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Everything posted by JPL7

  1. YES! This has been my exact argument for years! Dude is overrated and not at all HOF worthy.
  2. I second Frank Gore Also, Eli Manning (who will get in, unfortunately)
  3. I thought Reggie Bush was going to be a new version of Tomlinson. Boy was I incorrect. JP Losman I was sure would be our new JK12. Yeesh.
  4. Is this a joke?? Keep Frazier???? What could be done differently?? Oh gee, I don’t know, how about not playing base nickel EVERY PLAY for starters?! On 3rd and 2 or 4th and 1 plays using a ***** nose tackle or at the very least 5 lineman to stop the run. Or have the line do stunts and twists instead just going straight ahead EVERY PLAY. How about not playing soft zone 95% of the time?! Not having your safety’s retreat 30 yards on obvious short pass plays?! I’ve said all this for 3 seasons now. The bills D was ranked high in spite of Frazier, not because of him. Dude is a bum who shows no emotion or pizazz. No energy. The team played with that same attitude (or lack there of) yesterday. Last off season I wanted desperately for some dumb team to buy into his “top 3 d” credentials and hire him as HC to rid us of him. But no team was idiotic enough to do it. His bend but don’t break, soft, one dimensional scheme doesn’t work when it matters. And he makes ZERO adjustments in game. He’s got to go! His defensive mentality during the 13 seconds play epitomizes that bum. It’s a microcosm of him as DC here. He should have been fired then. Now that age and injury caught up to some guys, the facade is gone. Offenses figured out how to beat this teams defense. And because he never makes any adjustments, there was no way this team can stop quality offenses.
  5. Found it… https://youtu.be/Vow7Wjq7G_E
  6. Not that one. It’s a rap or hip hop song
  7. What is the name of the song played at the stadium during most kickoffs? Thanks.
  8. They are skyrocketing now. No way I will be getting tickets for this one. Oh well!
  9. Why does he refuse to play 5 down lineman on goalline situations?!?! WHY???
  11. Hey guys! Longtime fan from Ohio. I have been to probably 10 games in Buffalo over the many years, but I am bringing up a few buddies with me up from Ohio for the Bills vs Vikes game Nov 13. Tickets are stupid expensive for that game. I can't find anything for 6 guys under $150 per ticket (the surcharge fees are killing us) but we wanted to come up for the pregame festivities and what not regardless. And also, curious any recommendations for a good spot near the stadium to watch game? Our plan is to come to the stadium for pregame activities, the fieldhouse, tailgate, etc. then go to a sports bar afterwards to watch. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  12. Does anyone know why the Eagles released him?
  13. This guy can go kick rocks for all I care. What a noodge! Most tax money goes to nonsense anyway, so why not use it to keep the bills where they belong?!?
  14. https://www.yahoo.com/news/ive-studied-stadium-financing-over-121246769.html “As a sports economist who has studied stadium deals for over two decades, I am not exaggerating when I write that the New York Legislature has managed to craft one of the worst stadium deals in recent memory – a remarkable feat considering the high bar set by other misguided state and local governments across the country.”
  15. Do people not realize this is fake?? The game was on CBS for one thing. Secondly, the ball looks like a perfectly thrown spiral. This is obviously an altered photo. Anyway, move on... On to Cincinnati!
  16. I know a lot of ppl on here have an inordinate amount of loathing for Brady, but the reality is he a phenomenal quarterback and seems like a damn good dude. Not infallible (none of us are) but a true competitor in every sense of the word. A champion. And model for how it should be done on and off the field. I really appreciated him more once he left the Pats. The nfl will be less entertaining without him.
  17. https://www.insider.com/nfl-buffalo-bills-dont-do-squats-never-get-injured-playoffs-2022-1 "Super Bowl-contending Buffalo Bills cut squats from their workouts during the season — and trainers say that may explain why they're the least-injured team in the playoffs" This is interesting.
  18. I think people are making a bigger deal out of it than it should be. As if Buffalo isn't supportive of the Bills or something. That's ridiculous! People aren't taking into consideration that you have to be vaxxed to attend, so a large chunk of the population aren't even allowed to go. Also, about 30% of the season ticketholders are Canadian, they come over from Canada. With all the travel restrictions thats an issue. Also, I am as diehard of a Bills fan as you can get and even if I lived in Buffalo you couldn't pay me money to go sit in 0 degree weather when I can watch it from the comfort of my home on a 70 inch TV with my buddies, plenty of food, beer, etc. Without dealing with traffic or crowds or all the wacky nonsense of sporting events nowadays. Forget all that noise! And quite frankly, football is the best TV sport there is, so why go when its going to be completely miserable out?! Instead of enjoying the game, it's going to be all about not freezing the death! No thanks!
  19. He is 5 of 21 in his career. I looked it up last night.
  20. CAN SOMEONE ANYONE EXPLAIN TO ME WHY THE BILLS NEVER EVER GO 5 DOWN LINEMAN??? Please! I have been asking this for 3 seasons! I don't get why on obvious run downs they refuse to stack the line. It's not a mystery that they are going to get ran on. And wow, wouldn't you know it, the opposing team gets the first down far more times than not. Other coaches must be salivating at running against the Bills. It's so easy!
  21. Why aren't they playing Ryan Bates?? The coaches go out of their way to speak well of him. In his limited action I have seen he does a good job. I don't get it.
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