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Everything posted by MikePJ76

  1. dawson knox has a finger injury and is not playing tonight....i guess he is day to day, i hadn't read this before i just heard it.
  2. generally in the preseason the home teams always look sharper...i never know why that is but it always seems to be the case. this game is going to lead to the national talking heads to declare the bills dead....i kind of loved it
  3. I think he is fairly close to retiring. He watched his close friend Travis Frederickson walk away a few years ago and the writing is on the wall for Tyron Smith at LT. He sounded like a guy in interviews the past two offseasons that was close to hanging it up. The last few seasons he has been nicked up from time to time something that didn't happen to him early in his career. He has played a lot of snaps. he sat out the spring because of minor injuries..which was basically him not participating without holding out and then held out. They hired Mike Solari as the new line coach and have a new OC. Have to imagine a player of his caliber would thrive under any coach but still little different philosophy and play calling style could cause him to be behind the 8 ball when they kick off in ny in a few weeks.
  4. FWIW Mike Tomlin said the steelers starters will play and will play for longer than they did last week which was one drive. The Bills Offensive line better be on their p's and q's Saturday. I am really looking forward to seeing how the right side of the line does vs Pittsburgh's front seven.
  5. The Old School approach was always to play your guys. Parcells did it, Coughlin did it, Reid does it, Belichick does it. I think that is the correct way in all honesty and technically the chance of getting hurt in practice is higher I imagine except for the actual contact part. I hope he is in for a scoring drive and then gets out of there. Its always good for your starting offense to get some work on the road when you open the season on the road. So working on communication from the OC calling plays to the QB and center making adjustments and changing protections...getting work on the road is a good thing. The downside of playing your qb or star players is sometimes in the preseason younger guys want to get after these players to make a name for themselves in their locker rooms, I don't mean dirty play but just on a level that these players are not playing at yet. again injuries can happen anytime. Dan marino and vinny testaverde popped their achilles in week 1 and their teams were doomed years ago, they played in the preseason....Doug Free let a rusher (Cliff Avril) go free because he was beat and confused on the protection leading to Romo getting his twice surgically repaired back hammered in an awkward play costing him his season and his career to an inferior player. So in that sense preseason can be scary. Chances are Allen and the starters will play one or two drives if they do not score on the first one just to work on communication on the road to help prepare for week 1 in the meadowlands.
  6. One throw to kincaid, one to diggs and then hand off until they punt or score and get him out of there. Nothing good comes from playing in the preseason in this era of the nfl.
  7. what is worse than that though is the trickle down effect it had. Reporters covering teams, usually and mostly NFL teams were always looking for stories about nonsense, disruption and negativity. If they could find these stories they would go straight to ESPN and become nationally known personalities. It helped wreck local coverage along with the internet disrupting the way newspapers were monetized. To me it all really went south and tanked in the mid to late 00's. I know I sound like an old man and maybe I am (46) but being an espn personality went from fun, entertaining and intelligent people to opportunistic greedy self absorbed know it all's. ESPN shows previous to that had just the right amount of information, entertainment and depth to keep me coming back. I really loved that nfl monday night football show (Something Edge?) they had back when MNF was on ABC. Ron Jaworski was really fun to listen to breaking down tape and the show was just informative enough that you understood both teams ID without having to know who was the jack linebacker in a 3-4 front vs a 12 personnel set etc..... Today every schnook with an internet connection is a pretend nfl scout spreading false or bad info. Essentially when we order spaghetti and marinara we get egg noodles and ketchup. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHy9jZ8tDk0
  8. I literally do not even have espn anymore. It changed forever in the late 00's. I use to absolutely love espn's baseball coverage with Peter Gammons, Jayson Stark, Buster Olney, Harold Reynolds..etc.. They only care about nfl players and basketball highlights at this point. The monday night football broadcast has been bad for a real long time. The pregame show is unwatchable and now with Smug Aikman and Joe Buck its not any better. It just felt better in the old days when sports were seasonal...I love the nfl but I don't need reports on the nfl 365 days a year. same with all the other sports, in their downtime leave them be. When ESPN had AWA Wrestling on in the afternoons followed by old nfl films highlight shows, especially the super bowl shows it was a great time to have espn. I just dislike talking heads all day. If it was just like one hour of honorable and intelligent reporters discussing sports like they used to on sunday mornings with the sunday morning sports reporters show it would still be something I would like. That is another show that was great once a week and I look forward to because of Peter Gammons, Mike Lupica, Bob Ryan etc.
  9. You left off maybe their best wr, WanDale Robinson. I thought initially Beasley was almost there as a tryout in case the giants had injuries during the season so camp was a time for him to get familiar with the giants offense. Now I think he has taken crowders job. Now I kind of think crowder is the odd guy out. Collin Johnson is going to be on the PS for sure...not sure how many wr a team with a shaky line can carry.
  10. He has been nicked up and always nursing some minor injury over the last few seasons. He can still punch it in from inside the 5 though.
  11. Everyone came off as horrible people. Texas A&M more than any individual, which is not surprising at all. The guy is a disaster and needs help.
  12. He is a good qb who played in this offense with this coach last year in philadelphia. He is competent enough to start and win games. He is going to know where to go with the ball before it is even snapped and will challenge the defense all over the field.
  13. yea, he nearly threw for 400 yards and beat dallas on the road last year when starting for an injured hurts.
  14. Martin can play right tackle. I imagine he would be a pro bowler / all pro guy doing it too. He was a tackle in college and played a little right tackle in Dallas. He would be the bills best lineman wherever they played him. Zero Chance Dallas would ever trade him though...
  15. I actually do. I do not think they would do a lot of the things these families that own teams today do. Jerry Jones changed everything. Most owners are just like him. I really do not think guys like wellington mara and ralph wilson would ever do stuff like this.
  16. yes that is always the case, especially with the greed of the nfl. Bills fans are going to be finding out about the insanity of the PSL very soon. One of the worst things to ever happen to fans. I can't imagine the old school owners would have ever imagined doing this to their most loyal fans but NFL owners are all essentially as corrupt and morally bankrupt as Jerry Jones and his family at this point.
  17. The best sport. the mlb app is fantastic. They have the mlb big inning which is like the redzone now and it has made it even better.
  18. its always been a good way for fans who cant afford regular season games or who want to go in a large group to get a chance to attend nfl games though imo.
  19. The nfl app always has problems, especially in the preseason when people really want to watch the preseason games. I dont understand how they are so bad at this. The mlb app is fantastic. Puts the nfl app to shame.
  20. there is a video with him talking to NFL Networks Pete Schrager about it that was making the rounds yesterday.
  21. yes but the situation was essentially backups vs backups and Buffalo with no pressure had no chance to cover for the amount of time burrows had. It was just a perect storm of a bad scenario for buffalo
  22. if you pay attention around the league you will see that every teams media and fanbase thinks they have 9 or 10 great wr and would be sure to be able to trade a few of them. every year this discussion happens. Every team is heavy at the same positions this time of year, wr,rb and secondary and everyone always thinks they can get back these big returns for these guys. It never happens. What every team wants this time of year is offensive lineman and pass rushers which are almost impossible to come by. If you spend some time reading about other teams camps you will see right away everyone is looking for tackles. having said all that I would call Dallas and see what the status of zach martin is. He is holding out and the jones family bails on veteran players when they want more money. They kicked out Demarcus Ware and said he couldnt play anymore which was 100% not true. Maybe the Martin hold out could someway come to the same conclusion. The guy is great and close to retirement but can play Right tackle or guard.
  23. Uhh I would say not having a bunch of your defensive players two all pro's in particular played a big part in losing to the bengals in the playoffs. Those guys are pretty good.
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