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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. No one is displeased with the Bills thrashing of the Cowboys. Some fans are displeased with the position the team is in this year. By all standards it's under achieving. Don't confuse the points.
  2. Great post but according to Gunner this isn't the thread for this. Gotta stay on topic with no variations.
  3. I do enjoy and appreciate the Bills. Yesterday was a great example of this. The Philly and KC games were fun to watch as well. To imply one can only enjoy football if your team wins a Lombardi is really disingenuous. I've enjoyed the Bills regular season wins, division titles, consecutive playoff appearances, and playoff wins. I appreciate all of those accomplishments. Yes football has certainly been fun to watch as a Bills fan for several years now. Not sure how any fan wouldn't concede that. However, I want more! I think the Bills are capable of more! There comes a point where team expectations change. Fans expectations change. Goals change. Take for example the LA Dodgers or NY Yankees. I for one am completely capable of enjoying and appreciating Bills football while still being disappointed and critical. It's not an either or here. The human emotions here aren't mutually exclusive. They can and are intertwined. Gunner, the realistic goal of the Bills for a few years here is a super bowl appearance and winning it all. Pick your reasons why that hasn't happened. The fact remains many of us Bills fan are disappointed the Bills haven't reached their realistic goal. The last three games of Bills football has been really enjoyable, fun, and intense. The pre game anticipation is almost drug like. The next game will be another enjoyable high for me. Win or lose, I will enjoy Bills football and give praises and criticism where I see fit. Isn't that what fans do? Of course, football is entertainment. However, look at the Bills Mafia for example. Look how the community rallies around the Bills. It's entertainment but so much more too. Not sure how you can't concede that. We Bills fans have been yearning for a Lombardi Trophy. One before I die is more and more the sentiment that many Bills fans have. With "superman Allen" leading the way for years the Bills have fallen short. Bills fans deserve better... What's sad is that you can't appreciate the validity of construction criticism. Of note, being critical doesn't make you lesser of a fan.
  4. We've seen this version of the Bills vs Miami in week 4. The team is clearly dangerous when clicking on all cylinders. With that said, this team has also proved they can lose to anyone. It looks as though the Bills are hitting its best stride. They really need to play well.
  5. While this rings true it's certainly not the bar. Look further and you can only conclude the team has fallen short time after time year after year. While competitive, it's frustrating as a fan. Now, the Bills find themselves battling for a playoff spot which is obviously under performing. Being competitive just isn't enough when you have Allen. Your theme is correct but taken into context Bills fans shouldn't be satisfied with being competitive. Not implying you are but reading your post doesn't paint the whole picture here.
  6. I would probably take Mahomes and that's it over Allen. Allen is very special and the Bills thanks to Beane are very fortunate to have him. I just get irked that's it's year 6 under Allen and no rings to show for. That just doesn't sit well with this fan. I greatly blame coaching adding in bad luck with major injuries. This team is way too good to be struggling to make the playoffs. I blame coaching coaching and bad luck with injuries. But enough of that for now. There will be plenty of time to grieve our opinions. Let's enjoy what was a fantastic win tonight. Go Bills! He will be a folk hero for years to come. He will have his own street named after him.
  7. I think both are true. The refs calls definitely helped the Bills. I thought the roughing the passer call was a gift by the refs. The other 2 calls in question were legitimate. Yes, the Bills run game was very key to the Bills success.
  8. Would be a helluva game. I'll be happy with that.
  9. Their remaining schedule is pretty easy.
  10. The are playing hard for sure. The players left it all on the field the last two games. They are razor focused and playing well. Hopefully, it's not too little too late. You have to give praise and when deserved. Certainly, McD deserves the upmost "flowers" for his game plan and his players' focus, execution, and effort. There's no quitting on the Bills team. Today's game was so much fun to watch. Let's enjoy it and quickly move on to the Chargers. The Bills have to remain focused and take one game at a time. No let up. Side note. I may be going to the game since I'm only a couples of hours from LA.
  11. A two game win streak? No I don't call that a run. They were big wins and vital to make the playoffs. The Bills likely have to win out to make a playoff birth. One loss is still a possibility but need a lot of help. Let's hope the Bills continue to win their games. Winning out would be a run for sure.
  12. Not sure if he did much different to be honest. I'm pretty sure his message was consistent and not desperate. There was no need for inspirational pep talks here. The players knew how big this game was. The played with tremendous passion and executed throughout the game. Really looked like the Bills broke the Cowboys will. They were out physically played all game in trenches. Players played and the coaches game plan was excellent. Special teams still is concerning.
  13. Sadly, I agree but right now I'm so high after this win. I just don't wanna go negative. You might be wrong here. I thought I was number one. The Bills were dominant and ready to play. McD deserves his accolades. His defense was smothering the whole game.
  14. That's a solid crew. Olsen is really good.
  15. This was one of the more enjoyable Bills game to watch.
  16. No. Just keep pounding the rock. No turnovers and it's an easy win
  17. They play like this and I can see that as a serious possibility.
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