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Georgia Bill

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Everything posted by Georgia Bill

  1. I wholeheartedly agree! Hats off to the crowd noise - our fans are crazy loud and proud. When we lose after that kind of great display ('Boys last year, Browns this), it always makes me more bummed because I feel for all those fans who gave it all they could, more than any team I've witnessed - and end up on the short end. I REALLY want to win those games - the fans deserve it so much!
  2. I do think he cost us the game tonight (6 points off turnovers, plus without them we might have scored on a couple of those possessions to boot). Still, I agree that he needs to push through this and gain his confidence back. He is intelligent and has a hell of an arm. I think he can shake this off and as time goes on we'll see more of the good, less of the bad. I don't want to screw him up, start over w someone else etc. He's the guy.
  3. Better to lose in conservative fashion and telegraph your lack of confidence in your QB's ability to perform. Yeah, that's probably got everybody's confidence much higher now. So high I think they'll probably drop a couple more games in a row as the media scrutiny and finger pointing reach enjoyable levels... Stupid...
  4. We should have blown them out of the water tonight! If only Edwards had his head on straight, he had all the time in the world and just looked afraid to throw most anything but the dump off pass to Lynch. Thus, the Browns KNEW we had to run, and even so they could not stop us. If we had just had an actual passing game too, we would have mopped these guys up. How sad that whenever other parts of our game start to click, a wheel comes off another one. Before the game ended I was thinking even if we win, do we REALLY deserve to be thinking playoffs? I mean seriously, it was the Browns for godsake.
  5. crushed, pissed, disgusted, so much like the feeling in the night game w the Cowboys last year. So many times they take you to the brink, thinking you'll (fill in the blank ... win the game, get in the playoffs, finally have a solid offense and defense all year, win the superbowl, make the needed stop) and then WHAM you get f'in suckerpunched in the gut big time. Sad thing is, I'll be back next week. Please sir, may I have another
  6. The optimist in me hopes we can look back at that drive and say it was the spark that turned the game and season around. I gotta dig deep for that kind of optimism...
  7. Is there anyone on the board that thinks we should keep playing Trent tonight?
  8. No doubt. Even a 3 and out and we could be right back in this, despite the amazing number of screw ups...
  9. They do rattled. We ought to be owning the Jets
  10. To be honest, I'm less interested in our ending record (assuming we get IN the playoffs), than I am about how well we are playing ball the last 4 weeks of the season. As proven by the Giants and Steelers, even wildcard teams can win Superbowls. Having homefield advantage is no guarantee of total success. If your team CAN'T win on the road, and CAN't play strong (get on a roll) going into the playoffs, you really don't have much chance of winning it all. I am hoping to see our team get stronger as the year goes on. 10-6, 11-5, 12-4, doesn't matter to me...
  11. Weren't half the tickets to the Toronto game bought up by rich fans in Miami?
  12. -4 turnovers to their 1, rare for any team to overcome that on the road. -Established a solid running game with opening drive in the 3rd, then seemed to abandon it. -McGee not ready to play. -Edwards was not as sharp as usual, - but we knew he'd have this kind of day eventually. Hope no one is panicking, we still control our own destiny. Jets next week and NE after are now obviously BIG games.
  13. As long as we don't have a let down, we ought to be able to win all 3. Hard to imagine that 8-1 is seeming very do-able!
  14. My desire to see the Bills get some respect in the media is completely selfish. I figure only then will I actually get to see them broadcast locally here in Atlanta. Today instead we saw the Steelers - Bengals - doh! Outside of that, let them make all the excuses for why we win that they want - as long as we keep on winning
  15. Wow 5-1 baby! Who'd a thunkit! Congratulations - we WILL be getting some respect now!
  16. I bet that was the best tasting crow you ever had!
  17. Uh, maybe you'll say that was 2 Rivers screw ups - but I say - DEFENSE SAVED THE DAY!!! Go Bills!!
  18. Way to go baby - that int was HUGE! Looks like Ralphie's going get a nice BDay present today!
  19. Wow, this is shaping up to be a great 4th qrtr. Hope we finish the game w a great defensive stand to win.
  20. In Atlanta, we get to see Pittsburgh - Cinci. Yippee. I don't know how these games get picked, but down here the Bills get zero respect. The ONLY time you see them is Sunday night, Monday night, Thurs night games - when they have to show them. Meanwhile freakin Dallas has been on 5 times already. Gag me!
  21. Ladainian can't hear the crowd Here's a photo of Ladainian Tomlinson after scoring his 4th qtr TD at Buffalo in their 24-21 win, December 06. I guess he's doing the "I can't hear you now" pose for our crowd. I hope he hears us loud and clear Sunday!
  22. More recently, the Bolts beat us at home 2 years ago 24-21 (December). I remember that game because we had a chance to win but in the fourth quarter their running game just wore the Bills out. The crowd was really pumped up, imploring the defense to get the much needed stop, but Ladainian Tomlinson just kept getting first downs. At one point, after a run he jumped up and cockily waved his arms, imploring the crowd to get louder. That really made my blood boil, but sadly, our D could not stop them. I'm looking forward to some payback. Go Bills
  23. So, what you're saying is WE'RE GOING TO THE PLAYOFFS, for the first time in, like, forever?!! I mean, 10-6 gets you in. I'm glad there's others here on the board that are confident (like me) that we'll get in this year. Keep the faith bro!
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