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Everything posted by Unforgiven

  1. pfft ...we should just burn anyone at the stake if they don't hide at home and wear a mask everywhere even in the bathroom. jk ...but i'm sure half the country(wink wink) would sign up for that in a heartbeat.
  2. Liberals are sick and twisted soulless mongrel animals. Moderate that, and good day.
  3. I say this on face - tok or whatever and 15 bald well armed thugs be kicking my door in at 3 am mon morning
  4. Nah they are too busy being the most frightened they've ever been in their entire lives because Trump is stealing their democracy.
  5. I'm guessing he is mocking liberals arm flapping and crapping themselves because TDS sometimes leads to IBS...?
  6. Your hypothesis depends on thinking that people to the right are one dimensional thinkers and have a hive collective mentality, like the left. You would be incorrect.
  7. Lets face it. Biden could show up at the debate in an untied and open bath robe completely buck naked and he wouldn't lose a single vote.
  8. Fraud fox news radio keeps repeating over and over all day how Trump said he won't peacefully leave. Then the dumb ^%$# gleefully reports how Biden has 500 deep state swamp rats endorsing him.
  9. If Trump loses, will the right throw temper tantrums, riot, loot, and burn cities because they didn't accept the election results, ya know, like the left?
  10. in·sane /inˈsān/ in a state of mind which prevents normal perception, behavior, or social interaction; seriously mentally ill.
  11. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8756911/Defund-police-activist-Alyssa-Milano-sparks-massive-police-presence-calling-911.html "Defund the police" activist Alyssa Milano thought she was in danger on Sunday and called ... the police Hilarity.
  12. Where's niagarabill, is this the reason he's so angry
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