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Everything posted by stevestojan

  1. Anyone complaining about the time outs better not be the same people complaining that we didn’t give Josh a chance with 20 seconds left.
  2. Two of our star players on defense hurt. I think we were down to what, three star defensive players in total? This season, man.
  3. Are we supposed to be happy when Josh throws a bonehead, across the body INT?
  4. That’s a potential 14 point swing. ***** it Josh. Love the dude but having a pick every single game - especially just stupid ones like that - just isn’t OK.
  5. I need to stop with trying positivity. It always bites me in the ass. What a stupid throw.
  6. Seems like Joe B has really instilled the “a sack is better than a turnover” lesson. That’s a fine sack to take.
  7. Should have declined that OPI and made it 3rd and 8.
  8. That’s it. I’m starting the church of Josh Allen of Latter-Day Saints.
  9. Am I the only one who has YouTube TV and is watching the Bills with no problems? Is it because I’m not in WNY? Weird.
  10. Huh? im on YouTube TV and just had to change the “channel” to the bills game.
  11. Like football 10 years ago. I would not want to be a DB in today’s NFL. You have to be absolutely PERFECT in your timing.
  12. Throw it to the guy who of absolutely blanketed. Nice, Trev.
  13. Jacksonville with a freaking offside on a punt, giving CLE a 4th and 1 which they of course make. DAMN IT.
  14. He made plans to have his brain studied for CTE; he must have been struggling. Feel awful for his family. And for it to be a freak accident just somehow makes it worse. Awful all around.
  15. I wonder how many games have truly been impacted by the move of the XP line a few years ago. I’m sure there’s a Google search I could do, but I don’t roll on shabbos.
  16. I say it nearly every week but my hats off to YouTube TV. Especially on a day like today with many meaningful games, the 4-game multi view is worth the price of admission.
  17. My guess? It isn’t a “high” ankle sprain (which is actually a stretching or often tearing of the ligament) and was just your run of the mill sprained ankle we all get. I think they had to say “high” ankle after the theatrics Trev put on with the throwing of his helmet (the “I know I’m done for the season” move) and slamming the ground after he got a boo boo.
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