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Everything posted by MikePJ76

  1. I pr0mise I am n0t c00l at all. Damn 0h key 0n my macb00k is n0t wrking. I d0 n0t want t0 sit here with an0ther keyb0ard in my lap...s0 I am d0ing this bit at the m0ment
  2. s0rry 0n my macb00k at the m0ment. and yes the 0h key is n0t w0rking.
  3. IF y0u want t0 keep attracting g00d players and g00d c0aches the GM and Head C0ach situati0n needs t0 be stable.
  4. Diggs d0ing what he did 0pens the d00r t0 all this n0nsense. This stuff will c0ntinue until camps start and s0me new st0ry gains m0re attenti0n am0ng the lazy nati0nal writers and talk sh0w h0sts. S0me0ne is b0und t0 beat their wife and kids, slap a stripper ar0und 0r s0mething these guys are always d0ing that will grab s0me 0f the attenti0n away.
  5. my fav0rite Dak leader m0ment was with n0 time0uts in the divisi0nal play0ff game at h0me he t00k 0ff 0n a designed qb run and slid as the time ran 0ut. Its a t0p 5 all time w0rst play0ff m0ment and he gets alm0st n0 grief f0r it. The level 0f awful 0n that play is 0ff the charts. I l0ve watching it.
  6. N0t being the fav0rites and talked ab0ut like they sh0uld win the super b0wl is g00d. Being pr0m0ted by the nfl's d0pey media is n0t a g00d thing. Flying under the radar is the way t0 g0. H0pefully the diggs stuff is 0ver. Let th0se pe0ple talk ab0ut KC, Philly, Dallas and the jets 0r the next 4 m0nths bef0re the seas0n starts
  7. T0ny Dungy had t0 be fired f0r Tampa t0 get 0ver the hump. C0uld be the same here. als0 H0w in the hell is Dungy in the Hall 0f Fame?
  8. so if he is back what does that say about his relative in maryland who gives out secret family details to strangers at volunteer events. I just don't think this is over until this family member tells us more about josh's film study habits.
  9. On my work computer at the moment suffering from distraction... The O key here is working just fine!
  10. I'd rather be reading about how the offensive line is going to end up and about the defense.
  11. off the topic but does anyone have a copy of the 98 jets at bills december 19th game? I really would like to rewatch it....
  12. what? stuck in a rut? Listen, go watch the games of the last two seasons. In 21 they had things go their way a number of times in big situations on 4th downs in 22 they did not...that is just the way it goes. They should have won the vikings game in 21 they probably would have. Its just the way it goes. The bengals were the worst matchup for the bills when the bills defense was healthy so when they ran into them in the playoffs it was just a horrible matchup. All this fallout from one bad game from bad matchups is insane. The bills had an excellent offseason imo. This is a team that said we are not going to get beat again if a few guys go down and have a roster that reflects that.
  13. Not only did he floss but he prepared to floss. He prepared to floss better than anyone. No one prepares to floss like he does. Josh Allen just brushed his teeth. What kind of low effort is that. Diggs, brushed, flossed and used mouth wash. The guy is a preparation machine.
  14. *****. I hate when Bills fans from Maryland give out all the inside information. Its always the bills fans from maryland. Josh Allen has now been exposed. All this time he was watching Arrested Development episodes when he was supposed to be studying tape. I guess he has made a huge mistake. (Note-He torched the greatest defensive coach in history's defense in the playoffs a few years ago....must have been pure luck)
  15. This must be it. I mean everyday there is a new teammate complaining about how unprepared, lazy and unmotivated Josh Allen is. At this point where there is smoke there is fire. You can't even turn on ESPN without a bills teammate or coach noting how Allen is Lazy and only interested in being a celebrity. Hopefully they will play the other Allen this year, I heard from some sources that guy lives in the film room. In washington they called him "Scorcese" for how much time he spent studying film. I am very concerned with the Wheel of Fortune hosting job now available that Josh Allen may jump ship.
  16. Hey sleep with who ever you want I say. I mean it did not hurt the indians in Major League. Charlie Sheen totally nailed Corben Bernsen's wife and they got along just fine....I think they even beat the Yankees...which if you know anything about baseball the 1989 New York Yankees were a juggernaut.
  17. Belichick or Sean Payton 1 million percent not that scumbag in KC.
  18. impr0ved 0ffensive line, running backs and drafted a weap0n at tight end. if he is mad ab0ut that he is 100% ab0ut himself and n0t the team.
  19. again, g0 lk at wh0 was playing wr and te f0r them. injuries killed their skilled p0siti0ns. They w0n a r0ad play0ff game in a difficult place t0 play. they were abs0lutely a g00d team t0 acc0mplish what they did.
  20. s0 his phil0s0phy t0 h0ld pe0ple acc0untable and be m0re inv0lved is t0 skip the first day 0f mandat0ry 0TA practice that all his teammates participated in...even the guy that alm0st died..... then may 0r may n0t have taken a sh0t at the qb 0n instagram like a 15 year 0ld girl?? if he wants t0 be m0re inv0lved and be the leader he c0uld simply g0 t0 practice and end all 0f this t0m0rr0w in five sec0nds with a quick media sessi0n. n0w ask y0urself d0es anything ab0ut diggs lead y0u t0 believe he will d0 that?
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