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Everything posted by BillsWatch

  1. Evidently Browns RB has foot in mouth disease on matter: http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/blog/eye-on-football/22709585/browns-rb-dion-lewis-says-aaron-hernandezs-homie-snitched-on-him
  2. Due to agent, who has had in past refused to negotiate for other players who were represented by agent, it becomes more difficult but I agree the attitude should be 'NFLPA agreed to franchise tag, if you do not like it blame them.' and tag him repeatedly, fine him whenever possible and put him through everything they can when he signs contract at end of year including putting him through 'conditioning tests' as other teams have done and not starting him. If players do not like this they should be blaming NFLPA not teams.
  3. She definitely looks better not dyed as a blonde. Is the company distributing thwm getting them on 2 cents on a dollar from charitable organizations? I found out that one of the children charitable organizations I was regularly donating to was not actually getting items but getting 2 cents on a dollar and organization was selling them to thrift shops. If I wanted to donate 2 cents on a dollar for items I'd sell them directly to such stores and donate the money directly.
  4. It is ranking of projected starers of NFL teams. Sorry you think your little league football team QB should be on list ahead of Kolb but there are only 2 teams and asking for a ranking shows problem with reading comprehension.
  5. I recognized the name as someone who played for us but doubt many from that era are left.
  6. He was bigger than bulls before stapling.
  7. http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/stony-brook-michael-bamiro-ineligible-ncaa-supplemental-draft-free-agent-070813 Neither of our RTs seems to be players who could not use some competition and player who will effectively be a UDFA was graded as 5th or 6th round quality pick. With new staff I could see them taking a chance on a player who could grow with team. Might do well as 6th lineman for goal line packages.
  8. I think he will be cursed by Football gods with never making it to Superbowl again
  9. I think you need to be logged in to vote. I am not member of site so not able to vote. I also used a lot of blocking software for cookies, widgets, beacons, etc so probably would not even see vote buttons.
  10. Musings on the 'Greatest Uniform in NFL History' http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap1000000216586/article/musings-on-the-greatest-uniform-in-nfl-history Currently the Bills are losing to Pittsburgh in modern (26070 to 32243) and Miami (17886 to 24788) in throwback. Like the schedule it was rigged against the Bills (Jets seeded #3 round 1, Please. Just to put them in lightweight division and beaten by Bengals). http://www.nfl.com/greatestuni
  11. If Byrd's agent decides to try to force maximum value he will be signed and traded for he is not worth maximum value to all teams including Bills. Since Bills did not tag him as exclusive rights franchise player; the team getting him will negotiate ahead of time extension before trade. That shows you the difference between a true must keep player like Brees, Henry Melton, Michael Johnson, Anthony Spencer, Pat McAfee, Randy Starks, etc. The Bills would welcome an offer for 2 1st round picks but no team thinks Byrd is that good or essential.
  12. My supermarket actually has a decent variety of apples but it is an Asian one which typically carries a larger variety than the chain ones. Worked in food cooperative when in college in Buffalo and we would occasionally get crates of different apples from suppliers. I have eaten the Cox Orange and Newtown Pippins, Esopus Spitzenburg, Granny Smith, McIntosh (think it is sometimes spelled MacIntosh). Rome, Cortland, Redcort, Irish Peach, Braeburn, Gala, Pink Lady, Jazz, Fuji among others. Always wanted to try a Black Oxford. And yes Delicious apples should be renamed Boring apples. There was one type of apples in 80's which was not so good for eating, cider or baking but the apple was great for making dried apple rings. Here is a good site on apple varieties: http://www.orangepippin.com/apples
  13. His blocking is not that great such that I would want him on the field on an all out blitz like Thurman; perhaps in a few years he will improve.
  14. Same reason why some do not post in thread already created for topic - some just do not listen.
  15. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-2/22---Can-Dareus-have-a-breakout-season/879681c8-feb2-4939-a8d5-d6b0fcf1e8e5 #22 in Buffalo Bills countdown. Was that a sophomore slump caused by situation out of Dareus's control and will he return to first season potential?
  16. Only when rated by you. Rated by PFF as below average.
  17. Yes I am sure EJ would be mad if Fritz was giving watches to Offense Linemen. I do not think his 'presence' would hurt team. Our current coach would not allow it to happen so only issue is with media / fans and neither should be paid attention to by team. But that is all speculation since Fritz is not member of team. I do not think a lot of Kolb and do not think he will make a good backup or starting QB when balls and players are flying even though he may look good in camp. It is good to have a QB who can teach rookie how to read defenses and when necessary be in there and be able to take more than one hit neither of which suits Kolb.
  18. In nickle I think it will be Bryan Scott not Justin Rogers. I agree with Spiller being rated HQ, he will need to repeat and sustain to be considered Elite. Anderson has not proved himself as an average starter yet. Funny some give excuses for Mario Williams's injury but Kyle Williams's injury was much more severe and he has been rated by many teams as much bigger impact player when healthy. I am just glad that they will be playing next to each other so teams will need to pick their poison.
  19. http://espnmediazone.com/us/press-releases/2013/07/2013-jaws-qb-countdown/#kolb Interestingly Titans signed our backup QB and their starting QB is rated #31, below Kolb.
  20. And the money to pay for stadiums needs to start affecting players. Players got portion of revenue without costs. Between future health costs and stadium costs NFL is going to tell their 'partners' they need to start sharing in costs.
  21. St. Louis got the Rams to go there with a big bag of gold and more bags promised. No surprise if Rams want to leave if bags stop flowing to the Rams.
  22. I am surprised that Mark Anderson was not mentioned as on the bubble. He showed very little prior to injury.
  23. I am pessimistic regarding companies because I have been ripped off so often so I look at details. Read the rules. The company can decide to cancel you at their discretion and you need to pay full amount they claim you owe. To cancel, you first pay a $20 termination fee. But if the dollar amount spent using movie pass exceeds the amount you've paid? You gotta make up the difference. Not the difference for the month of cancellation - for your entire service period. 27.10. MoviePass may terminate the subscription at any time for any reason or none whatsoever.(i.e.not enough profit from you). If MoviePass terminates the agreement, MoviePass may keep any subscription payments that have been received. In addition, if the $ (dollar) amount of tickets redeemed during the length of subscription exceeds the total subscription fees paid thus far, the user will be responsible for the difference.
  24. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap1000000216054/article/the-greatest-football-movie-ever-semifinals No information on who is choosing movies and winners. Can not believe Flash Gordon made the elite 8 (yes supposedly Flash Gordon was a football player but that does not make it a football movie). There are no user votes, information on why a movie won or even links to movie info. Really strange off-season feature.
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