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1915 Buffalo Bill Cody fan

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Posts posted by 1915 Buffalo Bill Cody fan

  1. @Deranged Rhino My name is Larry and you are a TrumpOLINIbot like @TakeYouToTasker surely neither of you actually read the 9/11 COMMISSION Report to glean the facts I posted....so you loons addicted to Rrrruussshhah dingy Crazy GREEDY LIMPboss radio cult liar dittohead are deaf like him to hearing reality or seeing words in truth upon these cyberpages

    How Buffalo BILLs fans can be so brainwashed by Sean Slammity Rrrruussshhah dingy Crazy GREEDY LIMPboss and fake news makes me wanna puke....surely none of you are Veterans for Peace and know the smell of dead Palestinians or gunpowder charred Vietnamese flesh

  2. 9/11 was planned in Florida and carried out by Saudis with boy Bush fully briefed months in advance and 3 WTC towers rigged to detonate years before....2 airplanes CANNOT possibly "melt" down 3 towers....all facts ....why do you continue your official conspiracy theories about Afghanistan and boy Bush the alleged 43rd prez ? Maybe you are a lesbian like ellen on TV pushing W for sainthood ? 

  3. @KayAdams thank you for standing up to the so called conservatives here and boosting Bernie agenda..... I cannot vote for him because he has betrayed that agenda decades ago and just now is selling human needs programs.... as for our founding fathers most were racist or radical capitalists brutalizing slaves or murdering aboriginals for their land....freedom from King George meant freedom from the Hudson Bay Corporation oligarchs who today would equal Bloomberg TrumpOLINI and Steyer....Bernie would be closest to Thomas Jefferson 

  4. @OldTimeAFLguy Democrats are one eighth the party of FDR splitting over racism, war profiteering, zionism, abortion and now the Clintonistas gasping for air as the issue is not McCarthyism but is just who believes the lies enough to show up and vote.....Bernie is a sheepdog who screwed himself in Philadelphia....we already have socialism for the rich murderers 22 trillion borrowed since 1982 so they don't need to tax themselves for illegal oil wars in 160 countries 

  5. @Azalin Schumer&Pelosi scored big time with 758 billion for their illegal wars crimes profiteering bankster zionism in 160 countries and TrumpOLINI has played along with these gangsters since election night when he stopped chanting lock up crooked BILLARY....all is according to plan : pretend hot button talk matters while fake news never reports the truth about USA genocidal illegal wars globally 

  6. @GG talking about taxes as if that is how the budget is funded is INSANE delusional or incompetent....since 1992 borrowing funds the fascist corporations economy and many wealthy don't pay any taxes besides the criminal economy which is cash or barter such as drugs for prostitution.....talking as if Congress and the fed are annual deliberations resulting in a budget is AGAIN fake news lies being spewed upon here by brainwashed people unwilling to speak plainly and accurately....bankster gangster zionist genocidal monsters run USA and the world polluter oil war crime profiteering scams in 160 countries since 2007 stealing TRAINLOADS OF money not audited and USA borrows many billion$ just to pay interest upon 22 billion owed to bond holders since 1965 stealing Social Security Trust Funds for General Budget outlays....voting for any Democrat or Republican is a vote for more of the same it is neither liberal nor conservative it is FACIST THEFT by printing money and making coins out of cheap metals not worth the face value of the money....vote for honest truthful government WWW.HOWIEHAWKINS.US peace through Green jobs 

  7. @reddogblitz thank you for Yang Gang note....he was the only blue to stand for what is needed inside USA continuous support to all adults and ending the illegal wars in 160 countries..

    .McGovern worked closely with JFK , but USA was still very McCarthyism driven in '72&'92....the internet GENERATION of people not brainwashed by fascist newspapers radio and TV are responding to Bernie despite his record of corruption in office since 1979 ....WWW.HOWIEHAWKINS.US peace through Green jobs is our only solution candidate now that Yang lost NH 

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  8. @dpberr thank you for the wise discussion about vulnerable people to die from Coronavirus because of USA healthcare run by profiteering insurance companies NOT good doctors and scientists 

    ....TrumpOLINI and fake news is all for the rich and don't care how many people die and suffer inside USA without the best healthcare like England NHS or Tommy Douglas CanadaCARE

    @Gary Busey I posted the truth about Rrrruussshhah LimpBOSS 4 HOURS AGO

  9. @3rdnlng your cult leader TrumpOLINI apologist Rrrruussshhah dingy Crazy GREEDY LIMPboss just said 2 hours ago Chinese people are sick or dead by Coronavirus just to get TrumpOLINI to lose his job in November calling Centers for Disease Control a Democrat conspiracy to exaggerate this virus as "the common cold" and "less deadly than the flu @2%" hurts you fat ass fascists when your hero lies again to inflame MAGA hat wearers

  10. @3rdnlng I find many posts here nor just yours shockingly callous obtuse and implicitly dishonest to the point they & you seem to be dittoheads from the Rrrruussshhah dingy Crazy GREEDY LIMPboss radio cult liar show....I have been reading and responding 4 days now and did not know my Buffalo BILLs had a bunch of new style chatrooms and a sort of email list....the worst of it all is how people BILLieve there is a meaningful difference globally between Bernie & TrumpOLINI....if people care more for humanity than for JumpinJosh, we need peace through Green jobs championed by our Syracuse pal WWW.HOWIEHAWKINS.US with 5 decades experience knowing what and where action can be taken by humanity in the White House when only genocidal maniacs have ruled since January 1981

  11. @Buffalo_Gal bio weapons are counter productive if a vaccine is not perfectly ready to protect unintended victims and highly lethal upon intended victins.....the pretense that viruses naturally evolve over the centuries just won't protect the governmentS from voter retaliation... the "conspiracy theory" and idiopathic branding of activists now is so over used since LBJ & BLUE BOOK we will start winning elections despite fake news being the puppets of fascist corporations ruling us now

  12. Why do loons here make so many snide and red baiting remarks ???  Are you all Rrrruussshhah dingy Crazy GREEDY LIMPboss radio cult liar dittoheads talking in code for TrumpOLINI fascism against union living green jobs  ???  Fidel Castro lived a long successful life turning an oppressed slave nation into an egalitarian society of organic farming, forever 1959 CHEVROLETs training doctors for the world not just Cuba and defended from CIA invaders and mafioso pimps....the opposite of TrumpOLINI who deals in death and poison oil burning prostitution and keeping USA citizens dumb and pregnant in rapist church bingo halls

  13. Thank you to the truth teller in New York....doubling the national minimum wage to 15 is reforming capitalism.   Period.  Socialism is about helping people in society with government programs like libraries schools fire police sewers streets bridges transit subsidized housing Veterans hospitals University research teaching hospitals parks Wildlife habitats and coast guards serving private people in rivers lakes and our ocean areas.....but the biggest socialism program of all is the military making the world safe for polluter oil war crime profiteering bankster zionists....Medicare Medicaid Food Stamps parents welfare guaranteed student loans Social Security are PARTNERSHIPS not welfare people pay in and get back when they qualify for the partnership....military is pure welfare....oil drillers don't pay taxes they are subsidized and government guns shoot anybody who tries to steal their own oil in their own country steal their oil back from USA oil drilling mining mahogany clear cutting or rubber tree tapping.....rich corporations don't pay taxes for the military that provides Security 

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