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dollars 2 donuts

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Everything posted by dollars 2 donuts

  1. To be honest with you, if Merriman finishes the season and does so with 7+ sacks I would be thrilled. Additionally, I think 40 sacks is a reasonable goal for this team in 2012.
  2. Rags I'm sorry, but i think it was just the deal of the day. ...just checked, unfortunately back up to $59.
  3. I actually think that is a pretty good estimate on your part, yj; 80 is about right. wait. ...they were really at 90 in week 6?! Dang!
  4. I think the steelers improved their OL and have a couple of good young players, but I think they are creeping up in age a bit on defense. The bengals have youth everywhere, are just getting started, a lot of high picks at least in the next year to go with this year's class and a ton of cap room. ...this isn't just a steelers/ravens concern, but a concern for us as well if we are fighting for a playoff spot.
  5. ...can you help us with ratings for our Madden 13 team? Seriously, though, it has been a decade since I bought a copy of Madden into the next year. It is usually a day one purchase. However, like the rest of you I have been in a crazy good football mood the last couple of months and had an itch to pick up Madden 12, but even used it was going for $45...until Best Buy's deal of the day on Tuesday. $10. Loving it. I released Williams, Anderson and Young from their teams accordingly, cut a few Bills and added them to the roster. The first rookie I created was Cordy, but I realize that I need sort of a threshold for setting up his rating. I may steal a bit from D. Bell's discription, but it is a pain in the but process. $10 for 3 months of use before Madden 13 comes out the end of August...more than worth it! GO BILLS! ...um, btw, I have beefed my Bills up a bit from their 74 Madden rating. I have them at 84...it is a little lame to bring them all the way up to 99!
  6. I am not betting man, either, but geepers we should pool our money and all get on board and stick it to them and then rub it in when we get paid. "Ah yes, that's right: The Stadium Wall, $50,000 on the Bills."
  7. I don't wish this on anyone and I do not have the hate for Peters that some have had. ...but for some reason I'm just thinking things didn't happen exactly the way Peters might be implying.
  8. here-here. Additionally, it lops off a year so that if you are a young player doing well you can cash in a little sooner in the middle part of your career.
  9. I have loved the series since the start and I think it is valuable to the NFL and obviously even more valuable to have a stock pile of them for the NFL network. Honestly, I can see a time in the future when the NFL tells its teams you can say no once...but not twice.
  10. This was hilarious. ...a laughing emoticon just does not do it justice.
  11. I was there. That was back when my late father had tickets in a box...that first one where you come in off Lot D (I think) to the left of the back of the scoreboard as you look at it from Southwestern. You guys, I don't have the words to properly express this, but there was some Jerk who was a guest of one of the box members who flaunted that he had bet $1,000 against the Bills and was saying how their time was done and they stink. Seriously, just no etiquette for being a guest. He was a Jerk to his host, a Jerk to me and I think even a Jerk to the women. He was in his ballbusting glory. ...until. Forgive me for getting my schadenfreude, but watching this guys face go blank and then in overtime time tears...I am not kidding you...tears, was just the perfect cherry on top of that cake. Also, at the end of the 3rd quarter I went down to visit friends who had sideline seats...they left at halftime.
  12. I actually think we are missing the point and going in the opposite direction. ...go back to leather helmets. It is my understanding that someone could tap you on the head with their finger and you'd feel it all the way down to the soles of your feet. I have a feeling a good number of players would reduce their head first game of attach. For that matter no more pads, just padding in thick jerseys.
  13. keep in mind their higher tax bracket and ...well, they have to enjoy life a little bit.
  14. Even with moderate to conservative investing a 35+ year old retired football player with 5 million dollars should be able to live comfortably for the rest of his life...(let's just say a 5% return on 5 million equally $250k). When is someone going to grab hold of these young make and shake them straight on their money after they get out of college? Even at the league minimum ($320k-$400k) a guy who only plays for 4 years should at least have a couple hundred thou in the bank.
  15. LLOOOOOOOOOVE IIITTTT!!!! Seriously, beerme1, how badly do you just want to beat the s*** out of our division rivals this year? ...for me, pretty badly.
  16. We are 8-12 against the rest of the NFL the last two years. We are 2-10 against our own division over that same span. I am very optimistic about this season as some of you are, but until we start playing games and beating our division foes regularily I am not going to drink the Kool-aid even if it is Tutti-Frutti and looks realy good.
  17. I really could have lived with Jabari Greer at 4.5 million per year since 09.
  18. We need to sign Levitre, Wood and Byrd or they are as good as gone after this year. ...hey, you asked.
  19. With the Florence cut are we more around $14 million? ...I thought it was mentioned that we save 5 million and 6 million in cap space, respectively, over the next two years.
  20. Thank you. That must have been what I was thinking. ...and good memory CH!
  21. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Kelsay hasn't alwasy been 90. I am not sure what his previous number was but I know he switched. EDIT: The article says he has worn it his entire career, but I swear I remember him wearing another number.
  22. ...well, for a TE, yes he is small. However, for a jockey he is huuuuugggggeeeee!
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