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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. Come on bro. You'd like the odds of the Bills were playing SF at their house. Let's be honest here. No offense but you rarely have a criticism of the team.
  2. Good post. I'm not sure how you can feel confident about the Miami game? Did you read your post? Nothing in it displays confidence. Don't get me wrong the Bills can definitely win and hopefully they do. However, they can easily lose the road game as well. I'm optimistic but very concerned the Bills might not make the playoffs. Pretty bummed that a loss could very well send them home. I was really hoping after today the Bills clinched a playoff birth.
  3. I agree. I don't see a blowout here. I just put $100 on the Pats plus 12. Just way too many points. Bills win still.
  4. I was thinking he may be injured as well. He just doesn't seem to have that same quickness, quirks, and juke.
  5. Great game. I won my weekly pool with this game. I had raven plus 6.5. I didn't even have to sweat it. $330 Xmas gift.
  6. You maybe correct. You think Diggs hit the wall that quick? He was very good early in the season. I think Diggs has plenty in the tank. However, he certainly seems to be covered with minimal separation.
  7. Perhaps, but you don't know that Simon. You are making an assumption that's not substantiated. He may come back stronger, healthier, and even more confident. He did beat the Bills in dramatic fashion. That has to count for something. The Bills D better have a better game plan and execute well on Sunday. Jones should not beat the Bills again.
  8. No letdown for the Ravens. They are at home playing for the number one seed. They might get beat by an elite Miami team but it's unlikely it's by a letdown.
  9. One could also say it's difficult to beat a division rival two times in a season, the dolphins have a huge home field advantage, which Bills team shows up, and they might have a letdown or exhausted making a run. Not saying I believe any of that but it's plausible. Point being there are always different ways to see and analyze things. Agree?
  10. Really. What do you expect them to say? I don't get how Bills fans take exception to other team's fans optimism. It's bizarre, yet it's perfectly acceptable practice here for Bills optimism. I must be missing something.
  11. Gotta go quick passes, slants, and screens. Then take your shot deep when you get a chance. You can attack the Pats in the middle of the field . Why would you be? What would you expect they to say?
  12. Their defense looks amazing. The previous week vs the Rams their defense was leaking. Tonight is a very impressive likely victory.
  13. Oh I give the Bills a ton of credit for pulling out the win. I'm not trying to take anything away from the Bills. My point is I don't think they were flat. The game was just too big for a letdown or being flat. Rather, I think it was more the Chargers playing well and perhaps extra motivation. It was the different plays and schemes of the Chargers new regime. Bills players being sloppy and or not executing. I didn't see the Bills as being flat, unmotivated, tired, etc...
  14. I disagree. These are well paid athletes who have been mentally trained for big moments and big games. Yes, they are human but I'm not buying they were "flat" in a huge game which could have sealed their fate. If they were " flat" as you say the Bills need new coaching and players. Being "flat" is totally unacceptable. I didn't see a flat team. I a Charger team playing harder. I saw a Bills team that was getting beat too often at the line of scrimmage. I saw a team making unforced errors. I saw the refs making some questionable calls that hurt the Bills. I totally disagree with your premise.
  15. I'm not buying the "flat" explanation. It wasn't the like fourth game of the season. The Bills were fighting for their playoff lives. That should never happen in that type of circumstance. No way no how!!!
  16. Thought this might be a good topic to discuss. I know other here are much more knowledge than I. I would very much appreciate input. Brady has been the OC for three games now. The first two games the offense looked much different. Cook running and passing catching, more motion, commitment to the run game, great play calls, and a more cohesive offense in rhythm. However, the Bills offense vs the Chargers looked much different. They struggled to move the ball. Failed run schemes and disguises, no passes to RBs, etc...Seems like most of the big chunk plays were improvised. I know every game is different. Just seems like the Bills offense struggled a lot more. The Chargers offense isn't elite and truthfully not very good. I am wondering what happened here? Bad game? Poor play calling? Execution errors? Is Brady's offense now more exposed due to game film? Sort of speak is the honeymoon period over? Just a bit concerned maybe paranoid. Thanks.
  17. Say the Bills beat NE. What are the chances that the Bills still make the playoffs even if they lose to Miami?
  18. I would very much like to see that happen. I'm pretty confident the Bills will win but nothing this year seems easy. What a roller coaster ride we fans have been on. Overall, a great week for the Bills!
  19. I suspect a close game. It's a division rival and they know each other well. No way is this a gimmie game.
  20. I never thought the game was over. The Broncos were down 16 which was two possessions. People here were prematurely calling the game over. You saw how the game played out.
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