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Everything posted by Nuncha

  1. They will lose to Tampa and MAYBE win out from there. But it is very possible NE beats us again so 11-6 or 10-7.
  2. In honor of this weeks "legend of the game" and this thread:
  3. I wouldn't say transforms. He adds a speed element Singletary and Moss don't have.
  4. And our run D was as porous as it was this past Sunday against the Colts. Last year we could outscore just about anyone that's why we were 13-3. It certainly wasn't due to a stellar defense.
  5. Female singers popular before Madonna...I don't know like Diana Ross, Stevie Nicks or Joan Jett maybe?
  6. The lines on both sides of the ball are below average on this team and its really showing now.
  7. Daboll is horrible and if anyone needs to go its him. The offense is a cluster F right now. Defensively we have no leaders...Addison? Hughes? Stick a fork in both of them. They were awful today. The only one on D playing with any intensity seems to be Oliver. McD is always saying games are won in the trenches yet this team has a very bad O line and D line. This team isn't physical at all. A shakeup is needed and quick.
  8. This sucks....so the line will probably shift to the garbage we had vs Jacksonville.
  9. Judging by his performance against the Jets he's totally fine...unless he was injured during the game but I don't recall anything.
  10. Is he related to Donovan McNabb? Funny thing about McNabb was he wasn't a rookie when he didn't know. He was in the league 8 or 9 years when he said this: “I’ve never been a part of a tie,” McNabb said. “I never even knew that was in the rule book. It’s part of the rules and we have to go with it. I was looking forward to getting the opportunity to get out there and try to drive to win the game. But, unfortunately, with the rules, we settled with a tie.” … “In college, there are multiple overtimes, and in high school and Pop Warner. I never knew in the professional ranks it would end that way. I hate to see what would happen in the Super Bowl and the playoffs.”
  11. Good D, and will go as far as the rookie can take them. Bills beat them twice in close games though I think.
  12. In that WR class he definitely was not first round talent.
  13. What a waste of 2 number 1 picks he was. He wasn't worth first round pick.
  14. Disagree. Our offense didn't miss a beat when he was out or injured last season. He played in 9 games and had 33 catches 458 yards 3 TD's.
  15. We've kicked the tires on a broken down Ford long enough so why not?
  16. Bellicheat said "It appears Mac thought he had the ball". Really Bill? The dude was flailing both arms in an attempt to get free and clearly didn't have the ball.
  17. We probably had the highest scoring team in the league because we beat up Miami twice, once with their backup QB, The Texans with a no name QB, Washington with a no name QB, and a reeling KC team who would be 4-5 had Rodgers played yesterday. The real test is coming for this team after THIS loss and some much tougher games. How are they going to respond?
  18. I don't know...Fred Jackson was able to run behind some God awful O-lines here. Although Wood > Morse at center. Perhaps that's where some of the problem lies other than the glaring one at Guard?
  19. No mindset change will convert Cody Ford into an NFL caliber guard. He is beyond awful.
  20. Apparently a bad running Ford is able to cripple an entire offense. Seriously though, Daryl Williams was on the right side and he started there all last season. He had a horrible game today.
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