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Georgia Bill

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Everything posted by Georgia Bill

  1. Hot damn, these Rams seem befuddled about how to handle our offense!
  2. First, I'll say I was a little nervous about the pick, but fell in love with him as a QB during the Dallas game. The keeper play (in my avatar) sold me on his heart and drive. As for your question, we all know this board well enough to know that it's gush over Josh time now, but that your second sentence describes what's going to happen as soon as he has the inevitable come back to earth game. I'm just hoping those keep getting further and further apart 😉
  3. Will he step up and do what needs to be done, or try too hard and f up under pressure? We'll soon see... Hoping for the best!
  4. I think that was true of the sound pumped onto the field at the stadium - read that somewhere. But it seems the sound that the TV broadcasters overlaid was not on a loop. At least in the Saints/Bucs game, the sound seemed to match the situation pretty well.
  5. Somehow they deal with that situation in England for instance, where cops don't carry guns. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/why-london-won-t-arm-all-police-despite-severe-terror-n737551 So it can't really be all that impossible now can it?
  6. Bills football will give me something to really look forward to on the weekend. Now more than ever, I want that. Been living in a work from home and mostly staying at home world where days blur together. NFL Sundays are one form of normalcy I'm craving!
  7. Of course. Everyone's entitled to their own way of peacefully expressing themselves in this country and the players should be too. After that short bit they play the game which is the part the fans are there to see. I don't understand why people get worked up about it. Chillax and enjoy the games!
  8. Imagine if Josh Allen said sorry, i just can't do this, and said he wasn't going to play in the playoffs just before they started, and after the Bills had secured the AFC East and had the best regular season record in the NFL. Sure you could respect his decision, but that doesn't mean there wouldn't be a huge dust up about it.
  9. If we won it all, I wouldn't care that its a so called asterisk year. Frankly, I think it's going to end up being one unless, like a miracle, covid just disappears ?. It could be a nice tune up for the year after, with no asterisk involved.
  10. This season may come down to who can field the most qualified players with some degree of consistency. Some surprises will pop up, players or groups of players who test positive and get scrubbed from some games. It will throw a real wild-card into the "expected" outcomes. Imagine five or six top players testing positive days before the Super Bowl, with the associated gyrations in point spreads. Or the controversy, when teams get accused of playing individuals who had tested positive. Should be interesting - IF the NFL can make it through the season.
  11. Is there some benefit in the fact that McD knows Cam's tendencies pretty well? It seems it should be of some benefit in scheming our defense to thwart him.
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