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Everything posted by Unforgiven

  1. The defense is terrible. I think teams have the film now, and I have a bad feeling Bill and the pats are going too sweep them...9-7 is about right.
  2. ... and then the bills get the angry chiefs. Looks like 4-2 is upcoming....
  3. ouch... the air deflated out of that balloon quick making that funny noise
  4. ugh... i thought this would happen all the nonsense and crap talking from the media created a monster in the titans ...going to be a long night.
  5. Technically there's no chance he will 'fully' be there, but I bet the commies will start the attacks to remove him on day 1.
  6. Feel the love from the lefty hate cult Bonus fun: notice the 'white' part rofl. Bonus # 2 Notice Mr skinny jeans/sandals and his lol raincoat
  7. Aw well ***** there's another 5 point bump for dems... pfft whats it 20 points up now??? Shucks Republicans should just concede and go hide in the basement.
  8. Top 5 reasons to vote for Joe, in order... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
  9. Delaware man charged in Michigan governor kidnap plot was pardoned by Carney last year https://www.delawareonline.com/story/news/crime/2020/10/09/last-year-carney-pardoned-bear-man-charged-plot-kidnap-michigan-governor/5935065002/ Oh the sweet irony, perp pardoned by a democrat. Democrats create problems, then blame everyone else when it's a colossal fail. Just another in a long line of whack job left lunacy conspiracy theories fizzling like a fart in the wind.
  10. You morons enjoying your cozy little shitter with each other now lol. dirtbags.
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