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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. I agree. It seems like the Bills offense has to work hard for everything. One penalty, loss of yardage play, and or a drop seems to be hard to overcome. The offensive stats probably don't validate this but that's how I feel. Sure seems like the players have to over execute to make their plays and offensive system work. Nothing seems to come easy. I really think the offensive besides Diggs lacks reliability and explosiveness. Maybe I'm wrong. Hope I'm wrong because it sure seems like the offense has to pick things up for the injury riddled D.
  2. I disagree with the last line of your post. Being down one score was the direct result of doing what you were doing. As a Bills fan, I think the Bills should have been up by a double digit figure. Change was needed badly and much more quickly. I have confidence that Allen is versatile enough to led his team back off scripted. Coaching doesn't usually put the offense in the best position to win. Look at Miami, Detroit, San Fran, KC, and Cincinnati. They give their QBs and offenses optimum chances to excell. Buffalo is more in line with the likes of San Diego or the Raiders.
  3. I agree. I think it's about timing. Some situations call for some firey vocal discussions. When you punt, punt, punt, punt, punt, and punt on 7 offensive possessions I think that's a reasonable time to light a fire under some players as$es. McD was too busy with running the decimated defense. Plus, he's more of a clapper than a get in your face challenge you. I just believe a change in attitude was badly needed. A little challenge and confrontation by the team's leader would have been a welcome site. Instead we saw a fiery frustrated Diggs expressing his displeasure to the team's leader. The leader looked uninterested and perhaps tired of Diggs antics. I'll never question Diggs desire to win.
  4. Can you say something of substance instead of spreading ridiculous accusations?
  5. I'm not saying the defense was good because it wasn't. However, the effort was there and McD did try different things. That was my main point.
  6. I saw no spark or fire under Allen's as$ until there was five minutes to go in the game. Probably because of jet leg due to pis$ poor scheduling. Whatever the reason the offense was as flat as a pancake. Stayed flat for way way way too long!!! Dorsey made what adjustments? More off tackle runs with Cook? How many of us thought ok we get the ball after halftime and the Bills are going to score. Win the game with some nice offensive plays. Nope nope and nope. It was more shi!!y plays and more sleep walking. Offense had nothing and it showed. Dorsey was incapable of adjusting to their defensive scheme, Josh played way too conservative, and the oline was asleep at the wheel except when holding. They certainly didn't open up any holes. That's the game I saw. Not sure what game you saw? At least the seriously depleted and undermanned defense played with heart. They gave it their all. I saw effort, passion. McD mixed up the defensive calls and dialed up timely blitzes. The Bills defensive went out with a bang. Hung in there despite the lack of talent due to key injuries. Made some big plays to give the offense a chance. I really can't say a lot of bad about their effort under the circumstances. Really a complete opposite of the Bills offense. You can point to travel, unfair advantage, poor ref calls, injuries, etc... Certainly all of this has its place and validity. As a fan, I cannot accept when a team is flat, has no energy, gets out worked, gets pushed around, out coached, out planned, and doesn't make adjustments. You don't continue doing the same or similar things after consistent failure. That's exactly what the Bills offense did until halfway through the 4th quarter. Wouldn't you agree? A loss is one thing if a team just out executes you and plays beyond their usual level of play. Any given day sort of speak. That wasn't the case vs the Jags. They were ready to play and the Bills weren't. The Jags coaches executed a solid game plan and the Bills coaches didn't. The Jags coaches made adjustments and the Bills cosches ( Dorsey) didn't. The Jags players executed plays more than the Bills' players. Frankly, it was a poor effort on the whole Bills' organization. Sure felt like old regimes and coaches of the miserable past I was watching. Anyone else have a little flashback? However, this game was bigger than a loss on the win loss column. The Milano and Jones injury with Tre are borderline devastating and game changing. To think otherwise is drinking the cool aid. Of course, we fans will mostly be optimistic and hope for the best. I certainly will hope for the best but my optimism isn't high. This Bills team cannot escape serious injuries to elite and key players. This team has repeatedly failed to get over the hope. The team is just good enough to give us hope. A hope most gravitate towards years after year. Only to fall short year after year. Sadly, I see the cycle continuing.
  7. Head scratcher for sure. He's been washed for years.
  8. Exactly! The Chiefs know how to win. Is that your point?
  9. Call it whatever you want. If you are ok with 7 points scored midway through the 4th quarter then I don't know what to say. If you are ok with punting six times out of your first seven possessions then I don't know what to say. Call it whatever you want. I'll call it unacceptable and a great way to lose games.
  10. Your synopsis isn't accurate for the majority of people here. 99% of Bills fans know Josh Allen is great and the solution not the problem. That doesn't mean he doesn't deserve criticism. The Jets game is a great example. Not many here are trashing Allen. I certainly am not. However, I did say I wish he was more vocal and emotional on the sidelines. I stand by that. A personal preference if you will. In the end, it's probably not a difference maker but a leader sometimes can spark others to play better. It appeared the Bills offense needed a spark while watching the Jags game. Punting six out of your first seven possessions is terrible. Scoring 7 points midway through the 4th quarter is terrible. Maybe a little emotion could have helped? The Jags certainly were playing with emotion. You could feel it via the TV. Even McD stated the Bills couldn't match their energy! WTF!!!That's just not acceptable. Something needed to change way earlier in the game. But it never did until it was too late. I thought after halftime the Bills would regroup and show some life. Show some attitude and dominance. Nope they immediately punted after getting the ball. They remained stagnant, unemotional, going through the motions, and their sleep walking continued for another quarter and a half. McD continued his clapping on the sidelines and Dorsey continued to make shi! calls. I digress. What ever audibles or lack of Allen called didn't work for the greater part of the game. That's just as obvious as they come. The offense was bad. Allen was decent to good but not good enough. It was a game where Allen needed to be unleashed, use his legs, extend plays, and play with emotion. Wear the cape sort of speak. The team was dead on offense. It hindered Allen more than helping him. Allen is likely gun shy to try to be Farve like. It was a missed opportunity by Allen and Dorsey. In short, we Bills fans are soundly behind Allen. No one is saying he stinks or wishes he's in another uniform. Perhaps, we expect too much from our franchise QB. That could be fair to say. But what you are implying is borderline ridiculous.
  11. I made a comment on another thread about Allen sleep walking and not showing any emotion in the sidelines. I got my head ripped off for saying so. I get that but it also doesn't fit the MO of Allen either. I can recall on many many occasions over the years a vocal fired up Allen on the sidelines pumping up his players. His temperament has seemingly changed. Maybe that's good, bad, or indifferent. Personally, I like seeing my QB a little fired up but under control. My eyes didn't see that on Sunday vs the Jags. Granted it was a small sample and we can't see everything.
  12. It was a great game plan and execution. The offense punted 6 out of the first 7 times they controlled the ball. The offense was sleep walking for 3.5 quarters. Yep the "no sugar rush" was fantastic to see!
  13. Love isn't the answer in GB. He's nothing special, not elite, but serviceable.
  14. Thus far, Phillips has been sleeping. He's done very little to date. The Bills need him to step up.
  15. Exactly the point I have been making on another thread. I've been met with great resistance.
  16. It's been pointed out by another poster that Allen's eyes are sometimes slow to read a defense. I severely questioned him at the time. Maybe he's right?
  17. I'd like to talk about the Bills defense vs the Jags especially after the injuries. Let's take a deeper dive here. Did the Bills D really do a good job against a Medicare Jags offense? The Jags ran 82 plays for 475 yards and kept the ball for 40 minutes. Let that sink in! No way in hell is that a winning formula. The Bills D had a couple of big turnovers to their credit. That's what really kept them in the game. Turnovers are fantastic but usually not sustainable long term. This defense is severely depleted of its best players. You just can't gloss that over. They still are having trouble stopping the run and getting off the field on 3rd down. A staple of a McD defense. McD is good but he isn't a miracle worker. Who know what kind of Von the Bills get? At best, the defense will be a bend but don't break defense. Get some big turnovers and get stout in the red zone. I suspect Allen will have less possession time and plays to run. The offense is going to have to be very precise with it's limited opportunities. I think the Bills should go back to a more aggressive offense and take the lease off Allen. Let him run, scramble, create plays, pass deep, RPOs, seam routes to Kincaid, etc ..Open it up and let it rip.
  18. You talk about an overreaction. This is the complete opposite over action in positivity. A total down play of very key losses on the Bills defense. Not sure how you justify the losses as anything but very significant. Mind boggling optimism in my eyes. I just can't get behind what you are saying or selling. You can't replace Tre number one CB on the team, Milano one of the best LB in the league, and Jones an anchor on the Dline line. To boot, the replacements are who? Ford looks terrible and couldn't even get on the field for a reason, Williams is a rookie and clearly not ready, and Elam looked like as$. Optimism is great but come on. I could get behind something like the Bills offense is going to have to win games. Allen is going to have to be superman, let him cook and don't restrict him. The offense has to be much more assertive and aggressive.
  19. I think you consider trading him if the compensation is right and if he's going to be expensive to keep. Lots of unknowns. He's playing lights out and by far the best he's ever played.
  20. Great reasonable post Scott. I always enjoy our banter even if we disagree. Your responses are always welcomed. I might add that 1st down production has been poor for Buffalo. It doesn't help when you are consistently in longer 2nd and 3rd down situations. I'm not smart enough to know why this is happening nor do I have a solution. I suspect it has to do with Dorsey's vanilla and uncreative play calling.
  21. I agree but you have to recognize Purdy's accomplishments. He shouldn't be punished for the above mentioned. Based on your metrics mentioned which QB would be an MVP? Does that take Burrow, Chase, and Hurts out of the running? What about Mahomes when he had Hill, Kelce, a great oline, and Andy Reid s play calling? See my point? Purdy is absolutely in the MVP discussion in my mind. Fortunately, it's a big name popularity contest often and Purdy doesn't fit the bill.
  22. The only reliable,special, and elite guys on the Bills offense are Allen and Diggs. That's really problematic because the Bills lack explosive weapons. I guess we will disagree to disagree. I watched the replays and I still think Allen's passes were not accurate. Granted he did have a defender in his face on one of them. Perhaps my expectations of Allen are too high. I want my elite QB to put the out where his receivers can catch and run to the endzone. That includes bombs to open WRs.
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