strange, had Batman tv show and went camp and then became much darker in 1970's way before 9/11.
  9. No he was cut basically as soon as Marrone was hired. No off season work between hire and not being tendered. Head Coach Doug Marrone - Hired 1/7 Donald Jones - Signed with Patriots as UFA after not being tendered 3/15
  10. He will shine - shoes. But he got 2M in recently lawsuit so is set for life.
  11. Nothing wrong with 'marginal' players being signed as UDFAs since some can be very good players with proper coaching, nutrition and training; many would classify Stevie Johnson as marginal player when we drafted him. Issue is when front office depends on such finds and does not continue to use picks and trades to increase quality of players balancing need for other positions.
  12. Suspect New England thought with some coaching they could correct Donald Jones' game and make a player out of him; appears he needs a better coach to raise his game and he should either go to one of arena leagues (how many left now?) or CFL if he has opportunity and work on his ball catching skills.
  13. Tannehill? I did not know NFL sold jerseys in Cuba. Are sales of fake imports and real imports counted separately?
  14. Almost no one reads Buffalo News except web viewers who clear cookies. Read article, clear cookies. Block reminder pictures if you want and just see blank screen. Speaking as Jerry Sullvan does about the Bills who needs a 4th rate writer on a third rate paper (his quote was about a 4th rate coach on a 3rd rate team).
  15. Christian Bale did not make half the effort he did in first two movies. It was barely a Batman pic anyways and more of a Bane movie. Not real enthusiastic about a Superman who does not become Superman until he is in his 30s but thought most of was okay. Definitively strange without Christopher Reeves especially since this film had so little of Clark Kent and Reeves played the differences so well but that era is past.
  16. http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/blog/pete-prisco/22800034/prisco-the-nfls-best-young-assistant-coaches-under-40 Nathaniel Hackett, offensive coordinator, Bills The 33-year-old son of longtime NFL coach Paul Hackett will be in his first season as an NFL coordinator. He was the offensive coordinator at Syracuse for Bills coach Doug Marrone. He did a nice job with quarterback Ryan Nassib and the up-tempo offense. He previously worked as a quality control coach for the Bills in 2008-09. Appears to be basing it on college work although he did work for Bills before. He also coached in NFL for Tampa Bay in 2006-07 but it is a season most Buc fans I know want to forget.
  17. He might make it if we were not dealing with a coach in first year more concerned about building program than winning to save his job or to get renewed. IMO Marrone will take the impact of new WRs learning now even if it means growing pains.
  18. Jones made a mistake signing with Patriots* unless it was only team calling. No signing bonus, no guaranteed money and a GM who plays mind games. The roster he needed to compete at seemed weak but he needed a commitment. He was released very early and should have found a team which wanted him more. Wonder if we will ever hear full story on why he was signed and released?
  19. Did the person you spoke to tell reason why everyone did not vote for Lou Saban was due to Wilson's opinion or just his own? I spoke to a Hall of Fame committee member who told me he never votes for Andre Reed for Hall of Fame due to the 'distasteful' (his word) way Reed acted after he was cut and trying for position w/other teams. He said he had Bruce and Thurman on his top 5 lists, Thurman both years. I tend to believe the most difficult championships to win are those between merger and full free agency in NFL so I value effort then more than in the 'gold' and 'tarnished brass' ages. Right now between rule changes, free agencies, playoff scheduling and referees any team can get hot and win Superbowl and not be best team. No but I think it is factor for some in voting for others before Saban. It was also a short period.
  20. IMO a championship with 8 teams in not much more impressive than AFC championships with 16 teams. I do not think it is Wilson who is keeping him off the wall but his own cankerous personality pre death and reputation with voting committee. Blaming it on Wilson is as toothless as 'Wilson is cheap'. .
  21. Found another Phil short - Hilarious! Marvel One-Shot A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Thor's Hammer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAMgkpQYOSQ
  22. #1 on the list is obvious product placement. I am surprised no one has mentioned that. There are ads on site. And Stewart's does not deserve 3 slots. It is Central NY obsession not update NY.
  23. For a coach know for being a nomad and peripatetic coach maybe naming the team bus after him would be more appropriate.
  24. Phil's back and a lot more (clip ensemble from first episode): http://www.youtube.com/embed/l1YewhQ1OOQ?version=3&rel=1&fs=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&wmode=transparent Not exactly like everything (especially the line "we are not exactly a team") but in general it looks good if they can keep up the production value and not resort to reusing previous scenes in recaps and other such techniques to save money. If I want to see it again I'll go on YouTube.
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