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Marv's Neighbor

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Everything posted by Marv's Neighbor

  1. Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good!
  2. Excuse me but Eric or his mouthpiece agent saif Eric didn't want to play here no mo. Therefore AMF!
  3. Too bad Mike Tice is gone. He played for the As*hawks!
  4. Just think, when he gets out it will be time for SB XLV!
  5. She'll be lucky to find the stairs!
  6. Call Dick Jauron! No doubt he knows ALL the places to go. Marv probably knows a lot also.
  7. I didn't either! Thought it was a remake of the old sitcom set in Rochester!
  8. I trust in Greg to fu*k it up somehow! But he did INTERVIEW WELL!
  9. You're right! So that being said, what's up with all the interest in Leinart? I see the same similarities with him!
  10. Definately time to bring back the Blue & Gold uniforms.
  11. That would not be new. I can remember listening to the Yankees games, on the radio, in the 50's, in Spanish. And the count is: dos y dos!
  12. What, you've never had one with salty ham & grits?
  13. I always knew God was behind the WING-T! Everyone who ever saw it said God ****.
  14. BAA BAA BAA, BAA BAA BABATUNDE to the tune of Barbara Ann!
  15. You are lucky! I don't understand why Direect TV has no CBC availability. If you don't live near the border you're out of luck. Haven't seen Don Cherry in years!
  16. Sounds like a cross between a Monty Python skit and Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil!
  17. I really don't think you're ever going to get much reliable information from that show!
  18. You're absolutely right! I was in 6th grade when they played their first season. Moved all over, traveled all over but the BILLS will ALWAYS be my team. However, after all that time my patience is getting pretty thin. When Ralphie takes the dirt nap, if the team moves, I'm finished! Great memories are one thing but the future is now!
  19. What a dumbas*! Even when you pay the big $$$ for "private air travel" your plane still has to fly thru the same inadequate air traffic system full of the same delays and fuel wasting holds and reroutes. Now the FAA wants to start "user fees." So all the private air travel people will have to start paying for weather briefings and flight plan file etc... Donald lives in NY, he can TAKE THE "A" TRAIN."
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