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Everything posted by 90sBills

  1. If he’s that much in demand that ‘you knew you could instantly flip the player and make your team better’ wouldn’t it make more sense to trade that pick to those teams that want him? It would lessen your risk of wasting a pick if the ‘demand’ never materialized. Just spitballing down your rabbit hole.
  2. Any choice that includes drafting a qb in the first round while having Allen in his prime deserves eyerolls.
  3. Sure of course. Everyone can see Allen has hit his peak and will decline. Let’s look for his replacement now. 🙄
  4. The most homers of fans would acknowledge this team has failed in the playoffs regardless of the reasons why. Some are just saying that doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy a great reason because of it. I mean 13-3 is still more enjoyable than 9-7 is it not? Even if both ends with divisional losses.
  5. To your point, KC just signed Richie James from the Giants. He’ll flourish with Mahomes next season. You’d think with the relationship Daboll has with McD he’d be sending good talent this way. IE Toney now James. Allen is great but let’s not say he shouldn’t get any blame. As long as this team falls short of a championship there will be plenty of blame to pass around. Especially to the qb position, justifiably so.
  6. Com’on. I’m probably more critical of Allen than most on here but to say that he hasn’t earned this standard is ridiculous. You can see the talent whenever he steps on the field. What I don’t agree with is some people calling him a generational talent. It’s hard for him to be that when there’s a guy in his generation that’s doing a lot more. Allen is an elite qb tho. #2 to only 1 guy. That alone justifies championship aspirations.
  7. They won their first superbowl with Mahomes as a #2 as well. Balt was #1 and got upset by Tennessee.
  8. The common denominator with these two teams is the makeup of their qb’s. Both guys that are relentless in their pursuit of being the best. Brady has done it for 20yrs and now that torched has been passed to Mahomes. I read a report that Mahomes is holding a qb/receiver camp right now with his receivers. Doing this at this moment in the offseason while his contemporaries are enjoying their downtime. Not everyone can commit this kind of dedication. But that’s what separates him and Brady from everyone else. It isn’t luck. Good! That kind of media dismissal did wonders for the Chiefs last season! Maybe it’ll have the same effect this year! 😂
  9. Yeah I’m not holding my breath about Mahomes having a rough year. Kelce is still his #1 like we both noted. I doubt Toney will even last a whole season with his injury history. They’ll just add a couple of whoever WRs in the draft/FA and make it work. KC will probably be in the AFCCG again. Let’s hope the Bills can find a way to meet them there!
  10. KC took two defensive players in RD 1 last year not WR. What have all those WRs you mentioned done for their original teams except getting criticisms from fans? Kinda like Davis around here. Every qb needs a #1 and Kelce is Mahomes’ #1. The rest of their receiving corp can be jag’s. They don’t need to surround him with top flight weapons everywhere to be successful. That’s the flexibility and advantage they have.
  11. #3 cannot be understated. Mahomes is a magician when it comes to buying time behind the line. He sees the whole field while running spinning around. Defenders start to lose their assignments or get drawn towards him leaving their guys wfo. Then he hits those receivers anywhere on the field in anyway he can. It’s crazy to watch. Something that I hope Allen can incorporate in his game to greater success. The first point is a bitter pill to swallow but it gets reinforced year after year. Doesn’t mean Bills can’t win it all at some point.
  12. I completely agree with this take. KC has an advantage right now because their qb is ahead of everyone else’s. It doesn’t mean that gap can’t be closed at some point. But right now they’re operating with so much more flexibility. They lost 2 starting receivers and 2 starting tackles this offseason and no one bats an eye. They’ll just draft whoever at wr and watch them be productive because of Mahomes’ abilities and Reid’s creativity.
  13. I have a feeling people on this board would feel a lot better about Davis/Knox if Mahomes is the Bills qb. He would do a lot of damage with Diggs/Davis/Knox receiving corp.
  14. Burrow’s elite qb status would take a huge hit if he loses either of the wr’s he can chuck up into double coverage and they come down with those jump balls.
  15. My very unpopular opinion is that Bills are not behind Cincy! Emotional exhaustion had more to do with the playoff loss than matchups! Allen and the Bills will get their redemption against Cincy next season!
  16. Brady made BB looked good for a long time. Players make coaches not the other way around. Patriots way. Pfffttt. 🤮 BB isn’t going to win anything anytime soon.
  17. Yeah agree about Jones. He’s their big impact player. Line play on both sides determine so much of the game. Von was so good in that game against KC. It was probably his best showing against Mahomes. Hopefully he can come back to be the same player. Finding a few more contributors on DL would go a long way next season. That’s why I wasn’t too excited when the defense ranked high during the regular season. I don’t think a true dominant defense exists in today’s NFL.
  18. Breathing deeply now. 😂 Hey just doing my part for this thread until Bills trade Davis for DHop straight up.
  19. Yes! Thank you good Dr! This is what I’m saying. Dorsey clearly has to improve as a playcaller. When Allen start using the short stuffs in tandem with the long shots I think this team would be on a whole new level. Here’s hoping that next year we’ll see it more consistently. I guess I’m still pissed about the Bengals game. More upset than the 13sec game.
  20. I thought I was engaging with other fans of the team I root for. Is this not the place to do that? Having a different pov and being critical of the team and its players would lose credibility? Appreciate you reading my posts.
  21. I know he is elite. By holding him to a higher standard I’m treating him more of an elite qb than most here who just want to coddle and give him passes. Of course he’s good enough to lead the Bills to a superbowl. I’ve said this multiple times. The line needs to be better. I argue that his receiver corp, including Knox, is very good. He needs to maximize them. Just he because I hold my elite qb accountable doesn’t mean I’m not rooting for him and the team. I’m not blinded by fandom so much that I can’t see reality. And reality is this team has underperformed and there’s blame across the board.
  22. You realized they signed Brown’s replacement for more money right? They let him walk because he thought he was better than he is and the market told him nah. Completely agree with you on interior pressure. Hoping they can draft/sign a couple more ol cuz I’m not sure what they’ve done so far is enough. Like the point made about bad receivers being household names? yeah see ya
  23. Com’on really? This is too easy. Did you missed them winning the other two? Even Brady with his punchable face can’t win them all.
  24. I don’t think it’s unrealistic to expect a supposedly elite qb to make plays in tough conditions to advance his team. Of course they have to surround Allen with talent. But everyone keeps going on and on about getting elite positions all over the place. Allen is supposed to be elite. Elite qb’s elevate their teams. Not the other way around. He doesn’t need the whole team to be superior to win a superbowl. He’s not Trent Dilfer.
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