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Everything posted by syhuang

  1. What's the line that Price is still with the team when season starts?
  2. You lost credit on this statement. What are you going to do with the current QBs in our roster? We already have three QBs and two of them are project-in-progress.
  3. No wonder you can't remember, because we got a 3rd round in this year's draft for Henry.
  4. No Vince Young please. We have 3 QBs in the roster and 2 of them are project-in-progress.
  5. Does this mean he's not an idiot as you called him yesterday? troll
  6. Wow, a troll actually felt hurt. He is so hurt that he needs to write two replies to the same post.
  7. No way. To have texans meesage board take these trolls, we'll also need to send our 3rd, maybe 2nd.
  8. idiot? I wouldn't call a Harvard graduate idiot, no matter how old he is.
  9. Right, and Eagles could also get a 1st round pick for Ownes.
  10. Based on this statement, Marv should not be the one needed to go. On the other hand, some fans who don't understand the whole EM situation and arealdy start critizing Marv should leave.
  11. or keep EM with 10+ million cap hit and then have EM holdout on training camp.
  12. I would say a 6th is a bad trade, a 5th is acceptable, and a 4th is good. Look at the whole picture, Moulds will be 33 year old before season starts, he doesn't want to wear Bills uniform anymore, and he doesn't want to take a pay cut. Everyone knows Bills will either release Moulds or be forced to keep him with a high cap hit as well as have negative impact from him next season. What draft picks did Eagles get from Owens? None. Moulds' and Owens' situations are not exactly the same, but are somewhat similiar. Both teams have cap room, both players don't want to play for their teams, they both were dued to a roster bonus, and there're other teams showing interests in them while they're still with the teams. Moulds is not a cancer in the locker room like Owens, but it doesn't justify why Bills can trade Moulds for draft pick(s) and Eagles didn't. Marv did a good job handling the whole Moulds situation, 4th round or not.
  13. After pay cut, no. So this means Moulds is all about money, the contender thing is just one of his excuses to leave Bills and get more money somewhere else.
  14. 4 year for 14 million dollars. What's the problem of it? The 35 million in the last 3 years of Burleson's contract is bogus, it is designed to make Vikings impossible to match.
  15. Three snappers? I think we only need the red snapper and should trade the other two for O-line help. btw, does this mean we can keep the buffalo wings?
  16. I don't think Texans will accept this trade proposal unless Marv thows in 3 years of buffalo wings.
  17. Broncos have the 15th and 22nd draft pick. Based on draft value chart, to trade for these two first round picks, we'll need to include our 1st and BOTH 3rd round picks.
  18. http://www.philly.com/mld/philly/sports/14225647.htm
  19. You mean a 33 year old wide receiver, who has past his prime and doesn't want to play for his current team. A 4th from Texans is a good trade by Marv, a 3rd is a steal. If it's a 2nd, someone in Houston needs to call police.
  20. This can not be true. SOPRANO3695 just post today that Moulds would stay in Bills, SOPRANO3695 has source deep insde.
  21. http://fantasyfootball.rotoworld.com/conte...e=66009&id=2270 Eric Moulds' representatives initiated contact between the two sides, not the other way around. Philadelphia doesn't appear willing to meet his salary demands, much less send a draft pick.
  22. From KFFL.com: Patriots | Bills would trade them Moulds – for the right price Tue, 28 Mar 2006 07:11:46 -0800 John Tomase, of the Boston Herald, reports Buffalo Bills general manager Marv Levy said he would be willing to trade WR Eric Moulds to the New England Patriots – for the right price. "It depends on what the compensation would be," Levy said at the NFL owners' meetings Monday, March 27. "We would talk to them, of course. We'd talk about it. We wouldn't rule them out." The Bills are believed to be seeking a fourth-round pick or higher, but Levy said that had yet to be determined. "We don't have a hard and fast price," Levy said. "We're still talking. I'll treat that situation as it develops, because it's a big decision."
  23. It looks like NFl will finally do something to close these "poison pills", about 15 years late. http://www.startribune.com/510/story/333218.html
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