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Everything posted by ndirish1978

  1. It is asinine to stand in front of people who are sitting and rude. If your section stands as a whole, ok. But if you're standing and everyone behind you is sitting, you deserve to get kicked down the steps.
  2. Colleen Wolf would have been a much better fit, agreed. MRob too.
  3. Yeah I'm not worried about our offense, this game will be up to our D.
  4. The heck are you talking about? No I don't miss being crap and rooting for below average players.
  5. Short yardage is a work in progress this year. I believe we'll figure it out. Red zone defense needs to be stiffer. Hope Oliver and Philips are ready for this week, we will need our pass rush to make up for deficiencies in coverage by our rookie CBs.
  6. I haven't watched the Dolfelons at all this year, just a couple highlights of the 4th quarter comeback. Couple of questions from those of you who have if I may: How is their running game? How is their OL holding up? I know they replaced a bad RT with Little. How's their D? Looks like they give up points to decent offenses. Thanks in advance!
  7. Bump, still looking for 4 together if anyone has some available. Thanks!
  8. When you see something like this year after year you have to question the training staff a bit. Isn't this a recurring thing for them?
  9. We should know who got claimed off waivers at 12 today
  10. Agreed, never heard of Brett Kern. His name is stricken from the record.
  11. He will be fine, they are being careful with injuries. I wouldn't be surprised if he would have played last game had it actually been a regular season game.
  12. Thanks for the breakdown! I think we'll see a lot more 12 and 10 personnel this year. I can also see us lining up in 21 and then sending cook out to the flat presnap. Both Cook and Shakir could really help us with some formation wrinkles that, while they may not result in stats for the rookies, could very well work to the benefit of our other weapons.
  13. The self-righteous smugness radiating from this post is gross and predictably, poorly thought out. The ONLY information that could be released that people will accept in this case is a list of dates of who was contacted, who was hired to collect information, a release of all the notes from the investigation. You are NEVER going to get that information and it is asinine to think you are entitled to it. These smug articles out there drawing conclusions from press conference snippets are just clickbait, you're not going to find an article with a well-researched, reasoned explanation of events because that information will never be released. I would posit that when the team realized they weren't going to be able to unequivocally answer the questions raised by the allegations they admitted they didn't have the resources to do their due diligence and then took the high road by not throwing others under the bus for their own shortcomings and simply cut ties. You look at facts one way, I look at them another. I would not have criticized your opinion had you not decided to point out how special your thoughts are and how it makes you better than the "apologists" on this board. No one here wants you to feel uncomfortable, feel free to bounce. Though I think you like feeling as if you are superior to everyone here, it seems to be a constant in your posts.
  14. I used to like Fairburn. Maybe he's been hanging out too much with Jerry Sullivan, but his coverage has been awful. Sal Maiorana and Jay Skurski have always been bottom of the barrel in terms of their takes so I don't find the fact that they continue to be terrible very surprising. Speaking "truth to power" is relevant in actual life situations, these three have been using the situation to style themselves as "serious journalists." This is sports reporting, not covering the war in Ukraine, there isn't a "deeper level" to explore. Why didn't they reach out to the accuser? Maybe because the attorney laid out his case and gave them relevant documents and the team went out to try and corroborate or disprove the facts on their own, realized they weren't capable of getting to the bottom of things when the allegations and the player's version of events were so far apart and a suit was brought and decided to cut bait.
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