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dollars 2 donuts

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Everything posted by dollars 2 donuts

  1. DC, who are you kidding? You know they just plain won't cover it. He was the number name (before Peyton) in free agency, however, is anyone getting the subtle sense from watching NFL Network or ESPN that as we emerged as a player in this deal that Mario to them...well, just doesn't seem as important or is being downgraded? I don't know, guys, maybe it started a little bit when they did a side interview with Balldinger and the first questions was how MW coming to Buffalo...effects Chicago. Then how great it would have been for him and for the Bears there.
  2. BB, this may sound crazy but I have bought into the Buddy plan the last couple of years and I would actually prefer it if they focused on being aggressive with that next level down. I think Williams and Jackson are great players. I just don't know about putting a good deal of eggs into those baskets and thinking we are all set.
  3. Honestly, and I have thought about this for the past couple of days, if you were Manning besides having a condo nearby I just can't see any reason to sign with Miami. I don't think they are a bad team by any means...they are just an uninteresting mediocre team that really doesn't appear to have their compass pointed so passionately in the right direction for success.
  4. Man, the chiefs could sign Manning (which by reports on GR earlier today have shot up to #2) for 20 million per and not even feel it.
  5. Yeah, BB, I have back peddled immensely from that post.
  6. Yeah, FB, do you every write something here and just almost immediately regret it? I wasn't thinking things through and was in hurry to get back to something else. I agree with you 100%.
  7. Remember in a trade we don't get his cap number. So cap wise he costs Indy 19 million or so. If we ended up getting him it would only be 14 million and just for this year. I am varied with my opinion on where his skills are given his age. However, from a cap perspective and trade (middle rounds is probably right) I'd think about doing it.
  8. This. Two great big scoops of this. I don't care who the owner of the team is, if they start winning consistently the players will come in greater droves. Heck, Erik Dickerson wanted to be traded here in '87. Actually, and correct me if I am wrong, he may have been briefly on paper a Buffalo Bill as result of the Biscuit trade.
  9. Man, on a tangent here, but I remember seeing Wilson (Wisc.) previously as high as a 4th rounder on some boards. ...then to 5th. ...6th. Now 7th.
  10. I am going out on a limb and say he's pleased. ...so am I. Sure, signing Stevie Johnson and Chandler this week are technically "Bills" moves. However, you could also say that Fitzbeardly is GETTIN' THE BAND BACK TOGETHER!!!!
  11. Yeah, actually, I think that is going to be the case wherever he goes...I just don't think there is any real good reason for him to come to Buffalo. Wait, now that I think about if you gave him assurances that are line was going to be ridiculously good and that he will have VJ and SJ to throw to. ...well, still maybe no, but it is intriguing.
  12. I would have problems considering someone if it was going to take more than 25 million a year to bring him here (which it would) and he would have problems considering it b/c he knows that by coming here most of the holes necessary for repair aren't going to be fixed while he's here. ...additionally, I love my hometown, but come on, it's Buffalo. He has a home in Miami.
  13. Zulu, although I didn't post anything like that last year I definitely thought it. Man was I wrong...happy for that guy in Denver, great player.
  14. Yes. Needless to say, I think we are all about ready for that sort of national garbage to stop. However, the pisser is that it is not like we have been the worst team in the league year in and year out.
  15. No, dwight, forgive me for disagreeing, but that is how we rationalize it. Not that what you wrote isn't true, it just means we can still be pissed. The writer was presenting 11 teams who truly might be interested. ...we were the joke thrown in at the end by a writer not trying to express any other point than being cute and it's annoying.
  16. Please allow me to be the third to chime in on how disturbingly true this post is.
  17. Not getting into the real nitty gritty, but if you think to yourself if he were able to escape his career with 20 million in the bank even the most basic CDs giving him 2% annually would yield him $400,000 a years for the rest of his days. ...In short, I absolutely hear ya, Dork. Geez, I mean even if you're NOT being lazy with the rest of your life aren't some of these guys the least bit concerned (or eager) to have financial security for the rest of their lives by the time they are in their mid 30s? An NFL player with 5 years experience at one million per year should still be able to walk away with 1 million in the bank for at least some security.
  18. Nice bender, I was going to mention them. They won a championship in there initial season, played one more (I think) and then that was it.
  19. Throw in 2-3 shrewd moves in FA and I really like this team getting to at least 8-8 next year.
  20. I'm with ya on that 'chize; get RGIII at two or trade down.
  21. If Buddy makes up for those draft losses in FA...absolutely I would.
  22. Becauseof his health issues I had no problem with Jennings leaving and I guess SF ended up with the brunt of that failing. That being said, if he had stayed healthy he really would have a been one of the premier LT in the game during his time..such a shame. I also wonder how much of his $35 million dollars he got out of the 49ers. I think he was there at least 3 years (possibly 4), but I can't remember how large was his bonus. EDIT: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2009/03/27/niner-dump-jonas-jennings/ Wow, he only appeared in 23 out of 64 games in SF. I read that is contract was actually worth 36 million and if you assume no adjustments and no additional bonuses for being on the roster then along with the above article he still ended up making more than 22 million dollars.
  23. After seeing BBM's poster I was going to ask if anyone had the Machine Gun Kelly poster. ...thank you for not even letting me get to ask the questions, Buftex. That is awesome!
  24. crayonz I'll do it only because you are getting upset...and honestly, I don't think I've seen that from you before. Twice, nonetheless, and almost pouty. Tom Brady can't be for Brad Pitt and George Clooney to win the Academy Award for Best Actor. ...that's why Gary Oldman is going to win.
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