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Beck Water

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Everything posted by Beck Water

  1. could say the same about Josh, except in Josh's case we know why - he throws it hard enough that his own WR find it a challenge to catch
  2. You can't. What you can do is ensure whoever the ball goes to gets stopped short. But I think the OP point in the post you responded to was all the times we gave Mahomes much more than 2 seconds. Wouldn't that be more a function of their safety play? Thornhill is solid. Justin Reid is a 5 year vet and capable, albeit he's no "Honey Badger".
  3. Dunno, but Benford has no game status, meaning he is available. This has me blinking, because he is still wearing quite the padding and was limited all week. Ditto for Dawson Knox who has been limited with a hamstring all week and Edmunds who had 1 day of full, today. I do wonder if McDermott is starting to play a little bit of games with the injury report. Last week it was "4 guys are questionable, so Guess Who!", 2 played and 2 didn't. This week it's "no one is questionable, so Guess Who!"
  4. Mahomes sat an entire year to develop, and then was handed the keys to an offense that featured an 1000+ yd receiver and 1000+ yd TE along with a 1300+ yd RB and franchise OTs. So a year's patience was needed with him as well, and possibly more patience if he had not stepped into a situation rich with established talent and established scheme/coaches. Yeah, Reid adjusted the scheme because Mahomes could do stuff Smith could only dream about and he "cooked" his second year, but the ingredients for immediate success were all there.
  5. Interesting points you raise. The thing is, the Chiefs have had all winning seasons in the last 10 years since Reid took over as HC. So some of their fans have become a bit insufferable. It will happen here, too (or at least I hope it will); continuous success brings out the bandwagoners and entitled fans whose knowledge of football is "Hurrr Durrr We Great, You Suck". Of course, for a stretch prior to that they were their own kind of "dysfunction Junction" changing HC every 2-3 years and as much drama or more than OBD ever produced. I think what I really hate is the hype machine around Mahomes as this God-like unbeatable figure and the announcing bias it brings. Mahomes runs backwards 15 yds and makes a successful heave to convert a key 3rd down and it's all about how great he is or, if he's sacked for a huge loss, "they got him that time but it shows how he just never quits on a play". Allen does likewise and "he's got to stop taking those sacks for huge losses". That kind of chaps my grits. Don't get me wrong, I think Mahomes would be a great QB anywhere, but in KC he was given the keys of a finely tuned sports car that was not being driven to its potential by Alex Smith. He had a decent run game with Hunt, he had Hill, he had Kelce for two 1000 yd receivers the previous years. He had a solid OL with entrenched starters at LT, RT, and C. The Chiefs had a decent mid-pack defense Mahomes first starting year, which they worked to improve. But the narrative is "Oh Mahomes Reid slugged at it in the trenches for a long time before he won a Superbowl. I'm not sure what year, I think it was 2016, Reid and the Chiefs lost a close game in the Divisional round after they were 12-4 on the season, and an analyst - I think it was - Tony Dungy was fired up. Said very bluntly the Kansas City Chiefs might win a Superbowl, but it wouldn't be with Reid as their head coach. It was harsh. I think Reid took a "continuous improvement mindset" and went through his decision making process top to bottom and changed things. And to their credit, the KC ownership stayed the course and didn't kick him to the curb as "not quite good enough to get us there", and they have been rewarded. So overall, I suppose I don't hate them, but I do hate some of the media coverage of them. And I hate some of the "mulligans" they get from the refs.
  6. Barring further injuries, my guess is he goes directly from PS IR to the cutout bin.
  7. May have a paywall, but good discussion between Joe Buscaglia and Chiefs reporter Nate Taylor https://theathletic.com/3691083/2022/10/14/bills-chiefs-roundtable-preview/?redirected=1 Key points: -Both reporters point to the matchup between the Chiefs OL and the re-vamped Bills DL as key. -I had not realized that the Chiefs are playing 1 vet safety and the rest rookies in the secondary. Hmmmmm. Asked "Are you surprised the Bills are betting favorites vs the Chiefs at home? May we be at our best!
  8. I enjoyed it. Lame ending though. Stephan Ruiz, who supposedly is representing the Bills, concludes that the Chiefs win. Ben Solak, who is supposedly representing the Chiefs, concludes the Bills win. A lot is being made of the Miami defense against Buffalo in the 2nd half. Kollman did a Film Room on it. He does some good stuff, but he also does some reactive stuff and in this case, I think he missed the fact that the Bills were literally getting baked on the sideline (afternoon in Mia usually hot but has cloud cover/some rain), they were playing with a 1-legged OLman at the end of the final series, they had 3rd stringers at C and across the R side of the line most of the game with no substitutes available, and the WR were playing through cramps despite getting IVs in both arms. So maybe in more ordinary circumstances where we have an OL and unhindered WR, that "show something else, drop into cover 2" stuff will work as well for other teams, or maybe it will result in confusion and gaps in coverage Allen can exploit. Ruiz mentions the addition of Von Miller, but he doesn't mention that 1) Miller seems to have raised the level in the DE room the same way Diggs leveled-up the WR 2) the Bills also rebuilt the interior of the DL at 3/4 positions. Here's hoping that Ed and BigJ are closer to normal.
  9. Um. The difference between a QB hurrying and getting the ball out fast is 2.1-2.4 seconds vs 3-4 seconds. Letting Mahomes have as long as he wants with no pressure is an invitation to big plays, because no coverage can hold up that long. Is this from the McDermott interview on radio?
  10. I haven't seen any particulars of the new lawsuit. But the previous suits, several made a point that Watson wanted to arrive privately, without checking in, or be in a situation after hours where there weren't any other staff around, vs. being in a spa where the woman could run out the door or even knock on the walls and find immediate help. I know, right? The mind boggles. I Can't Even. The intimidation or fear has to be what it was all about for Watson IMO. You would think, handsome young pro athlete could get all the action he wants socially. Wealthy pro athlete could hire a professional or professionals to give him whatever, whenever.
  11. I think the opposite. Put the heat on "blast" in there and turn the blowers up. One of the worst things for dealing with cold weather is if you have to go from a super-warm, dry environment to outside. You strip off as many layers as you can strip and you still get sweaty then going outside is The Big Chill.
  12. It's been discussed here several times. The Pegulas spent big bucks ensuring the home locker room is not only spacious, but beautiful and well designed, welcoming. I think they might have slapped a new coat of battleship gray on the visitors side. I hadn't heard the details about 1 toilet and 4 inches of water in the showers though 😂 that's really an extra helping of trash. I'm surprised there isn't some standard about the # of toilets the home team has to provide or something. Water in the shower probably smells terrible because if there's 1 toilet everyone is peeing in the shower.
  13. Didn't the eye coordination guy Knox worked with, have a gizmo that fired pingpong balls at him?
  14. Wow, that was way more excitement at the finish than I thought we’d see!
  15. Shouldn’t that have been DPI? They were running across the EZ with the defender’s hand hauling him back
  16. I didn’t get it. Especially Heinicke looked serviceable last year.
  17. No. At least Fields can still run - for now Plus Fields may improve. Wentz is what he is right now.
  18. I mean, you could be right, but to me if he was “look at me, I’m getting hit butI’m so tough I’ll fight through it” he’d jump up and be like “nice hit!”
  19. How do you see it as a “tough guy facade”? I’ve been having the thought, ‘this is just not a guy who is enjoying the game’. Contact energizes a lot of players. It energizes Josh. Fields seems like it depletes him.
  20. Ugh, Overtime two weeks in a row after games like this
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