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Everything posted by JohnNord

  1. Again, if want to play the “if-then” game we would be here all day. It’s just futile. We could do the same thing to nearly every Super Bowl winner.
  2. This is completely correct. There was someone here to said that Beane was going to turn on McDermott to keep his job. My response was that he can’t because he would also be incriminating his performance. As far as the moves you’ve mentioned, some worked out and some didn’t. But you mentioned Von Miller… the reason they had to overpay for Von was because they repeatedly missed on the DE position both with veterans and high draft picks. So they were forced to overpay for Von Miller. The moves worked until he blew his ACL and now it will be an albatross to the cap. The other move that looks questionable was re-signing Knox and drafting Kincaid. Kincaid looks like he will be great TE, but Knox’s deal will hurt the team next year. There seems to be a fallacy that the Bills roster is better than it actually is.
  3. Who suspended you and why would they suspend you for criticizing the coach? Seems to be within the rules
  4. If you want to go back in history and take away accomplishments because of events that happened in the past, you’d have hundreds of events like this. That’s why his original premise was straight up foolish
  5. Explain how the NE loss was a result of scheme or coaching? Because I watched Rhamondre Stevenson break about every tackle to get NE in striking distance on 1 play. After that we have a very bad PI and then Dane Jackson was beat badly in coverage. These are player breakdowns not a coaching one. As far as Denver, you can certainly blame him for the 12 men. But the PI wasn’t really his fault. If Johnson plays that differently it’s not PI. Not absolving McDermott by any means, but the degree of blame you are putting on him just isn’t correct
  6. It’s definitely a problem and I truly believe McDermott when he says he doesn’t know why. Much like the Bills season there doesn’t seem to be a reason why. NYJ - Josh lost this game on turnovers NE - This was a result of the defense not being able to tackle, committing a costly DPI and flatout sucking DEN - McDermott was more aggressive here and went with the C0 blitz which resulted in a DPI PHIL - I’d attribute this more to the scheme and defense than any other the other 3 losses
  7. Because this happened 59 earlier. And because it wasn’t McKinley.
  8. September 14, 1901 when President William McKinley was assassinated.
  9. Like I said, variance is high. Kyle Shannahan is 25-28. Dan Campbell is 9-13. Typically the one-score games even out
  10. No but it would help to have the player you traded up in Round 1 able to contribute on the field. Or “the closer” you paid $100 million to actually make a difference in the game.
  11. Your argument is hardly as airtight are you believe and I’ve pointed out where your logic was severely flawed.
  12. Some of McDermott’s shortcomings are also reflective of Beane. I don’t believe this.
  13. 1. You argue variance which typically does exist with one-score games. Teams that win a lot of one-score games one season are sometimes bad the next. They were 6-2 in one score games last year. 2. The injuries to 3 major contributors on the defense. Yes injuries occur but few teams suffer 3 season-long injuries to starters on every level of the defense. 3. Offensive struggles under Dorsey. When the Bills need to the offense to pick up the slack they were struggling to score more than 20 points until he made the switch as OC. 4. Track record. Not saying this is what I want but there are arguments to be made and either way the decision won’t be easy
  14. Terry has a horrendous track record of hiring leaders. Take a look at the long list of Sabres coaches that he hired and fired. Granato is the most successful one and he doesn’t have a .500 record. Then look how Terry has fired almost all of his upper management since buying the Bills and Sabres. He is not good as a sports owner. The only thing he’s done well is let Beane and McDermott run the show
  15. You’re so desperate to try to discredit McDermott you’re now making stuff up. #1 Your logic implies that all records are equal. So by your definition, the SB winning Giants teams that went 9-7 were no better than the 2014 or the 2017 Bills team? They just got lucky to make the playoffs that season? That’s where your “facts” are silly. #2 Your logic assuming the rosters are You’re also overlooking the rosters of the 2014 team vs. 2017 team. These were different teams completely. The 2014 roster had one of the top defenses in the NFL and was thought of to be ready to contend for the playoffs. The 2017 roster was largely considered to be a “tank job.” Outside of Shady and maybe a rookie Trey White, the team was largely devoid of talent. So again? Which is more impressive going 9-7 with a good roster that was expected to compete and missing the playoffs? Or going 9-7 with one of the worst rosters in the league and actually making the playoffs? That’s why your comparisons are completely off. Obviously, the line between winning and losing is razor thin in the NFL. You need to have some bounces and luck go your way. But to say 9-7 = 9-7 is simply ignoring nuance (and the reality) involved in these conversations. You’re right genius, I’m sure he’s the type of guy that will reprimand him behind the scenes. I mean, head coaches resign all of the time in the NFL. Especially right after signing a multi-year contract extension which likely gave them a raise financially. It makes so much sense 👌
  16. Everything good = Beane Everything bad = McDermott Solid thinking, bro. Beane has never made a bad move Blow up everything and hand it to the OC after 2 games with zero playoff experience? What could go wrong?
  17. These really aren’t the facts though. You are spinning events into a fake narrative that you want to believe. You’re implying that the playoffs in 2017 were a fluke, yet you stand behind the Gailey victory over NE? Then you want to prop up Marrone’s 9-7 season as an accomplishment? Did you forget their 9th win came against backups in NE? Or the fact that Marrone couldn’t beat a 2-12 football team? Like I said, there were chances to break the drought. Marrone never capitalized on the opportunities. McDermott did.
  18. Yeah this just isn’t true. If Marrone could have broken the drought he would have. Instead his team lost to a 2-12 football team led by rookie Derek Carr. Chan Gailey never coached a Bills team over .500. He was a good offensive mind but a horrendous head coach who never should have been hired. Say what you will about McDermott, but before this year, his teams always took care of business when they needed to - as they did in 2017. Also even with losing to NE, he made the playoffs twice, something the franchise failed to do for nearly 2 decades. This is a legit question and legit criticism of McDermott that I think is fair.
  19. This again is more exaggeration/ distorted reality from an angry fan base. McDermott already has proven that he’s both a great leader both on the field and from an organization standpoint. You can questions whether he’s a top coach or whether he came take the Bills to the next level or his in-game decisions. You can’t looked at things objectively and question his leadership which is something the organization desperately lacked in 2017 when he was hired. the evidence says otherwise So you got nothing then, other than “maybes?” Maybe Beane sees the limitations in Josh Allen as well and tries to trade him for a package of picks to draft Caleb Williams? We don’t know that. It’s silly. Everything that Beane has said publicly has been in full support of McDermott and the two have worked together closely from Day Any failure of McDermott is also a reflection on Beane.
  20. There’s no fear - just a difference of opinion. I wouldn’t call him “low ceiling” by any means and I think his body of work shows that. I’m also not alone. Many others in the national media and local media have also rated him highly. People here want to pretend that McDermott is “Dick Jauron with Josh Allen,” when that’s not the case. Even if you want him gone pretending he hasn’t been successful or “low ceiling” is being reactionary and caught in the moment which about 80% of the posts here are. Everyone wants a silver bullet to solve the problems on the team, but I’m quite sure transitioning from McDermott to another coach is the right choice. As far as McDermott goes, I’m not 100% behind him. I have concerns like a lot of fans do. I’m waiting to see how the next 5 games Your marketing logic is flawed. How do you expect fans to get excited to hire a despised 70 year-old coach that has a reputation of being carried by Tom Brady? Also Bill isn’t going to come without personnel control. Do you want Brandon Beane gone as well? This is by far the worst coaching idea I’ve seen here This strategy has worked very well for Carolina the past 5 years 👌
  21. Well this will never happen, so we won’t have to worry.
  22. Not afraid of change… I don’t see a 71 year-old coach who has floundered over the past 4 season to be an upgrade over who the Bills have now
  23. Beasley was excellent at reading coverages and finding the right spot in the defense to get open. Harty can’t do that
  24. From what I’ve read Harty was damaged good. Still had some juke to him but did not have the explosiveness he showed in New Orleans. He also didn’t show the varied route running ability that he was believed to have shown in the past. I’m unsure if this is bad scouting by the front office or if the injury that took him out last year has limited his ability. Either way with his contract, this was a bad signing
  25. It would be a horrendous move to hire Belichick. We’d also be looking at competing changing out most of the defensive personnel. Plus, look at how Bill has addressed the offense the past few years. You want Josh McDaniel as OC? If you think McDermott is conservative on 4th down situations wait till you see how often Bill punts
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