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Brand J

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Everything posted by Brand J

  1. Agree with the bolded, but it does open opportunities for minorities that otherwise wouldn’t have been there. The opportunity to interview for a coveted HC position. Nothing more, nothing less. I believe Tomlin was a beneficiary of the Rooney Rule and the Steelers had said without the rule in place he likely wouldn’t have even been interviewed (if it wasn’t Tomlin and the Steeler’s comments, someone correct me on this). Minorities have long lagged behind others when it comes to opportunities for advancement, so I can’t poo poo the rule.
  2. Yeah because if I was a fan of the opposing team I’d be throwing them to get a penalty on the Bills.
  3. Kudos to them for drafting first round replacements in every case, but they’ve beaten the odds twice in terms of hitting on a franchise QB. Those guys are rare, there are way more busts and duds than superstars at that position, but don’t tell that to the Packers. They’re due a drought.
  4. There’s not a fanbase more spoiled than the Packers. To go from Brett Favre, to Aaron Rodgers, to Jordan Love…
  5. Congrats, Lions! When will HCs learn that taking a 5 yard delay of game penalty in the second half is MUCH better than burning a timeout? They just don’t get it.
  6. I’d be furious with McD if he ran fifty seconds off the clock with 3 TOs in his pocket.
  7. I don’t remember any talk of LaPorta going into the draft. I recall Kincaid and Mayer were thought to be the two best TEs. Kudos to the Lions for picking LaPorta before Mayer at the top of the 2nd round.
  8. Sneed is what Kaiir Elam was drafted to be. Long, rangy, fast, and physical man corner. Not sure the light will ever come on for Elam, or if it does, it’ll be with another team and in another scheme.
  9. We need Grape 🍇 Davis for KC. He usually plays well against them.
  10. Dolphins defense is missing 6 starters, but this game is totally on the inept offense.
  11. The good thing is we know them almost as well as a divisional opponent at this point. Bad news is, they know us that well too. Hope Josh brings his A game.
  12. Hill just got demolished on that 5 yard chuck rule.
  13. The Chiefs were without Pacheco, Tranquil, and who else when we played them?
  14. Theres not a single bone in my body that’s happy after a successful KC play. I’m not necessarily happy about a Dolphins positive play, but I do find it… more tolerable.
  15. Baltimore may pay that price too. Tough getting back into game speed after a 2 week vacay.
  16. Flacco was a nice comeback story, played well for getting off his couch, but his time is over.
  17. Always loved Singletary’s moves, he just can’t get out of 3rd gear.
  18. For some reason Collins slowed up a bit once he got past the secondary.
  19. I didn’t answer your question because it’s not a point I raised, or disagreed with. I thought you would’ve understood that seeing as how I never contested the point. Belichick went 5-13 with a “good” QB in Drew Bledsoe. What was the problem there? How did Tom Brady step in and go 15-3 with the same roster of players? The Pats roster with a prime Tom Brady could never qualify as “not that great.” In whatever years you’re referencing, compare the talent they had against the talent they had to beat. No QB was on the level of Tom Brady, so that’s going to immediately level the field. As to the bolded, I never said you said “all coaches,” so who’s exaggerating the point?
  20. Belichick was 5-11 in his first year with Drew Bledsoe. 0-2 the very next season before Mo Lewis rewrote the Patriots history with a hit on the sideline. After Bledsoe got hurt, Brady stepped in and went 15-3 the rest of the way. Was he an All Pro? No. But he clearly had that special something to propel the team to the Super Bowl. Would Belichick have won the SB that year with Bledsoe? Was Bledsoe a Matt Cassel level QB? I can’t find the quote, but later that season the offensive coordinator had admitted that when Brady took over, the offense was just different. It ran like a well oiled machine. Belichick owes his success to Brady, not the other way around. This does not mean that Belichick was a bad coach, but the players make the plays.
  21. The Ravens just got tougher. Mark Andrews is back practicing with the team.
  22. I don’t know why I’m having a discussion with someone who keeps raising points to counter points I’ve never made. It’s like you’re reading into whatever arguments you want to read into in your effort to defend Belichick. I think we can both agree that not only was Tom Brady a superior QB to Drew Brees, but the rosters NE had were superior to those that Brees had. Never mind the injuries that New Orleans went through. That argument does nothing to eliminate your “other coaches would’ve struggled to even make the playoffs let alone win Super Bowls” with Brady at the helm.
  23. Did you read my post? I said the lack of the greatest QB of all time is reflective of Belichick’s sub 500 record. If discrediting Belichick means that I’m not on board with calling him “the greatest head coach of all time,” then I’ll accept that. But please don’t act like other coaches would’ve struggled to make the playoffs with Tom Brady and the defensive rosters Belichick had to work with. That’s nonsensical. Johnson saw the Bills running the shovel pass on TV during an interview and looked into how many times they had done it all season. When he found out it wasn’t much, he made a concerted effort to stop that particular play.
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