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Everything posted by Unforgiven

  1. You've chosen to ignore content by Tiberius. You've chosen to ignore content by BillStime You've chosen to ignore content by SectionC3
  2. csection is too obtuse to realize I don't like Trump as much as I detest him and the rest of his ilk on the far left.
  3. ‘Not The Same Joe Biden’: White House Stenographer Says Former VP’s ‘Mental Acuity’ Has Deteriorated https://freebeacon.com/2020-election/not-the-same-joe-biden-white-house-stenographer-says-former-vps-mental-acuity-has-deteriorated/ While McCormick says Biden was a more articulate speaker in the White House, his tendency to ramble sometimes caused him problems with foreign adversaries. During Biden’s first visit with then-Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in March 2011, McCormick said the former KGB leader "publicly humiliated" the vice president by cutting off his microphone during their press conference—an incident that McCormick said never made it into media coverage of the trip. Biden’s staffers at the time "made a big deal about how Putin really dominated the conversation [with] Obama" in a prior meeting, said McCormick. They indicated that Biden, with his decades of Senate foreign policy experience, wasn’t going to let Putin get the upper hand. But during the public portion of the meeting in Moscow—as Biden launched into a soliloquy about his visits to Russia during the Cold War—his microphone was abruptly cut off mid-sentence, the press lighting was switched off, and Putin’s aides ushered the media out of the room, said McCormick. "[Putin’s] message was unmistakable: I’m in charge of the room, I’m in charge of my country, and I’m in charge of the reset," wrote McCormick in his book. "As you might imagine, the vice president’s staffers were furious with the Russians. I was instructed to have the transcript reflect how the vice president had been cut off in mid sentence." Ouch. Putin apparently is way out of corn pops weight class.
  4. Maybe one of the masked men was heavy set, had wavy red hair and was snarky?
  5. I'm incensed at the cow who came in and stole the guys beer. Highly offensive.
  6. Just more stupidity. Bye Bye you jackass. You've chosen to ignore content by wAcKy ZeBrA.
  7. I'm deep in a blue state. Have never seen a s Biden sign, or sticker, Nothing. See Trump banners tho.
  8. After Chris's interview with Trump, he seems to have a new found respect for Trump. He remarked that he grilled him for a couple of hours on a really hot day and he didn't duck any questions, and was quite personable to him. I've heard him say many times he's disappointed Biden keeps ducking him.
  9. I think it was Frank that said something like anyone that supported Trump would have their judgement day. That kind of annoyed me a lot. Also generally I wouldn't mind really but if all you got is the same old Trump is bad thing, with no real support to back anything up beside feels...it just gets old.
  10. Tho I call it my varmint list. I support free speech these guys can post whatever they want, I just don't have to read it.
  11. If JA's accuracy doesn't improve Diggs may have to make a lot catches like this.
  12. Prince Harry and wife Meghan Markel faced criticism for canceling a scheduled fundraising event for injured veterans last week, shortly after signing a multiyear media production deal with Netflix just days before, worth over nine figures. https://www.foxnews.com/us/prince-harry-meghan-markle-cancel-veterans-event-after-netflix-deal Liberal high end grifters moving in and stinking up the neighborhood.
  13. You are being judged on this day. You've chosen to ignore content by Billsmisery
  14. San Francisco Mayor London Breed (D) refused to overtly condemn House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) for visiting an area salon for a wash and blowout despite local coronavirus restrictions, telling ABC7 that “we have a dictator who is running this country and Nancy Pelosi is at the forefront fighting against this person everyday.” Lol. The goat is really a hero, c'mon sheeple don't be stupid.
  15. Mr President just curious, what shampoo smell do you find the most fragrant?
  16. And what, investigate Trump's non existent connections to the salon owner for two years????
  17. One leftist harpy from fox news cheerleading on twitter not confirming the story is not confirming the initial story.
  18. I'll say it again ****COINTELPRO**** COINTELPRO (syllabic abbreviation derived from COunter INTELligence PROgram) (1956–1979, and beyond) is a series of covert and illegal projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting American political organizations. Except these guys voters are super dumb so it's really kind of overt at this point.
  19. Lol...according to the left they need to protect anonymous sources making crazy allegations about a US president, but dox and endanger a salon owner who had nothing at all to do with Pelosi's blowgate. These people are completely insane. Can't say it enough.
  20. The unhinging is going to get even worse over the next couple months.
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