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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. That's fair. I saw an offense led by Allen sleep walking for 3.5 quarters. I saw the offense punt, punt, punt, and punt some more. Allen's greatness wasn't good enough. Is that fair?
  2. No I'm not Scott. The Bills offense had scored 7 points halfway through the 4th quarter. It's not like the Jags D is the 49erD. They are average at best. Allen had plenty of opportunities to run and get some big chunk yards. He could have made some better throws. The Cook drop was a hot pass with poor touch. He's check downs weren't very effective for 3.5 quarters. Anything he did was ineffective. Is it all on Allen? No no and no. Dorsey sucked, the run game sucked, dropped passes, oline sucked, and Allen was decent, nothing special, and outplayed by Lawrence. Allen woke up with 7 minutes to go in the game. Brock Purdy looks better than any QB in the league. He's the MVP of the league.
  3. Perhaps that's true but I believe Warner or Rich E. live stated a better throw would have been a TD.
  4. It's crazy how Allen has stopped running. The offense is not the same with him being a pocket passer.
  5. The point is the Bills don't know how to adequately use their running backs. Moss is a good example of that. Last year Cook and Hines caught like 20 passes the whole year. The screen game is non existent for years. Now they have 3 capable RBs and it's pretty much inconsistent and not reliable. I feel like the Bills should go back and let Josh use his legs more and use more RPOs. That adds another dimension to the offense. Not one opposing team is fearful and game plans for any of the Bills RBs. They surely would prepare if Allen starts running again.
  6. If he stays healthy Kincaid looks like he will be a really good one.
  7. I agree. It feels like the offense is really missing an important weapon which is Allen's legs. Imho, it's easier for the defenses to defend the Bills when they don't have to worry about his running
  8. I mean talk about inconsistency. Bernard looks to be a good one after a 5 game sample but to criticize Kincaid after a five game sample is a no no.
  9. It does mean something. You can dismiss it. Kincaid has underwhelmed and he's under utilized by Dorsey. Five games in and Dorsey has no clue how to incorporate Kincaid into this offense. He did the same thing with Cook and Hines last year. Kincaid can be good really good. We likely won't know with Dorsey pulling the strings. That was many people's concerns when he was drafted. Zac Moss looks pretty good right now.
  10. Great post. Don't you love the explosive 12 personnel of the Bills? Almost as good as Gronk and Hernandez.
  11. Diggs was wide open. Both should have been TDs. Neither was a great throw by any stretch. It was very Tua like. The team including players and coaches have to learn from their mistakes. It's one way to improve.
  12. I want to see the Bills win. Today wasn't a winning formula. It was bad. It wasn't a fun watch. Very frustrating.
  13. That statement says a lot about the Bills' team. I agree with your statement 100%
  14. That's fair. Allen played well late in the game. It was too little to late. You can't sleep walking through 3 quarters. It was a total team loss from top to bottom including coaching. Also, I'm putting an extra emphasiz on Allen's two poor throws to a wide open Diggs. He has to throw a better ball than that. It deprived the Bills of two easy TDs. I put that largely on Allen. Elite QBs can't do that let alone 2xs in a game. That left a bitter taste in my mouth
  15. Well if that continues the Bills then what?
  16. I'm not placing all the blame on Allen. Not even close. Like I said he didn't play poorly. He just wasn't good enough nor was the offense. I don't agree with Allen played "really well" today. Also, I didn't like hiw flat Allen and the offense looked for three quarters. Feel free to disagree.
  17. I disagree. I've seen him plenty vocal on the sidelines before. I've seen him talking to his oline men and WRs as well. I've seen her m giving encouragement to his players.
  18. They should have never been in that position. The Bills were not good on third downs. To be exact, they were 5 for 12 for a clip of 42%. Third down is well known as being the QB down in the NFL. Allen and the completely healthy Bills offense didn't make plays today. That includes Allen. Allen is the least of the Bills offensive problems. However, if Allen doesn't wear his cape the Bills likely won't win vs good teams. The rest of the team isn't that good especially being down Tre, Milano, and Jones.
  19. That's fair. Maybe a little extra verbal encouragement from the unquestioned leader of the team could have sparked players to execute better. McD does it all the time with his clapping.
  20. Don't compare Mahomes to Allen. Mahomes has two rings and is by far better than Allen. Don't do that to Allen. It's not fair.
  21. Josh didn't make enough big plays today. Maybe that's not fair. He needed to play a lot better in order to get the win. The offense was not good today. I think that's a fair statement. Josh is the main piece to the offense. So it's fair to say he didn't play really well. He played conservatively and took very little chances. That's probably a good thing but he needed to be elite and a game changer today. He wasn't that by any stretch. Sure it's greatly due to Dorsey and his crap game plan and calling. You can disperse the blame a variety of ways and percentages. What's clear is the offense was not good today. That's concerning especially with all the defensive injuries. The Bills are going to need to be better. The offense will likely have more to say about winning and losing.
  22. I expected him to show some passion. Be a vocal leader. Gather up some offensive players and show something. I saw no passion at all. I didn't see the it factor out of him. Did you,? Did you see him sitting on the sidelines almost in disbelief. I saw Diggs being fired up and wanting to win so bad. I saw no fire in Allen. In short, I didn't see much of a leader out there. Frankly, it looked like he was flat and going through the motions.
  23. I never said Allen played bad. Reread my post please. I said he played ok and made the point that he didn't play really well. I stand behind what I said and tried to give some evidence to why. Feel free to disagree. Just please don't inaccurately paraphrase me. Dorsey sucked today. His offense had no creativity and was too predictable. He failed to use his tight ends as passing weapons, never called a screen, goes into shotgun on what could be running plays, didn't use Allen as a runner, continues to run Cook between the tackles, and fails to make good gametime adjustments. The issue is the offense which includes both Dorsey and Allen. I have no identity to the Bills offense. I'm afraid Dorsey doesn't either. Allen had no pep in his step today. He was emotionless throughout the game. I remember the Josh on the sidelines going up and the bench and sidelines giving his offensive players words of encouragement. I remember believing he's going to get the ball and lead the team to victory. I saw and felt none of that today. I saw an Allen going through the motions. Yes he's that good he can still put up numbers. He lacked intangibles today. I saw much more passion and spark from Diggs.
  24. Did he really play well? Serious question there. I don't think he played poorly at all. I thought he was ok but nothing really special or elite. I didn't see an it factor, a chip on his shoulder, or a lot of emotion. I never felt like he was going to lead the team to victory. He really didn't use his legs as a weapon or extend plays that led to huge plays. In fact, his two long throws to Diggs were under thrown which negated easy TDs. That's not playing really well. He's the leader of the offense and they sucked for three quarters. Diggs was the only one showing emotion on the sidelines. Meanwhile, we saw a muted Allen who almost looked distracted or disinterested. No Allen chatting with his players. No pep talk. No pats on the back. No emotion. He looked like he was going through the motions. Another day at the office. I saw very little emotion and leadership in Allen today. If you look at stats and didn't see the game; I can see how you think he played "really well." His intangibles were not good today. I disagree he played really well. The whole offense including Allen gets a D grade. Great post!
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